Michael frowned. Everything that got eaten or drank during the day came back the next day? He rubbed the back of his head. This was a lot to take in. According to this man he had been here eighty some odd years and had not really aged much? He closed his eyes as a tear slide down his cheek. Did this mean this was going to be his existence until he got unlucky? Ran into cannibals? That thing that had chased him? Something even worse? After sitting in silence for awhile gathering his thoughts, he looked up. His eyes while red were dry now. [b]“Is there anything to eat or drink Mr. Miller? I just realized I haven't had dinner and I'm surprised I did not fall over being chased by that thing.”[/b] He pulled out his cellphone when Mr. Miller spoke about some things starting to work at night and was slightly surprised to see that it turned on. Though there was no signal. He started going through his text messages. Looking at texts from various friends, and family members. He looked up as he heard Mr. Miller say something about the food in response to his question. Before a shadow moving below him almost made him jump. Looking down there was nothing, but he could have sworn something had just moved across his phone screen. Frowning he didn't take his eyes off his phone for a bit before he heard static starting to come from his phone. It sounded almost like he could hear a voice amongst the static, but he quickly turned his phone off and looked towards the old man. The thought of him not even having a clue what a cellphone was flashed through his mind before Michael looked up towards the sigil. Nothing could get in here right? Even if something weird happened through his cellphone?