[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/A6GtG69.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/cfyGHQL.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/7vEG25C.png[/img][/center] [center][color=E8D290][center][h1][color=gold]Part 2[/color][/h1][/center] [sub][@Rodiak] Nahir [@Silverpaw] Wulfric [@FunnyGuy] Lorenzo and Alexander [@Helo] Leo [@Apex Sunburn] Sjandehk [@Potter] Kira [@JJ Doe] Riona [@Lava Alckon] Farim[/sub] Upon reaching the front of the church, the bearers gently set the throne down with practiced ease, allowing King Edin to rise. As he steps forward, the bearers and attendants neatly arrange his cape behind him, ensuring that not a fold is out of place. Standing before his people, King Edin raises his hands ceremoniously, and a massive applause follows. [color=DDB775]"My dear subjects,"[/color] King Edin's voice booms through the grand hall, [color=DDB775]"Today, we gather not just to celebrate the divine favor bestowed upon us, but to honor the gods who have chosen me to guide this great nation."[/color] He pauses, allowing the applause to wash over him, his smile broadening in the adoration. [color=DDB775]"It is with gratitude that I have accepted this sacred role, bestowed upon me by Primitus himself."[/color] The congregation then responds with enthusiastic applause. King Edin continues, [color=DDB775]"I am but a vessel through which the gods' will flows. In their infinite wisdom, they have seen fit to entrust me with the stewardship of Caesonia, ensuring that our land prospers under their divine guidance."[/color] His voice grows more fervent as he speaks, [color=DDB775]"Through me, their light shines, and it is my solemn duty to lead you all to greater glory and prosperity."[/color] His eyes scan the room, deliberately avoiding direct eye contact but lingering just long enough on various sections of the guests to give the impression of a personal connection. It is then that a low, resonant rumble echoes through the church as the heavy doors creak open once more. A crowd of peasants loudly burst into the room with excited looks on their faces. Adorned in rags and what King Edin would describe as filth on their faces, they casually began to fill in the last seats in the empty rows. The increasing pressure from the crowd outside made the doors groan as they strained against the push of many hopeful attendees. [i][color=aba000] "Hey King! We're here for the cheese!"[/color][/i] King Edin’s eyes narrow slightly, his brow twitching. He smiles at the commoners as they sit. However, once the seats were filled, he made a decisive motion as he drew a hand across his neck. This subtle signal was immediately understood by the guards, who moved swiftly to close the doors. The heavy doors rumbled as they were pushed shut, the pressure from the crowd outside causing them to vibrate slightly. Edin continued, his voice unwavering, [color=DDB775]"Together, under the watchful eyes of our gods, we shall continue to build a kingdom that reflects their divine perfection. A kingdom where each of us, guided by their light, can thrive and find our true purpose."[/color] He raised his hands higher, his tone dripping with self-importance, [color=DDB775]"For in the light of Zivitas and the wisdom of Imperis, I stand before you as your king, chosen by the heavens, destined to lead."[/color] The applause that follows is thunderous, echoing through the grand hall, as King Edin basked in the adulation, his expression one of supreme satisfaction. [color=DDB775]"And now,"[/color] King Edin continues, a proud smile on his face, [color=DDB775]"I have the honor of unveiling a new portrait, painted by one of Caesonia’s finest artists. This masterpiece will inspire us all."[/color] He gestures grandly to a large, draped canvas beside the altar. With a dramatic flourish, he pulls the sheet away, revealing the portrait. The crowd gasps as the painting is revealed, but not for the expected reasons. The artist’s rendition of King Edin was defaced with horns and a mustache drawn over his face. King Edin’s smile freezes, his eyes wide as he stares at the defaced image. A flash of fury crosses his face, his knuckles white. The congregation holds its breath, waiting for his reaction. With a forced smile and a barely concealed edge to his voice, he turns back to the crowd, [color=DDB775]"Ah, behold! The creativity of our people shines through."[/color] He laughs lightly, though the tension in his stance is palpable, [color=DDB775]"How brilliant! It captures the playful spirit of our great nation!"[/color] The crowd, unsure at first, began to clap, the sound growing as they followed the king’s lead. King Edin, regaining his composure, spreads his arms wide, [color=DDB775]"Let us celebrate this artistic expression and the joy it brings, for it is in such moments that we see the true vibrancy of our culture!"[/color] He pauses, the gears in his mind turning before he finally continues, [color=DDB775] "....I shall now leave you with a final, uplifting song as our attendants distribute entrance tickets to the Royal Curd. I will grace the event with my presence and there will be an opportunity to meet and greet with your king. Thank you all for your unwavering loyalty and attendance today!"[/color] As he concluded his speech, attendants quickly began distributing the entrance tickets for The Royal Curd among the congregation, while the choir and orchestra prepared to perform the final song. King Edin, maintaining his demeanor, descends from the throne with practiced grace, his attendants moving swiftly to adjust his cape as he makes a hasty exit through the side door. Attendants are quick to cover up the painting as a woman leads the chorus. The congregation is confused to say the least. Usually, these events go on much longer... Nonetheless, people are quick to begin their departure as soon as they receive their tickets, as they are eager for some free food. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFP8Vjrg6hk&ab_channel=PotatoFarmer[/youtube] [color=f9ad81][i] In the heavens high, the gods do reign, Zivitas’ light, a guiding flame. Triumpheus’ strength, a victor’s pride, Amora’s love, forever by our side. O Edin, our king, divinely blessed, In your rule, we find our rest. Prince Wulfric, legacy so grand, Guides our future, hand in hand. Hail Edin, king and light, In your reign, the gods delight. With Prince Wulfric, wise and strong, To gods and king, we raise this song![/i][/color] [hider=The Primitus Religion][color=D0A933][h3][u][b]The Caesonian Pantheon - The Primitus Religion[/b][/u][/h3][/color] [color=D0A933][u][b]The Origins[/b][/u][/color] The universe as we know began from one immensely powerful being. Perhaps it had always existed even before existence or perhaps it came to be in a way not yet known. The being looked a solid formation of a galactic pattern and had limbs to move itself about. It was a reflection of the surrounding space. Legend had it this being, in its loneliness, it created the stars, the planets, and later all the creatures that inhabit them. The stars twinkled from above the same way they did on its body. With the power to create as it so chose, the being occupied its time creating more and more planets and galaxies. As much as it had the ability to fill the physical void around it, it longed to fill the void within. So what if it made beings like him? The God decided to create more Gods, ones that could provide the company it longed for. The lonely god began to mold and shape the universe, creating new gods with unique abilities and personalities. They were all different, but they were all united by their common creator, the lonely god. As the new gods discovered their powers, they began to question their creator, who they decided to call Primitus. The gods asked Primitus what their purpose was and he told them companionship initially, and the Gods seemed disappointed, so Primitus pondered another moment. Subsequently, he added that they were to help him create a perfect universe together, utilizing each of their unique gifts. Primitus became known as the God of Gods and Creation. Originally, only nine gods accompanied Primitus: [color=D0A933][u][b]The Original Nine:[/b][/u][/color] [b]God of Victory and Luck - Triumpheus God of Water and Currents Aquena God of Law and Order - Imperis God of Love and Harvests - Amora God of Pride and Inferno - Glorius God of Storms and the Sky- Tempestes God of Hunting and Forest - Vena God of Metal and Forging- Duedon God of Light and Life - Zivitas[/b] As the new gods settled into their roles and explored their abilities, they began to develop distinct personalities and ideologies. They each had their own vision for how the universe should be governed, and they weren't always in agreement. At first, their disagreements were minor and easily resolved, but as time went on, they grew increasingly contentious. For example, Glorius, who believed in feeling superior to others, clashed with Imperis who championed diplomacy and compromise. The lonely god, who had created them all, watched as his creations argued and fought. He knew that their disagreements were only natural, but he also knew that if left unchecked, they could lead to chaos and destruction. To avoid this, the lonely god decided to establish a council of the gods, where each god would have a say in the decisions that affected the universe. They also established a code of conduct to ensure that their disagreements would be handled peacefully and respectfully. They then relocated to a realm that was separate from the physical world. This realm is often referred to as the "heavens" or the "cosmos" and is where the gods reside, watch over and govern the universe. It is often depicted as a beautiful, ethereal place that is beyond the reach of mortal beings where the Gods reside in a beautiful huge temple and experience infinite sunlight. One day, Primitus realized that darker Gods with different specializations to have a truly balanced universe. Creatures that were created needed to have an end or the world would overpopulate. If people had no hate or sickness, then they could not know love nor health. More importantly, they needed Gods to watch over the negative aspects of reality that the other ones would not. Thus, five more Gods were created. [b] God of Deceit and Greed - Avēre God of Plagues and Decay - Sapreon God Calamity and Chaos - Claedo God Of Beasts and Hate - Fereo God of Death and Darkness - Obitius[/b] These gods were different from the others. Avēre had a strong desire for control. He believed that only one god should rule the universe and that god should be him. He began to spread his ideology among the other gods, trying to convince them to join him in his quest for power. Fereo and Glorius were easy to sway, while Claedo did his best to keep Gods on both sides angry with each other in the pursuit of war. At first, the other gods were resistant to his ideas, but as he continued to gain followers, the council became divided. Some gods were tempted by the new god's promises of power and control, while others remained loyal to the council and the principles of balance and harmony. The division among the gods soon escalated into open conflict. The gods who supported Avēre formed an alliance and declared war on the council and the other gods who refused to join them. The universe was plunged into chaos as the gods fought each other. The Great War of Gods was said to last many, many years and they even dared to leave the heavens, meaning planets and creatures were destroyed during the chaos, hence why Eromora is the only planet habited by life in the galaxy. Primitus watched in horror as his creations destroyed each other and the universe he had created. He knew that he had to intervene to stop the war and restore balance to the universe. He appeared before the fighting gods and spoke to them, reminding them of their purpose and the importance of balance. He urged them to put aside their differences and work together to restore harmony to the universe. He also reminded them that the universe was not just theirs, it was also the home of many other creatures and their well-being was also at stake. None of the Gods listened except for Zivitas while others like Imperius and Amora had never been involved in the first place. Zivitas was the first God Primitus ever made and he was the only one bestowed with the ability to create life. He had been devastated deeply by the war and made a plea to the Gods who wanted to fight to cease. But Claedo did not want the war to end and had a counterargument manipulative enough to start some of the fighting back up. At that moment, powerful incoming blasts came from all sides and Primitus knew it might kill some of his precious children, so he threw himself in the middle and took all the hits, destroying himself in the process as his body was consumed by the bright light. The war finally ended. Even Claedo had not wanted to see his creator die. It was the God's sacrifice that brought them back together as they realized the depth of his love. Additionally, the overwhelming feeling of remorse and grief made continuing the fight impossible. Zivitas had been told a final message before Primitus's death in gratitude for his consistent kindness. He let the Gods know that Primitus was not sad to die as he knew that he would never be lonely knowing all of them would remember him forever and that Zivitas would take on a leading role from now on. The God of Love and Light, Zivitas, who had always advocated for unity and cooperation among the gods, was entrusted as the new leader by the remaining gods. He vowed to honor the memory of the lonely god and never let war tear their council apart again. However, it was clear now that nothing could make some of the Gods fit in. The following Gods agreed to be sent to a different realm where they could do things their way and all of the Gods were able to move forward without animosity. [b]God of Deceit and Greed - Avēre God of Plagues and Decay - Sapreon God Calamity and Chaos - Claedo God Of Beasts and Hate - Fereo God of Death and Darkness - Obitius God of Pride and Inferno - Glorius[/b] Any other Gods that were created going forward and could not adhere to the code would be sent to this dark realm. This realm is referred to as the "underworld," "hell," and sometimes as "Obitus's realm." Any souls tainted and showing signs of evil Obitius agreed to take to his realm while Zivitas would take souls of good to the heavens, utilizing winged-humanoid beings called angels to help carry souls to and fro. With the council restored, the gods worked together to repair the damage they had caused, and the universe was once again at peace. Unbeknownst to all but Zivitas, the energy of the lonely god Primitus remained despite not existing as it once did. Primitus felt no need to regenerate. It was content that his creations had learned the importance of cooperation, balance and empathy for others. Additionally, some believe that there are many, many Gods as this point as the original Gods were able to reproduce with each other. The beliefs of these Gods vary. [color=D0A933][u][b]The Connection to the Danroses[/b][/u][/color] Caesonian people believe that their country is a holy country created by Zivitas. It was said that the Danrose family, the ruling family for generations, were hand-chosen by the gods themselves as the perfect souls to lead the kingdom. Each eldest son is born with the most perfect traits due to Zivita's influence. The people of Caesonia looked up to the Danroses as the embodiment of perfection, and they were considered to be the closest thing to gods on earth. King Edin Danrose puts great effort into keeping this belief alive. [color=D0A933][u][b]Principles of the Heavens[/b][/u][/color] The Principles of the Heavens prescribe a code of conduct for the inhabitants of the world. These principles include: Loving one's neighbor as oneself Caring for the natural environment Protecting the purity of the oceans and lakes Living a life that brings honor to both the Gods and one's family Adhering to the laws of the King to maintain order in the world Giving thanks to Tempestes for providing rainfall to nourish crops Seeking the blessings of Vena when taking the life of an animal during a hunt Emulating the hard work of Duedon to attain rewards of equal magnitude Paying homage to Zivitas for the light that the sun bestows upon all. [color=D0A933][u][b]Principles of the Hells[/b][/u][/color] There are also principles from the Gods of the hells, ruled by Obitus. It is expected that though those under Primitus understand the need for balance and acknowledge of the good and evil within us, it is expected that Primitus followers avoid these rules in order to live in the Heavens, otherwise you will be taken to the Hells by the angels upon death. Practice the art of deception and manipulation, as your own interests and happiness should come first. Embrace self-interest: Your life is a gift, and you have the right to do whatever it takes to live it to the fullest, without concern for others Reject Consequence: The world is unpredictable and uncertain, and you owe nothing to anyone. Consequence is a weakness, and those who embrace it are doomed to suffer. Embrace Violence: Use your superior strength and power to defend yourself and dominate the weak. There is nothing inherently wrong with violence. Welcome Death: Embrace the mystery and darkness of death, and revel in the unknown. The end of life is a natural part of existence, and should be accepted and celebrated. Embrace Pride: Be proud of yourself and your actions, no matter what anyone else thinks or says. If you are living life on your own terms, then that is all that matters. Embrace Negative Emotions: Feel free to hate, be angry, or experience any other negative emotions that come naturally. Emotions are a natural part of life and should be embraced, not repressed.[/hider][/color][/center]