Gwynn stood there with her hands clasped behind her back maintaining eye contact with Dula. [i]Pain![/i] Gwynn had just enough time to react to her minds warning though the reaction was hardly a decision of her own as a memory of her grandmother gently whacking young Gwyn with a cane and a reminder of "your composure young lady!" swept through hef mind. Gwyn clenched her hands tightly behind her back and sent all focus to keeping that tension. The pain hit her and she clenched her teeth. The pain doubled but no reaction was visible on Gwyn's face to give Dula the satisfaction she was almost certainly hoping for. [color=00aeef]”You’re surprisingly honest. Very well. You may present yourself to the eggs.” [/color] Her eyes fell to the table and her face broke into a smile with a small laugh. The pain that had been inflicted upon Gwyn was largely Dula checking Gwyn for honesty, some of it though was just Dula being upset. It was childish. Anyway enough of messing with this woman. Now there were things to do of actual importance. Her legs were wobbly, her bad knee was only complaining louder, she was exhausted, and she was hungry. She was being held up by strength that was not hers and she was grateful for it. She reached into her bag, undid the clasp that held her cane folded up, and pulled it out. Her face became respectful and reverent and she walked up the stage to kneel in front of the eggs. She paused a moment to listen to the eggs and spoke in her native language, [color=00a651]"I believe one of you has seen interest in me yes?"[/color]