[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/wkbE032.png[/img] [h1][color=D2691E]Farim[/color][/h1] [color=D2691E][b]Location:[/b] Primitus Church of Sorian[/color] [color=D2691E][b]Time:[/b] Morning of the 24th[/color] [color=D2691E][b]Attire:[/b] [url=https://imgur.com/a/PvvbxKV]Robes[/url][/color] [color=D2691E][b]Mentions:[/b] Anastasia [@princess], Nahir[@Rodiak], and Kira [@Potter][/color] [color=D2691E] __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [/color] The slight warmth from the normally regal Nahir was certainly refreshing. Just as he would exchange more pleasantries there came a woman with a seemingly kind disposition coming to greet the group. [color=D2691E]"Perhaps the details can be discussed later."[/color] He said in a hushed tone before waving at the new person. He was going to let her down gently, given that he had no authority to decide who or what sits next to the Princess of this fine nation. Just as he was about to share that she would likely be better off finding another seat incase someone else takes offense, Wulfric entered the scene and vehemently expressed disapproval of the notion. Farim let him speak his piece, and observed the expressions on the mans face. It was not written plain as day, but there was a subtle hint that Wulfric had been quite busy this morning. The tone and "direct-to-business" attitude could very well be facets of the mans personality, but it gave him a reminder of his own busier days back home. He would wait a moment to let the interaction play out, and then addressed the prince. [color=D2691E]"Prince Wulfric...it is good to be seeing you today."[/color] He said calmly. The personable glance from Wulfric told Farim there was more to be said, so Farim gave a subtle nod in understanding. This was another person Farim felt like he would need to convene with at a later date. [color=D2691E][i]This was supposed to be a vacation of sorts but I am finding myself with just as work as before. Ah well, such is the life of Farim.[/i][/color] He smiled to himself. Once these interactions played out, the organs came a silence. It would seem the ceremonies were just beginning. Farim respectfully mirrored whatever bodily motions the others would take, but chose to keep his voice silent during the prayer. Not out of refusal to follow their customs, but out of respect. If he were to show any kind of worship to their patron gods, he would rather do it properly. Since he did not know the words, he simply observed and learned what he could. This kind of interaction was something he was familiar with, and often enjoyed. The world was a wide place with many different relgions, rituals, practices, and ideologies. His true allegiance was to that of the Sun God, and the pantheon of Alidasht. But he would not shun others for seeking their own form of comfort, security, or tranquility - it was only fair. As the initial prayers ended, the choir and orchestra boisterously filled the halls with elegant music that rang through Farim's ears. It was as if his body was resonating with the music itself with how the ceaseless vibrations shook the very pews they sat in. His attention then turned towards the booming sound of the church doors opening. This entire ritual was as grandiose as it gets, and Farim found himself impressed with the showmanship and dedication - even as the more interesting part of the morning mass came to a head. Farim was no stranger to the exotic and extravagent. He had heard of the way his family had made their entrance into the grand palace so it would behoove him to harshly judge such an erratic display of self-worship. Despite this, Farim could not help but find it strange to see the proceedings before him. Countless dancers, performers, and beautifully clad women all set the stage for the grand appearance of his Royal Majesty - who himself was carried both in body and cape towards the front of the church. Farim kept his external expression neutral, mimicing a pleasant smile. But internally he could not help but question the level of showmanship for a church service. Nonetheless, after such a display there was an uproar of applause from the crowd, and Farim would offer an enthused slow clap of his hands to measure the excitement in the room. The parade was impressive and fun after all! It was just not quite what Farim was expecting for such a service. [color=D2691E][i]This is going to be...interesting to say the least.[/i][/color] He thought to himself. He pulled gently on Anastasia's arm and gestured to her father. [color=D2691E]"That was quite the show, do you think you have a good view of your dad?"[/color] His voice would likely be drowned out by the sound of dozens, perhaps even hundreds, of cheers and shouts of adoration. [/center]