I need to wrap up a background, but here's what I have so far, basically your bog standard good-aligned monk (with some added loneliness induced temptation). [hider=Samarra the Monk, "Marra"] [center][h1]Marra[/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/xPGOGgf.png[/img] [hider=Full Size Image] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/37/d1/43/37d143b01e4cb24b9516121e6374ddae.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hr][hr][/center] [h3]Name[/h3] Samarra [h3]Race[/h3] Human [h3]Gender[/h3] Female [h3]Age[/h3] 23 [h3]Appearance[/h3] Measuring a head below tall, beneath layers of loose fabric, Samarra has a lithe, athletic build forged from years of formidable training under the older monks of her order. Her eyes are calming shade of pale brown. No longer an acolyte, her chestnut hair has grown long with her travels and reaches well past her shoulders. To avoid issues related to travel or combat, Samarra keeps her hair plaited, wound, and then pinned in tight buns. Her skin, warmed by the sun and painted with bronze, bears the varied marks associated with a life of adventure. Her hands are calloused, her knuckles strengthened over long years of practice, and her form speaks of the tranquil exercise of violence. [h3]Personality[/h3] Seemingly unremarkable, certainly for a monk, Samarra exudes an aura of calm. She is a kind, gentle soul who desires chiefly to mitigate the endless suffering she perceives in the world beyond the walls of the monastery. Warm and endlessly empathetic, Samarra commands no silver tongue or deadly charm, but rather wins others over with her obvious goodness. The suffering that afflicts all those in the world saddens her and she believes wholeheartedly that it is her duty to attempt to lessen it. At risk to her own person, Samarra will always try to help those in need, no matter what the personal cost may be for her. Samarra holds violence as a last resort. Attempting at all times to use diplomacy, mercy, or understanding to resolve conflict. However, if forced to defend herself or others, she is a capable warrior, and knows well that unjust or cruel folk often refuse to listen to reason. Her training has taught her to rarely allow her emotions to master her, leaving her with an unavoidable sense of distance and otherness to people that do not share her ecclesiastical vocation. [h3]Background[/h3] [h3]Talents[/h3] • Dedicated to seeking personal perfection through contemplation and rigorous training, Samarra has hone her body into a weapon, permitting her to fight with little more than her hands or the chosen weapons of her order • Taught to master not just her body, but her spirit, Samarra can manipulate the mystical energies that flow through her, allowing her harness these forces to protect, heal, or wound in equal measure. • Skilled in the healing arts, Samarra can administer aid to those suffering from illness and preserve her allies in the face of daunting foes. • An island of calm, in a sea of turmoil, Samarra is often an emissary of peace, that douses the flames of conflict with soothing words and her tranquil bearing. [h3]Flaws[/h3] • Samara adheres to a strict sense of personal honor. She will not kill an unarmed person. She will not take lethal action against an opponent who is unaware or unprepared for her attack. And she will not knowingly act in such a way that she could cause the death of someone who is defenseless. • Committed to her own perfection, Samarra judges herself severely, viewing any failure or temporary weakness as a grave sin. • Heedless to her own safety, Samarra has an old habit of obsessively pursuing a goal, usually resolving a problem, to the detriment of everything else in her own life. • For all her training, despite her daily meditations, and regardless of her love of traveling, Samarra misses her home. She misses the other monks. She misses the routine of her life. She feels isolated. And she feels alone. Seeing others live their carefree lives, she has begun to experience an unwelcome temptation, a fearful desire to experience the hedonistic passions that seduce so many adventurers. The comfort of another seems welcome in the long, cold nights. [h3]Equipment[/h3] • Samarra wears the habit of her order, loose breeches, a long sleeved shirt, soft boots, and a belt. Her clothes are made out of a fine fabric and cast in a bright shade of white, bearing subtle patterns of gold thread. • Over her forearms Samarra wears a pair of ornate leather bracers engraved with simple designs. • For comfort on the road, Samarra has a gray traveling cloak, the color of stone, with a hood. • A seasoned traveler, Samarra has a leather backpack well-stocked with traveling supplies. • As much a walking stick as a weapon, Samarra carries a stout quarterstaff wrought out of oak. • To dissuade aggressive animals and people at a safe distance, Samarra has ten small throwing darts hidden on her person. [h3]Miscellaneous[/h3] [/hider]