Mother Dula’s smirk faltered. Then her eyes narrowed. She stepped off of the stage and moved to the opposite side of the table. Mother Dula’s stride was slow and measured. Her gaze trailed over the human with unhidden disdain. [color=00B4D8]”Ah… Lady Gwynn. I have heard much about you from your family. All good, I assure you.”[/color] Despite her words, her underlying meaning was sarcastic. [color=00B4D8]”Let’s make this quick, shall we?[/color] All of the sudden, Mother Dula’s face turned stoney. To the average person, they would only be able to read cold indifference. Pure neutrality. In fact, it became almost impossible for Gwynn to connect and understand Mother Dula as she had before. Almost. Mother Dula spoke in a cool, neutral tone, [color=00B4D8]”This stone is imbued with magic. It is rather weak, but it is capable of showing when one is telling the truth.”[/color] The priestess scooped up the blade and looked it over. [color=00B4D8]”This blade is laced with black-adder venom. It will kill you in an instant if it so much as breaks your skin. Now tell me… do you sense any aggressive intent?”[/color] It took much more concentration than Gwynn was used to, but she could sense Mother Dula’s meaning. As if Gwynn was slipping into the cracks of Mother Dula’s psyche. The priestess had lied. The stone was not enchanted. It was hardly more than green quartz. There was something more though, hidden behind those sharp, emerald eyes. It was impossible to make out until a wave of energy rushed through Gwynn. She could see it, just beyond a crack in Mother Dula’s visage. The real threat was not Mother Dula. It was the monk silently approaching from behind.