[hider=Tanrith, the Lightning Fang] [h3][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/8hYQcyb.png[/img] [url=https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2723430]Character Sheet[/url][/center][/h3] [b]Name:[/b] Tanrith Stormclaw [b]Race:[/b] Kobold [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Class:[/b] Artificer (Battle Smith) [b]Background:[/b] Rewarded [b]Personality Traits:[/b] • I am a very "go with the flow" type of Kobold, I do whatever I want, provided I'm not hurting anyone. • I love the open sea; it is always a soothing sight and I will often seek it out if I'm troubled. Though here in the Outlands, I long to see it again at all. • I am an amateur artist; I love to draw the sights I see, and want to get better at it. [b]Bond:[/b] • I will forever be a Stormclaw, and that is where my true loyalties lie. • No ship can sail without a crew; the success of my mates is critical to my own successes [b]Ideal:[/b] • You know the sun is always on the other end of the horizon, even if you can't see it in the dark. • Freedom is a gift, and one that nobody should go without. [b]Flaw:[/b] • I anger easily when somebody tries to boss me around or tell me what to do. • I sometimes get so caught up in my work that I forget to eat or sleep. [b]Personality:[/b] Tanrith, sometimes known by his epithet of "Lightning Fang", is a fun-loving, adventure-seeking kobold who seeks to make the most of his life. He is typically friendly unless he considers you his enemy--in which case, he will probably not stop until somebody goes down or his enemy surrenders. He is a competitive individual, wanting to be the best at all of his endeavors. He is also generally optimistic about anything, but when something does earn his ire, he will show how relentless and fierce a Stormclaw can be! Tanrith is a very simple Kobold; he is a drifter, simply following the flow where his desires and whims take him. He is rather outgoing and friendly to strangers for the most part, and enjoys meeting new people. He is hardy, cheerful and tries to look on the bright side of things as much as he can. Ever the optimist, Tanrith is a firm believer in looking to the future and simply finding happiness or joy wherever you can. After all, you never know when your life could be completely upended. [hider=Backstory:] Despite taking advantage of all of the adventures and sights that the Outlands has to offer, Tanrith does not originate in the outer planes, and in fact was born and grew up on the Material. Born into a clan of seaside, blue kobolds who were referred to as the "Seascales," he naturally grew to adopt their fondness for tinkering and creation. However, as he grew older, he began to rub elbows with the clan more and more often, coming to dislike their very rigid rules and traditions, or having to follow their schedule and produce creations at their pace rather than his own. Luckily, he found an opportunity to leave one day when a pirate ship docked at their town for trading. Pirate ships tended to not be as formal as normal merchant or trade ships that would occasionally stop by and didn't have nearly as many regulations and didn't keep such close tabs on everything that came aboard their ship. As such, he was able to sneak himself inside a crate on the ship and stowed away. It wasn't long before the ship left the dock with him in tow. Unfortunately for Tanrith, he couldn't stay hidden forever. The pirates were at sea for longer than he'd expected, and he eventually needed to feed himself and acquire some water. This immediately led to him getting caught as he tried to secretly raid their kitchen and he found himself getting thrown right into their brig! Luckily for him, though, he knew his way around metal, and was very easily able to find a weak point in the door and dismantled it in an effort to make his escape. Tanrith's escape lasted a few minutes before he got caught again. This time, however, he caught the captain's attention, and he was asked how he escaped. He began to explain his history with metalworking and tinkering, and was even able to produce many small devices that could record voices or produce strange odors, and these little devices seemed to be quite a hit with the crew. Thus, with his little amusing tricks as well as his adventurous spirit, he was able to win them over, and before long, he was calling himself Tanrith Stormclaw, the newest member of the Stormclaw Pirates! At first, they simply had him working in the kitchen with their chef as an assistant until they could find a real use for him, but before long, he was working alongside everyone else. He even gained his own epithet among the crewdue to his ability to run lightning through his maw to slow enemies for safe escapes. Tanrith grew fond of his days as a Stormclaw, loving every day at sea and going on adventures with his crewmates! However, it wasn't to last, as one day, the ship seemed to come under attack in the dead of night. And just as he was rushing to the captain's quarters to find his captain, everything suddenly went dark, and his memory stops. The next thing he can remember is being in a cage. Unlike the old-fashioned one he'd dismantled on the Stormclaw's ship, this one was beyond modern and there was no escaping it. From his happiest days to his lowest days almost overnight, Tanrith lived out much of his life here in this place, with strange, mysterious figures he didn't recognize that would occasionally make strange demands of him and his affinity for lightning. Finally, though, one day, something happened. Tanrith woke up one morning like any other, but this time, something new had appeared in his cage: a small pair of dice. Curious, he picked them up and concealed them on his person before going about his day's tasks like usual. However, as he opened his usual cupboard to get his usual supplies, he would find himself not with the small pocket of storage he usually saw, but instead...light? When he opened it up, he realized...something about this had changed, and it was now a doorway? Well, he wasn't about to look this gift horse in the mouth, and immediately took his chance to climb through and shut the door behind him. Tanrith soon found himself in Sigil, the City of Doors, wandering the streets on his own, completely lost and confused. It didn't matter how hard he looked, he couldn't figure out what was going on or how to get back. One day, when he was hiding out from pursuers who seemed to recognize him, he was found by a certain man, and soon found himself being introduced to a group known as the Sensates. They talked for some time, where he explained his story to the man, who seemed to sympathize with him. He extended an invitation, and offering to show him everything that life truly has to offer. The Kobold fell in with the Sensates, finding that their view on life was quite similar to his own. Plus, this gave him a reason to not only wander the outlands and truly explore this whole new world, but also search the vast multiverse until he could find a way back to where he had originally come from.[/hider] [b]Friendly Factions[/b] [u]Stormclaw Pirates[/u] A fun-loving, adventurous group of pirates on the Material Plane who promoted the true freedom of living outside of the laws of society. Despite being labeled as pirates by those in power, and were accused of many, they committed no actual crimes at sea aside from defending themselves when others would attack them or try to "bring them to justice." He still fondly remembers his days as a Stormclaw and vows to one day find his way back to his captain. [u]Society of Sensation[/u] While he's not entirely sure that he completely agrees on their overall goal and philosophy, his time as a captive has truly opened his eyes to the value of simply...enjoying what life has to offer. That experience is the most vital thing any living creature can aspire to acquire. He has his connections in the Society and enjoys the many like-minded people in the Society to the point where he does work for them and do jobs for them of his own free will--though admittedly, it's partially as a means to an end. And of course, the fact that it was the Society that pulled him off of the streets and helped hide him away from whoever was looking for him leaves him wanting to pay them back as well. [u]The Crusaders of Nature[/u] While he is not a member of the Verdant Guild sect in any way--and is far too interested in the modern, technological world, to ever actually consider joining them officially, he does respect what they stand for and has elected to avoid harming the wilderness whenever possible ever since they helped him escape from the Vile Hunt. As a potential target of the Vile Hunt himself, he agrees with the Crusaders' outlook rather than the Defenders and tends to be on friendly terms with their members. [b]Factions of Foes[/b] [u]???[/u] The strange group that held him captive for years of his life. They were always disguised when interacting with him, so he has no idea who they are, what their actual identities are, of if they are even affiliated with a faction or sect at all. They are the reason he wants to avoid loitering in Sigil as much as possible, afraid of what will happen if they find him again. [u]Vile Hunt[/u] He has been actually attacked by the Vile Hunt on his adventures in the Outlands before, and he's now concerned anytime he sees them, and wants to avoid them as much as he possibly can. [/hider]