[hider=Raella Norinthall] [h3][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/BSvDB3e.png[/img] [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/189T0CUMSsIndjJzWw5FUZk7Lk6PBreNDQ2wwCFdaOwg/edit#gid=359784640]Character Sheet[/url][/center][/h3] [b]Name:[/b] Raella Norinthall [b]Race:[/b] Changeling [b]Class:[/b] Warlock (Fathomless Patron) [b]Background:[/b] Noble [b]Personality Traits:[/b] • The world in fact, Revolves around me. • Why worry about things? You're alive, so get moving. • I like people and things that are interesting and that do not bore me. [b]Bond:[/b] • My dad, and house Norinthall. Flawed, but I owe them a lot. • The Fraternity of Order...can't cause too much trouble. • I wonder sometimes...about my real parents and who I really am. • I really like books. [b]Ideal:[/b] • Magical power trumps all else • I will learn all the magical mysteries in this world that I can. [b]Flaw:[/b] • I am both selfish and impulsive - I am not familiar with the word 'No' • I will protect this secret with my life... [b]Personality:[/b] Raella is a mixed bag, a bit. She comes off as perhaps, your stereotypical arrogant and greedy noble. Indeed, she's used to throwing her families name around without remorse or care, using her families fortune to get what she wants, and generally using House Norinthall's name to do what she wants, when she wants. Flippant, impulsive, and an overall lackadaisical attitude about most things is how she typically comes across. If it doesn't affect her, she usually doesn't care. Now, it should be noted she's not some villain or some corrupt noble that throws her weight around to satisfy her own greed and desires. While she loves the lavish lifestyle as her family has ties with the Fraternity of Order as well as her own moral compass, however loose it may be, she typically doesn't break the law and has a fair bit of respect for it. That's why she learns it so she can get away with more things, of course. [b]Backstory:[/b] Raella's history starts with House Norinthall. As the only daughter of the house, she's had a cushy, one might say, lazy life. As a native to Sigil, the family is well known for both their long standing, prestigious feats of arcane might, as well as being affiliated with Sigil's Fraternity of Order, which the house has had long standing ties too, both as benefactors of the courts as well as judge themselves. This pedigree, is something Raella is not afraid of, nor shy about throwing around in order to get her way or things she wants. Of course, all those of Nobility have their secrets. House Norinthall is no different. Perhaps, the most damning and salacious of which, is that Rael herself is not of Norinthall blood. Years ago, just after Norinthalls first child was born, Lady Norinthall and the child were killed in an accident involving magical experiments, perhaps, at the hand of Lord Norinthall himself. In order to save face and prevent investigations into such matters, a solution was needed. The child had already been seen, by commoners, relatives...so under the guise of the mother and child being Ill, he found his solutions in the orphanages of Sigil to take the guise of his now deceased child. The mother was buried, the childs remains were disposed of. Thus, she became 'Raella'. A Persona that she would become fully, for now. Lord Norinthall made it clear - she would be treated as his daughter, and would entirely be the heir to house Norinthall should she do so. All she had to do of course, was become someone else and play that role the rest of her life. Well, she hasn't had a problem with it so far. Sometimes, though, sometimes...she takes the appearance of a commoner, or other face in the crowd and lives as someone else for a bit. [b]Related Factions:[/b] House Norinthall - A noble family in Sigil has ties to the Fraternity of Order and is fairly well respected, if seen as a bit enigmatic. Fraternity of Order - While she herself holds no current affiliation, they are close allies of House Norinthall and her father. She is expected to foster ties with them as well, and even join their ranks in the near future should the path present itself. Incanterium - No official affiliation, but Rael has a great interest in their collections and has visited them on occasion to peruse it. [/hider] [hr] [center]~Extra~[/center] [url=https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2900644]Myth Weavers Sheet[/url] - Since fell asked, I will be updating this, but I'll primarily be using the GSheets that I use. [center]Family Info:[/center] The Norinthall Family is an old one, rumors of their origin swirling and surrounded in typically more myth then fact. Supposedly, founded by an old pirate, who shipwrecked, made a pact with a being for one thing - survival and power. A typical story, really, as far as Warlocks go. Whatever the being wanted from them in return, is publicly at least not known. The manor itself, and consequently the family, is located in the Lady's ward, situated close to the border of it and the Market ward and built upon elevated terrain. The looming gothic, architecture of the manor and high, spiked and darkly colored walls that surround it and the land gives one the impression that it constantly looks down upon those outside of its walls. A curious note, though, is that water plays a heavy motif in the construction of the manor. The walls themselves function as both decorative aqueducts that have a channel of water running across into a large pond near the front gates creating an almost moat-like construction, as well as bringing fresh water through the estate. Publicly, the family is considered highly eccentric, mysterious, and more than a little fear and shadow surround them. Not helped by the flamboyant daughter, who is constantly causing some manner of light mischief and doing what she wants, regardless of the consequences in high society. Its well known they're a family of warlocks who engage in likely not so legal magic experiments, and as such, many dark and nasty rumors surround the family. Of course, everything is mere speculation and unsubstantiated.