[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/t04ZgJz.png[/img] [hider=]22 y/o | Female | GEMINI | See-Through Bangs Dai-Katana | Greatsword (2H) | Physical | STRONG PARRY Holy Suit | DIVINE DOMAIN Witch Hunt | Light | SACRED PROHIBITION [Reveal (2), Purity (4)] Mana Burn (6), Magic Sense (4), Blink (4), Dispel (6), Damage (2), Stabilize (0), AoE (2), Shield (4), Full Extend (4) DAMAGE: D | SPEED: C | SENTINEL: A | 750 PHYSICAL: D | ARCANE: C | CHAOS: D | 660 [Silver Self][AOE][Shield] = 90 MP [/hider][/center] [b]"Maybe you should've emailed him first?"[/b] was Estelle's only suggestion to Finn before things got really, really bad. First, of course, was the fact that two monstrous biker gangs decided to start throwing hands over something that even elementary school children wouldn't lose their minds over these days. Second, though, was that Ashley followed up by dropping a whole arcane blast at them all. It was understandable, sure, and the Witch Hunter could understand at a glance that it was a less-than-lethal Melody...but geez. An Esper attacking [i]both[/i] gangs at the same time? Just because the shotgun was filled with plastic pellets rather than metal ones didn't mean it would hurt less. Her own form changed in the chaos and brewing violence, and as Ashley drew attention, Estelle swung up and over the bar counter, her heels clicking against the hard floor as she nodded towards Dante and used the counter itself as a barrier against the violence. Ducking low as bottles and glasses began to be flung, she charged the length of counter, used the other end of the counter as a vaulting horse, and practically leapt the distance to the corner of the diner. Her blue hair glowed with an aquamarine hue as sacred prayer spilled through her lips like snow on a summer's day, before protective sigils expanded outwards from her body, granting the high schoolers and herself a ward against physical and monstrous violence. [b]"You should leave now. Dante's orders. Before any of them start getting the idea of pulling out a gun."[/b] Or a fireball. With the alcohol that she had spied beneath the counter, a fireball would probably be worse.