[hider=Rebecca Alvarez] [b]Name:[/b] Rebecca Alvarez [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 32 [hider=SPECIAL] [b][u]SPECIAL[/u][/b] [b]Strength:[/b] 3 [b]Perception:[/b] 5 [b]Endurance:[/b] 4 [b]Charisma:[/b] 9 [b]Intelligence:[/b] 10 [b]Agility:[/b] 4 [b]Luck:[/b] 5 [/hider] [hider=Skills] [u][b]Skills[/b][/u] Unarmed - 0 Melee - 0 Throwing - 0 Guts - 0 Athletics - 1 Guns - 1 Energy Weapons - 2 Explosives - 1 Medicine - 2 [b]Piloting (Tagged)[/b] - 3 Sneak - 2 Lockpick - 2 Science - 3 Repair - 2 [b]Speech (Tagged)[/b] - 3 [b]Barter (Tagged)[/b] - 3 Survival - 0 [/hider] [hider=Personality] [u][b]Personality[/b][/u] Rebecca Alvarez is, by all accounts, a perfect specimen of the New California Republic's new professional class — an academic, a diplomat, an analyst, and a loyal citizen of the Republic first and foremost. In a high-stakes negotation or a battle of intellectual prowess, she's infamous for her ability to keep calm and dissect a problem until her opponent practically hands a victory to her on a silver platter... with a smile. Cool under pressure, confident in her abilities, and well-versed in any number of theories, little troubles her and even less breaks her facade. She's able to make friends with just about anyone and be at least on comfortable terms with everyone else with minimal effort, a skill that has enabled her to rise to her current position more rapidly than just about anyone else. ...of course, that's only true in [i]her[/i] world. A world of meeting halls and debate stages, who only exist in any significant quantities in the New California Republic. What little time she's spent in the Wasteland proper has seriously unnerved her, and reminders of the horrors many deal with on a day-to-day basis are liable to make her lose her step faster than any geostrategic argument. While she's mostly able to keep these emotions under wraps, she's more than aware that her place in the Wasteland is part of the upper crust of an extremely fortunate few, and insecurity over this fact always threatens to bubble to the surface. She keeps said insecurity in line by a strong commitment to doing things to the letter, masking with legal vocabulary and intellectual jargon. She can make the entire world fit to a model she understands, and win from there. It's managed to work so far — she's Rebecca Alvarez, after all. Why wouldn't it? [/hider] [hider=Background] [u][b]Background [/b][/u] Born in 2258 in the New California Republic capital of Shady Sands, Rebecca Alvarez enjoyed an early life few in the post-war world could even dream of having: stability, safety, comfort, regular nutrition, and a standardized education. Her parents, a poor farmer-turned-Colonel in the NCRA and a Vault 15-heritage bureaucrat, wished to provide her with the greatest possible life that one could have in the Wasteland and so ensured that she enjoyed only the [i]very[/i] best of what the greatest democracy in the world had to offer. She grew up taking the local tramcar system to her classes, messing around with friends by daring them to sneak onto the major military installations in the city, and studying hard to eventually pass the entrance exam to attend one of only a select handful of higher education systems still functioning in the Wasteland — the 2251-established University of New California, Shady Sands. By the time she graduated her standardized schooling, the ideals of New California democracy and equality under the law had been firmly ingrained in her, where they would remain. Passing the government-issued examination with flying colors, she began her university education in 2276 by declaring a major in the fledgeling History and Political Science program. Here, she received a robust schooling in pre-war (and some newly-developed post-war) academic thought by a small staff that included at least one pre-war ghoul who had a verified graduate-level degree (though from what universities, she was never quite sure). As the program was funded by the NCR government as a way to train up the next generation of bureaucrats in a tried and true way, after finishing her bachelor's thesis on the validity (or, more accurately, invalidity) of realist international relations theory in a post-nuclear war age, she began work as a junior staffer in the NCR Department of State in 2280. Her first work in the Department of State would come quickly with the ongoing crisis in the Mojave Wasteland, where NCR diplomats were attempting to coordinate with NCRA and Ranger personnel to secure a foothold in the region. Still safely in Shady Sands, Rebecca worked under a number of senior diplomats to assemble communiques and briefings for various NCR officials based on reports coming from the Mojave. In one of these drafted reports, she wrote a recommendation to downscale deployments in the ongoing Baja conflict and to redirect financial efforts from the Hub and the Boneyard to expanding logistical trains in the Mojave, due to the potential for instability in the Mojave rapidly turning against the NCR's favor. While this report was never published, due to political concerns, her warning about the threat that an outside force could pose would bring her to the attention of her superiors when that very thing occurred in 2282 and the NCR was pushed out of its former footholds in the Mojave. Quietly promoted to a full-time analyst and assigned work on dealing with the fallout of the failed Mojave Campaign, Rebecca quickly got to work assisting in various missions to prevent the utter rout of NCR forces from the Mojave and the Long 15 entirely. The stabilization of the Mojave Outpost, treaties with a number of nearby settlements along the route, and a refugee resettlement program quieted things down somewhat, allowing the NCR (and Rebecca, now posted to the regional provisional headquarters in Baker) some breathing room. However, when she was posted to the ultimately failed mission to establish some kind of a treaty with the new ruling powers of New Vegas, her rising star began to dim. Returning to Shady Sands in disappointment, Rebecca was now reassigned to managing "internal" relations with groups like the Shi and Brotherhood of Steel. This was a notoriously difficult posting, due to the problems with managing Brotherhood and Maxson/Boneyard interests, and the more conspiratorially-minded part of her wondered if a rival seeking to prevent her rise had posted her there in order to set her up to fail. Initially, the work went well, with a new technological exchange pact being signed with the Shi and efforts being finalized on establishing more permanent settlements in Maxson from the Boneyard. However, whoever may have had it out for her did not seem content to quietly let her work, and after a no-warning mission to resolve a dispute between Boneyard leadership and the Brotherhood turned sour she found herself sacked from her position without warning. Left adrift for a time in Shady Sands, Rebecca began to research who may have wanted to see her career sink... but before she could fully get the chance, she found herself suddenly presented with a new diplomatic posting: as an attache to the diplomatic mission to Hawaii. While billed as a promotion and a highly prestigious mission, she knew that the "Hawaii operation" was largely considered to be a White Whale of certain elements of the political leadership by Department of State members, and it was likely that she was only being posted to it to ensure she stayed out of the way of some rival or other. This made sense enough to her, even if she was committed to doing her job and doing it well, but this narrative was complicated by what she received in addition to her transfer orders: a sealed order from the very top, labeled for her eyes only. A mission to hunt down and demand the extradition of the last "fugitives" wanted for crimes against the New California Republic, escapees from the Poseidon oil rigs. Perhaps it wasn't a punishment detail, after all... or perhaps it was, in a more devious sense. Either way, she would do her job and do it well. It was what the Republic — the greatest hope for a democratic and free people — demanded, after all. And she had no intention of letting her Republic down. [/hider] [hider=Equipment] [u][b]Equipment [/b][/u] [b]NCR GR9 Pistol[/b] A standard-issue Gun Runners-manufactured 9mm service pistol for self-defense, issued by the New California Republic Department of State. Rebecca has been technically trained on the use of the pistol, and is at least moderately confident in her ability to use it in an emergency, but only considers it just that: an emergency weapon. She's a diplomat, not a fighter, after all. [b]Emergency Field Pack[/b] An unopened pack from the New California Republic Department of State, containing a week's worth of rations, water, and medical supplies for use by diplomats in an emergency situation. While she has been instructed on how to use it, she does not believe she will actually need it. [b]Formal Attire (Female, Suited)[/b] A tailored suit and skirt combination from one of the finest (and only) tailors in Shady Sands, to act as diplomatic attire. The outfit comes with a two-headed bear lapel pin and a golden poppy flower for decoration. [b]Water Canteen[/b] Standard-issue NCRA water canteen, given as part of the default long-range package. [b]NCRA Rucksack[/b] Standard-issue NCRA rucksack, given as part of the default long-range package. The weight is unfamiliar and bulky, but it serves a functional purpose. [b]Assorted Literature[/b] A number of assorted works from both before and after the war, including the standard curriculum of University of New California (Shady Sands) POLSCI 304 and the collected works of Mark Twain. [b]Diplomatic Notebook[/b] A confidential notebook for recording diplomatic encounters and personal logs in. To be digitized upon return to Shady Sands for official recordkeeping purposes. [b]Identification Papers[/b] A series of papers identifying the bearer as an official envoy of the New California Republic, her state employee documentation, and a confidential series of orders regarding actions to be undertaken once arrived in Hawaii. [b]Finances[/b] A stipend of 1,000 bottle caps, $2,000 in NCR currency, and $2,000 in pre-war currency. You can never know what people will recognize. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Wasteland Realpolitik] In times of peace, there must be someone to keep the tides of war at bay. You now ignore any complications generated when rolling critical failures and they are generally treated as general fails. Additionally, when you are mediating negotiations between two or more individuals or groups from opposing factions; the success check is increased by 5 points and you may reroll any failed checks. Unfortunately, your combat skills do not garner as much success. Any critical failures you roll in combat will now generate 3 complications instead of one. [/hider]