It was only a few stripes of jerky but Michael thanked Mr. Miller and devoured it quickly and drank deeply from the jug. Once he finished the meal, he had a slight chuckle at the old man and spent the next twenty minutes explaining to him just what a cell phone was and the things it could do. He could tell that the old man was amazed and the conversation went even longer when Michael realized he had to explain just what the internet was. Afterwards when he posed the question of just what Michael intended to do tomorrow. Michael laughed. [b]“Do I really have a choice?”[/b] He smiled as he continued.[b] “You are the first friendly face I've seen in this town.”[/b] The smile slowly faded as he continued. [b]“ If I spent nearly half an hour walking around finding no one. I need someone who knows things to point me in the right ways.”[/b] His voice grew more determined. [b]“ I fully intend to make it back to my family and friends. I don't know how but I will do it.”[/b] After a bit more conversation the two bid each other good night and picked opposite sides of the room. Michael stole a cushion out of one of the dining room chairs and laid his head up against it as he laid on the hard ground. The night itself was far from silent and the building occasionally shaking from the creature outside was making sleep not come easy for him. Eventually he took out his cellphone from his pocket and turned it back on. Initially it was silent but after being on a few minutes the static came back and the female's voice. No matter how he strained his ears, he could not make out her words. The phone vibrated like it received a text message but there was nothing and then the screen changed to that of the camera and Michael caught a glimpse of how this world [i]should[/i] have looked. He listened to the voice for a bit longer still unable to understand when he noticed the static started to cut out and he caught a fading word from the female on the other end before the phone unexpectedly cut off. [b]“...Stars....”[/b] He frowned with confusion and glanced towards Mr. Miller who was sound asleep. Michael's eyes glanced out the window into the darkness unable to even see the night sky. He sighed and pocketed his phone and did his best to sleep. With the way things were sounding from the old man his middle name might as well be changed to Danger.