Danny smiled and nodded. [color=pink] “Perfect, everything's coming together.”[/color] He sighed wistfully, and looked at his daughter and niece. [color=pink]“You know… I didn’t want this for either of you. I was hoping the two of you could have normal lives… That our children wouldn’t have to bear this burden.”[/color] He chuckled a little. [color=pink]“Look at me, I’m turning into my mother.”[/color] MJ placed a hand on Danny’s shoulder. [color=red] “We all wish for a different world Danny. One where our kids didn’t have to grow up in constant danger. But this is the hand we’ve been dealt, and we have to make the best of it. And I think we’re doing a great job of it if I do say so myself.”[/color] Annie twisted a piece of blonde pink tipped hair between her fingers. [color=f49ac2]“I for one wouldn’t trade this for anything. Normal is overrated anyway. What, when you can have epic adventures with cute boys?”[/color] She winked at Davina. [color=f49ac2]“One day, we’ll look back on this and laugh at how wild this was.”[/color] Nathaniel couldn't help but feel sad looking at the scene. He was really about to leave his friends and family. Everything and everyone he's ever known just to save a time he never knew. Was it really necessary? Was hope completely lost for this timeline? [color=669999]“If everything works out as planned we'll have that world. And if not, at least there will be a world out there like that.”[/color] He smiled to hide how he was really feeling. [color=669999]“I'm going to go bring what I have to Mr. Stark.”[/color] Nathaniel left the hangar and moved throughout the bunker. He saw the different people living their lives as he passed each area. Mutants, humans, and whoever, all getting along together in harmony. This was the only good thing that came out of this future. People united, working and living together. Maybe something like this could still happen in their new time. Davina turned to the others after Nathaniel left. [color=ccccff]“I… I need some air.”[/color] It was all really starting to hit her now. Her boyfriend was really leaving. Everything was about to be different from here on out. Why did she let herself get so close to him? Why did she have to let him go already? She left the hangar to return to the surface. There was nothing left for her to do now. Caty wanted to talk to her. She knew exactly what she was going through. She lost the woman she loved around the same age and she lost her again when Ultron attacked. [color=E137E3]“Annie, sweetie? Can you go check on your cousin? It's still not safe up there.”[/color] Annie gave her aunt a salute, and followed after her cousin. She approached gently. [color=f49ac2]“Hey, uh… is everything ok?”[/color] She didn’t wait for an answer, of course it wasn’t. [color=f49ac2]“Who am I kidding? Of course it’s not. I can’t imagine what you must be going through. But, we’re family. We’re Spider-Girl and Spiderling. We got each other's backs. You can talk about it.”[/color] Davina was crying again. She couldn't hide how she felt anymore, so when her cousin asked she decided to let it all out. [color=ccccff]“It's… it's just not fair. Nathaniel shouldn't have to do this. This wasn't [i]his[/i] mistake, but he's the one who has to fix it. I'm losing the love of my life for a plan we don't even know will work or change anything. And I hate that I feel this way. I'm not a hero. The fate of the world and everyone in it is at stake, but I'm over just wanting to stay in this hellhole with him forever. We're living in fear, but with him it's paradise. Why do we have to be the ones to have to let go of that?... God, I'm so selfish and pathetic.”[/color] Annie put her arm around her cousin’s shoulder. [color=f49ac2]“Hey hey, listen. You’re one of the bravest people I know. Being sad, scared, and angry about possibly losing the one you love doesn’t make you selfish or pathetic. It makes you human. It’s normal to want to hold on to the people you love as the world falls apart.”[/color] She gently wiped Davina’s tears. [color=f49ac2]“Nate loves you, I can tell. God, I wish I had a guy look at me the way he looks at you. He definitely wouldn’t want you to blame yourself or feel guilty about what’s happening.”[/color] Davina needed this. She needed her cousin's words and comfort. She was always more like a sister to her than a cousin. She always knew what she needed to hear. She was a lot more mature than she let on. She always figured it was Annie's way with coping with everything. [color=ccccff]“Thank you, Annie. And you'll get that one day, I'm sure of it.”[/color] Well, she wasn't exactly sure of anything right now, but it was time that she started to have some hope.