[right]Timestamp: Between homeroom and first period [color=922b2b]Levi “Hot Shit” Green-Locke[/color] and [color=c45508]Sully “Not Shit” Harper[/color] A [@smarty0114] and [@Aces Away] collab[/right] [center][b][color=#922B2B]_[/color][color=#932C29]_[/color][color=#942D28]_[/color][color=#962E27]_[/color][color=#972F26]_[/color][color=#993125]_[/color][color=#9A3224]_[/color][color=#9C3323]_[/color][color=#9D3422]_[/color][color=#9F3621]_[/color][color=#A03720]_[/color][color=#A2381F]_[/color][color=#A3391E]_[/color][color=#A53B1D]_[/color][color=#A63C1C]_[/color][color=#A83D1B]_[/color][color=#A93E1A]_[/color][color=#AA3F19]_[/color][color=#AC4118]_[/color][color=#AD4217]_[/color][color=#AF4316]_[/color][color=#B04415]_[/color][color=#B24614]_[/color][color=#B34713]_[/color][color=#B54812]_[/color][color=#B64911]_[/color][color=#B84B10]_[/color][color=#B94C0F]_[/color][color=#BB4D0E]_[/color][color=#BC4E0D]_[/color][color=#BE500C]_[/color][color=#BF510B]_[/color][color=#C1520A]_[/color][color=#C25309]_[/color][color=#C35407]_[/color][color=#C25309]_[/color][color=#C1520A]_[/color][color=#BF510B]_[/color][color=#BE500C]_[/color][color=#BC4E0D]_[/color][color=#BB4D0E]_[/color][color=#B94C0F]_[/color][color=#B84B10]_[/color][color=#B64911]_[/color][color=#B54812]_[/color][color=#B34713]_[/color][color=#B24614]_[/color][color=#B04415]_[/color][color=#AF4316]_[/color][color=#AD4217]_[/color][color=#AC4118]_[/color][color=#AA3F19]_[/color][color=#A93E1A]_[/color][color=#A83D1B]_[/color][color=#A63C1C]_[/color][color=#A53B1D]_[/color][color=#A3391E]_[/color][color=#A2381F]_[/color][color=#A03720]_[/color][color=#9F3621]_[/color][color=#9D3422]_[/color][color=#9C3323]_[/color][color=#9A3224]_[/color][color=#993125]_[/color][color=#972F26]_[/color][color=#962E27]_[/color][color=#942D28]_[/color][color=#932C29]_[/color][color=#922B2B]_[/color][/b] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/c3aa2bcf-15f1-42b3-9c9c-5db9782ee571.png[/img] [b][color=#922B2B]_[/color][color=#932C29]_[/color][color=#942D28]_[/color][color=#962E27]_[/color][color=#972F26]_[/color][color=#993125]_[/color][color=#9A3224]_[/color][color=#9C3323]_[/color][color=#9D3422]_[/color][color=#9F3621]_[/color][color=#A03720]_[/color][color=#A2381F]_[/color][color=#A3391E]_[/color][color=#A53B1D]_[/color][color=#A63C1C]_[/color][color=#A83D1B]_[/color][color=#A93E1A]_[/color][color=#AA3F19]_[/color][color=#AC4118]_[/color][color=#AD4217]_[/color][color=#AF4316]_[/color][color=#B04415]_[/color][color=#B24614]_[/color][color=#B34713]_[/color][color=#B54812]_[/color][color=#B64911]_[/color][color=#B84B10]_[/color][color=#B94C0F]_[/color][color=#BB4D0E]_[/color][color=#BC4E0D]_[/color][color=#BE500C]_[/color][color=#BF510B]_[/color][color=#C1520A]_[/color][color=#C25309]_[/color][color=#C35407]_[/color][color=#C25309]_[/color][color=#C1520A]_[/color][color=#BF510B]_[/color][color=#BE500C]_[/color][color=#BC4E0D]_[/color][color=#BB4D0E]_[/color][color=#B94C0F]_[/color][color=#B84B10]_[/color][color=#B64911]_[/color][color=#B54812]_[/color][color=#B34713]_[/color][color=#B24614]_[/color][color=#B04415]_[/color][color=#AF4316]_[/color][color=#AD4217]_[/color][color=#AC4118]_[/color][color=#AA3F19]_[/color][color=#A93E1A]_[/color][color=#A83D1B]_[/color][color=#A63C1C]_[/color][color=#A53B1D]_[/color][color=#A3391E]_[/color][color=#A2381F]_[/color][color=#A03720]_[/color][color=#9F3621]_[/color][color=#9D3422]_[/color][color=#9C3323]_[/color][color=#9A3224]_[/color][color=#993125]_[/color][color=#972F26]_[/color][color=#962E27]_[/color][color=#942D28]_[/color][color=#932C29]_[/color][color=#922B2B]_[/color][/b][/center] [color=lightgray][indent][indent]As the hour ticked by, the October air warmed, and Levi decided it was time for him to rejoin the throngs of students that would soon be heading towards their next class. The day was hardly done, and even though he would’ve rather walked a mile wearing nothing but polyester, he did have a Physics class to attend. He stood, and brushed off his pants, always keenly aware of every speck of dust or dirt that threatened to mar his carefully crafted appearance. His steps were slow, and measured, striding with a confident posture, wearing a cold and callous affect that had become second-nature by now. If it seemed like he’d practiced, it was because he had. Every night when he was twelve years old and held by the throat by the iron grip of his own hormones, he walked back and forth infront of his mirror. He wasn’t born with Andy and Celeste’s confidence. In those early days, he was timid, perpetually clinging to his sister’s sleeve. He could learn to project that confidence, though. He was determined to. He straightened the slouch that everyone but him seemed to notice, over and over and over again until he had crafted the ‘Levi Suit’ he wore so well. The quiet of the outdoors was pierced by the shrill ringing of the school bell, ushering the BHHS student body onward to their next class. Levi pulled open one of the heavy metal doors and reentered the jungle he so dutifully helped oversee. He folded his sunglasses onto the collar of his shirt, and smiled as he parted the sea of red and black with a simple wave. Moses didn’t have much of anything on him. He walked down the hall, smiling to himself as he drank in the adoring gazes and vengeful glares. They were jealous of him, his proximity to Naomi, his looks, his money, his everything. He was prepared to keep on his way, uncaring, until someone caught his eye. He almost ignored the tug in his gut, before pausing in his procession down the hall. It wasn’t easy to catch his eye, harder still to keep his attention. Sullivan Harper, though he might’ve been unaware, had managed to do both. No, he hadn’t been stalking his TikTok. The algorithm just did that. Like the serpent moving through the Garden of Eden, Levi slithered over to where Sully was quietly taking a textbook from his locker. He shooed the freshman standing next to him away, and leaned against the wall of lockers as Butler watched. [color=922b2b]“I know you, don’t I?”[/color] Sully hadn’t been paying any attention as the crowded hall behind him pressed back and shifted. It wasn’t important, usually just some hotshot making their way down the halls and people reacting like they were royalty. Well…Sully supposed that technically some of the kids here [i]were[/i] royalty, but jesus, dude, they all went to the same school. Sully didn’t like to cause scenes, but he also wasn’t one to move unless asked properly or forced, and it hasn’t failed him since. The freshman from this morning was babbling her thanks to him once more from the other side of his opened locker, her face completely blocked by the painted metal door as he freed his Physics textbook from within its depths. He barely registered when she went silent and disappeared, now focused on making sure his cig boxes didn’t get crushed under the book being added to his bag. When someone new addressed him before he even realized the previous conversation had ended, Sully let out a heavy sigh and closed his locker door to see the face that had been hidden behind it. By the sudden wide bubble of space around them in the crowded hall, and the grown ass man standing a couple feet away, anyone in school would be able to tell that the person talking to him was a Green. Sully was at least that aware of his classmates and surroundings. He didn’t even need that, in fact, because Levi was a part of the theater kids and had done his fair share of trying to dictate Sully in his building process freshman year before they all gave up when they realized he didn’t listen to them. What he didn’t understand is why the boy was here in front of him, or why he opened with such a stupid line. Sully was still trying to process the whole [i]indentured servant[/i] thing from earlier and seeing the one Green was making him think of his deal for the party he made with Ethan. He was really hoping he’d have a chance to smoke a cigarette and gather his thoughts before this next class, but that chance was getting slimmer and slimmer the longer they stared each other down. So Sully relented, if only a little, as he dropped his arm from his closed locker door and swung his backpack onto his shoulder, looking up at the taller boy past the bill of his cap. [color=c45508]“Sully. I’ve been buildin’ your theater sets for the past three years?”[/color] Levi wasn’t used to anything other than reverence when he made introductions, not here at least. Sully’s answer pierced the veil of confidence he wore, ever so slightly. His smile twitched but did not fall. [color=922b2b]“I’m sure you’re right, but it’s not that.”[/color] His fingers drummed a slow rhythm against the painted red metal. [color=922b2b]“You do the Morning Show too, don’t you? You’re the cute little one in the middle.”[/color] He looked down at Sully with the eyes of someone who was accustomed to getting the things he asked for. [color=922b2b]“I’m Levi, but you knew that,”[/color] he said, his voice softer than satin, and just as likely to suffocate you. [color=922b2b]“I like the hat. Looks good on you.”[/color] [color=c45508][i]Little?[/i][/color] Sully thought, a flash of distaste making its way across his face before he contained his expression again. [color=c45508][i]I’m literally average height.[/i][/color] It wasn’t Sully’s fault he had to crane his neck up to look at the boy towering over him, not everyone could break the six foot ceiling with their final growth spurt. Ethan was tall too but not as tall as Levi, and at least the hockey player hadn’t called him little. Sully tilted his head in confusion at Levi when the boy complemented his hat, almost going cross eyed to stare doubtfully at the frayed bill covered in mechanical stains. He didn’t know a lot about Levi in particular, but he knew enough about rich people and their tastes to know that the guy was lying about liking his hat. [color=c45508]“Dude, it’s a plain red hat from the Goodwill, are you sick or somethin’?”[/color] Levi was acting weird. The fact that Sully was aware of how Levi was acting at all was weird, because that meant Levi was interacting with him. And why was he towering like that? Someone being so in your face was different when they were smaller like Rye, but something about the way Levi leaned into his space had him swallowing nervously. Levi was probably trying to lead up to something, right? And his ma didn’t raise him to be rude right off the bat, so when Sully realized what he had just said he frowned and looked away, fingers flying up to fray the brim of his hat even more with his constant fidgeting. [color=c45508]“Sorry, I ain’t mean nothin’ by that, I just don’t- like- why are you here?”[/color] He tried again, and that certainly sounded better than asking the boy if he was sick because he decided to talk to him. [color=c45508]“Are you tryin’ to get me to announce somethin’ on the show for you? ‘Cause I don’t get to write the script. Ion’t think I even know who writes it.” [/color] Okay, okay, so his first approach wasn’t working. He hadn’t been prepared for that. One of the many downfalls of buying into your own hype. That was fine. He could adapt. Probably. [color=922b2b]“I could’ve been meaner about it, but I’m prepping for a new role. Man of the people,”[/color] Levi said, grinning but refusing to elaborate. [color=922b2b]“I wanted to make sure you and your friends heard about Ethan’s party tomorrow. It’ll be the best one of the year until Naomi decides to one up it.”[/color] If anyone asked him, this was what Jamie got for trying and failing to beat him at his own game. It certainly had nothing to do with his almost pathological habit of finding the poorest kids he could, and trying to give them a taste of the Green lifestyle. [color=c45508]“I already told Ethan yes,”[/color] Sully responded in exasperation, now worried that he’d be getting a visit from a different Green every couple days now. He wasn’t really a fan of the idea. Sully took his hat off and ran his hands through his wavy locks, trying to stall so he could find himself and Levi’s intentions, because it didn’t feel right the way the taller boy was talking. He looked up again, now free of the hat, and met Levi’s piercing blue eyes for the first time. [color=c45508]“Was I not clear?”[/color] Levi could practically hear the [i]whoosh[/i] as his flirtations went over Sully’s head. God, had he lost his touch? [color=922b2b]“I’m sure you’re a lot of things, but unclear doesn’t seem to be one of them,”[/color] he said, tilting his head ever so slightly. Most people were desperate for Levi’s approval, or terrified of him. Sully was neither, and it unsettled him. If anything, he seemed confused. Levi wasn’t exactly used to a challenge, but that didn’t mean he didn’t enjoy one. He’d figure out the angle soon enough. He simply had to. [color=922b2b]“I’m just…doing a friend a favor. I know Jamie was really hoping to see AJ there.”[/color] He smiled. [color=922b2b]“Maybe someone’s hoping to see you,”[/color] he offered alongside a shrug. [color=c45508]“O…kay?”[/color] Sully faltered, the memory of what he overheard from Trixie and Jamie’s conversation this morning coming back to the surface. The blonde boy [i]had[/i] said that he and AJ were hooking up again, so he supposed it made sense, but wasn’t Rye supposed to be hanging out with AJ at the party? Things still weren’t adding up, but Sully didn’t have the energy to chase the puzzle pieces and he hadn’t had a cig in hours so he wasn’t settled enough to try and put those pieces together even if he did manage to grasp them. He could feel his jaw clenching and realized he was grinding his teeth, so he quickly reached into the front pocket of his backpack and pulled out two suckers, offering one to the other boy after he unwrapped his own and put it in his mouth. [color=c45508]“Want one? And is this some set up? Someone hopin’ to see me sounds like a date, I thought I was just supposed to be chillin’ with Andy. I was even told I could bring my DS.”[/color] Interesting. Since when did Andy have friends? Andy, who’d been even more timid than Levi growing up, was a lot of things, but a social butterfly wasn’t one of them. Jamie Callaghan did not have a patent on being nosy at BHHS. Levi just didn’t feel the need to flaunt what he heard, unless he stood to benefit. If you were feeling generous, you could call it familial responsibility; if you were being realistic, you might call it an obsessive need to look under every stone, to know every secret. Regardless, his interest, still on the rise despite Sully’s staggering oblivion, had begun to crescendo. Why was Ethan personally inviting this boy to the party? Why was he suddenly hanging out with Andy, and most importantly, why the fuck could he not tell that Levi was desperately trying to find a way into his pants? [color=922b2b]“Thanks,”[/color] he took the candy, deft fingers removing the wrapper and placing it onto his tongue. His lips curled back into a smile around the white stick. He decided to eschew the coy words in favor of the only thing Sully seemed likely to understand. [color=922b2b]“The someone is me, and it can be a set up, if you want it to be.”[/color] He twirled the sucker in his mouth. [color=922b2b]“I do [i]try[/i] to be a better time than a game of Pokemon with my cousin.”[/color] [color=c45508]“I was gonna play Nintendogs, actually,”[/color] Sully answered honestly as he watched the other boy swirl the sucker around. He blinked a bit when the other parts of Levi’s comments registered and for a moment the confusion behind his eyes seemed to clear a bit. [color=c45508]“Oh, are you hittin’ on me? Is that what this is?”[/color] Sully stared at the boy, his eyes alight in surprise. Levi’s more direct wording was certainly effective, as Sully finally seemed to get to the point, but that didn’t stop him from now having a few more questions about the whole matter. A bit of heat in his cheeks, because regardless it [i]was[/i] flattering that someone would waste their time hitting on him, Sully apologized, [color=c45508]“I- I don’t, uh, sorry but I don’t even know who I like? Or- what I like? I doubt I’m your speed, dude, even with how high I’m gonna be at the party.”[/color] Oh, well that explained it. Levi could continue to feel assured in his charms, for this was just a boy who had not figured it out yet. Now [i]that[/i], he was used to. He might’ve hated science, but he loved experimentation. [color=922b2b]“That is most definitely what this is,”[/color] he said. [color=922b2b]“And I wouldn’t be so sure. My versatility is astounding,”[/color] and then, as though to prove it, [color=922b2b]“What dog?”[/color] Having been asked a question he finally has an answer to, about something that he genuinely enjoys, Sully visibly perked up. He didn’t really quite follow the versatility comment, sounded like something Rye would say so probably more flirting, but he certainly understood the question [i]’what dog’[/i]. His shoulders unhunched from their wary position and fell back as he straightened out and he met Levi’s eyes for the second time in their conversation, pulling his orange lollipop out of his mouth so he could speak properly, twirling the weighted stick around his fingers like it was a pencil as he spoke. For the first time since Levi came up to Sully, the shorter boy was genuinely engaged. [color=c45508]“I got my two retrievers and my german shepard, Birch, Beech, and Hickory, in the hotel right now while I work on trainin’ and buildin’ up my boxer and husky,”[/color] They were all fine and well at the doggy hotel, and Sully had an obsessive streak when it came to taking care of and training the new pixels in his possession while also being attached enough to the old ones that he couldn’t just donate them out. The first three dogs had won all the competitions he sent them through and he was letting them rest like the champions they were. [color=c45508]“My husky Pine has already won first up to the master class, so two more to go, and Oak is pretty good in the obedience trials considering how stubborn he is. He’s more fun just to play with than to compete with, honestly.”[/color] Sully stopped spinning the stick of his candy and popped it back into his mouth now that his piece had been said clearly, willing to talk past the treat unless he was going to be speaking quite a bit. It was unlikely, he wasn’t much of a talker when the cameras were off, but Levi had managed to peg one of the few things that could get him rambling if he wasn’t careful. Dogs and- by extension- the different types of wood they were named after. Pushing the candy into his cheek with the stick popping out of the corner of his mouth, Sully tilted his head and asked the other boy- whose height would probably have hurt his neck if he’d tried to keep eye contact with him more than twice in this interaction- his own question in return. [color=c45508]“Do you have it? I’m usin’ like, the original DS because I found one at the thrift store and got it workin’ somehow. Thing could honestly go any day now, one of the screens flickers every other boot up,[/color]” That totally didn’t make him anxious, didn’t upset him that one day he was going to wake up and the black screen of the handheld device would remain as such, that he’d have to go on another scavenging expedition in hopes of finding the piece he could fix on the damn thing. The more…technological aspects of things tended to have the boy going to Monarch for help- funny, given he was the streamer- and she’d already warned him that once this one goes dark one more time it is likely its last. Sometimes, oftentimes, [i]especially[/i] in times like when his DS is faltering or he’s feeling extremely lost in his own mind fog, Sully wished they could get a real dog for the house. Pixels could keep you company but they couldn’t keep you warm, couldn’t ground you with soft fur and a rising chest to remind you of reality when you started to fade away. The pixels, if anything, made it easier for him to fade away instead of fighting to engage and [i]stay[/i] engaged when it started to wear on him. Alas, for someone like Sully, money and time were an issue, and there never seemed to be a right time to get a dog with how the house is often empty of anyone for twelve hours at a time. Sully could never do that to a living being, no matter how much he wanted a man’s best friend. The change in Sully’s demeanor spurred Levi forward. [color=922b2b]“I used to. I, uh, I had a yorkie named Zordon,”[/color] Levi said, mask slipping for just a moment. [color=922b2b]“I was going through a Power Rangers phase,”[/color] he explained. [color=922b2b]“God, who even knows where that old thing is. It’s been years since I touched it,”[/color] As though he needed to distance himself from this peek back into his childhood. He pictured Sully tinkering with a battered piece of tech, or restoring one of those antiques he’d seen on his feed, half amused, half amazed. Levi wouldn’t be able to salvage something if his life depended on it. He used things up and threw them away, a consumer in the truest sense. A sharp vibration against his thigh cut through his thoughts, and he pulled his phone from his pocket, eyes locking onto Naomi’s message. He grinned, and checked the time, all too aware that the passing period was not infinite. [color=922b2b]“Where are you headed after this?”[/color] he asked, returning his attention to the boy before him. [color=c45508]“Damn, maybe I should have named my dogs somethin’ sick like that,”[/color] Sully mused, responding to Levi’s glance of authenticity much better than anything the boy had tried before. He checked his battered old watch when Levi had reached for his phone and realized the same thing as the other- time was running out. He ran his tongue along the candy in his mouth as he gave one last mourning thought to having a cigarette before class and responded to the tall blonde. [color=c45508]“If you ever find it, maybe we can play together,” Sully made to put his hat back onto his head, realizing they would be moving soon. “I’m headed to physics, you?”[/color] Levi pushed himself back into his usual posture, the cat with the canary. This wasn’t going to be easy, but everybody was always telling him that the best things in life weren’t. He supposed that applied to boys as well. [color=922b2b]“It’s your lucky day. So am I,”[/color] Levi said. [color=922b2b]“Walk with me? You can tell me why all your dogs are named after trees,”[/color] he offered, taking a step back into the center of the hallway. [color=c45508][i]I don’t really get what’s lucky about that.[/i][/color] Sully thought, but let it go. Levi’s movement reminded Sully of the bubble the boy created around him as he watched the few straggling students all but jump out of the tall boy’s way when he moved. Jesus, that was still ridiculous. Sully looked over to Levi’s butler before looking back at him and carefully falling into step as they headed off to the class that they apparently had been sharing this whole time. Who knew? [color=c45508]“D’you know how often I have to look at different types of wood? I’ve got plenty of knowledge in that area,”[/color] The DIYer asked, completely unaware of the double meaning he’d just provided, mind already wandering a bit to his and Ethan’s future trip to the hardware store. Some nice solid lumber was definitely on his list. [color=c45508]“Just figured it would be an easy theme to follow if I ended up gettin’ several dogs, it was and I did,”[/color] The candy clacked lightly against the back of his teeth as he rolled the stick between his fingers before he bit down harshly on the remaining bit and tossed the stick away in the trash under the next water fountain they passed. [color=c45508]“Guess I could have gone with car parts or types of tools, but at least wood is from a beautiful thing in nature first, right? Trees are nice.”[/color] [color=922b2b]“Fair enough,”[/color] Levi said, politely ignoring the accidental double entendre. [color=922b2b]“I named my cat Blanc, ‘cause he’s white, but if anyone asks, I just tell them I’m a big fan of [i]Knives Out[/i].”[/color] He had learned a long time ago that life was just a collection of different roles, and the hard part was figuring out when to bring each one out. Some wanted him to be everything they built him up to be, the spoiled, trust-fund baby who excelled at everything. Others wanted him to be exactly that, but with the caveat that he failed at everything; it made them feel much better about themselves. Still, there was a contingent that wanted him to have untouched depths that they could explore, the rich boy with a heart of gold. He figured Sully was of the latter group. The truth of him, the Levi beneath the suit, lay somewhere in between these ever shifting roles, but that was for him, and him alone. These shows of vulnerability were calculated displays, an almost militant effort to retcon his life into something at least halfway normal. Sully (and the rest of the world, quite frankly) didn’t need to know that his cat’s name came from a childhood obsession with Percy Shelley, born from long days in the Green-Locke library. [color=922b2b]“It leaves something to be desired in terms of theme, but it fits.”[/color] He finally crunched down onto the candy in his mouth, tossing the stick into a nearby trash can. [color=922b2b]“Where’d you learn all that shit anyways? About the wood, I mean? Is there a class I missed?”[/color] [color=c45508]“Well I mean, there [i]are[/i] woodshop classes at this school, dude,”[/color] Sully answered with a raised eyebrow, pulling one of the pencils Oli had gotten him out of the pocket of his outer shirt and started fiddling with it, sending the plastic wingnut up and down its spiral at impressive speeds. With a chance to speak about his mother, Sully didn't hold back. [color=c45508]“But no, my ma likes to upcycle so I learned what I could from her and my uncle Del when I was a kid. She was always makin’ such cool shit and I always wanted to help her so I had a tool in my hand and knew their names and uses before I could ever use ‘em myself. It ain't that hard to retain when you learned it young, and Ma made sure I knew what I was doin’ once I did start usin’ them,”[/color] Sully thought back to one of the first projects with his mom, where he'd overestimated his first hammer strike and smashed his hand with the head, crying from the shock before realizing it hadn’t hurt. His mother had picked up the faux, foam headed tool from where Sully had dropped it and plainly stated that that was why you were careful and calculated with tools, and you knew what you were holding before you used it. It wouldn't always save you from pain or mistakes, but it saved you a helluva lot of stupid injuries. [color=c45508]“What I didn't learn from them I picked up from harassin’ the other guys scroungin’ ‘round the scrap yard, or at community workshops once I got a little income for it. Most of it was just learnin’ things hands on though, y'know? Summer jobs in construction and shit. I'm good with my hands and they pay me shit rate under the table since I'm a minor.”[/color] Levi stared at this boy he did not understand, and forced a smile. He had two moms, and still, he wasn’t sure he could remember them teaching him much of anything. Not like that at least, and never without the looming threat of their disappointment. Sully’s words reflected the absence back at him, and it stung. [color=922b2b][i]Monarch was right. You are a masochist.[/i][/color] he thought as they approached the physics room. [color=922b2b]“Hmm. I didn’t realize anyone actually learned anything in those. My ex just used it to make me a shitty piggy bank.”[/color] He laughed at his own story and pulled open the classroom door, holding it for Sully. [color=922b2b]“After you.”[/color] [color=c45508]“Okay but was it functional as a piggy bank?”[/color] Sully asked, not quite seeing the problem. [color=c45508]“Also that sounds more like a pottery paintin’ thing, it’s a bit different. Thanks,”[/color] He acknowledged the other boy holding the door from him, tapping the blonde’s bicep lightly with his fist as he passed. Ever one to encourage people to learn new things, new trades that can make them self sufficient- hell, that was his whole schtick on social media- Sully gave his confusingly prospective new friend an offer. [color=c45508]“I’m assistin’ in teachin’ a juniors class at the community center next week if you wanna see what the simplified course is like. You’d be surrounded by kids though and I’d be up helping the volunteer the whole time. Maybe you’ll wanna build somethin’ yourself after you see how easy it is to make a birdhouse.”[/color] [color=922b2b]“I can confidently say I’ve never done that before,”[/color] Levi said. He took a moment to ponder if a bit of fun and potential campaign inroads were worth a smashed finger. It was. [color=922b2b]“Sounds like a date.”[/color] [color=c45508]“Oh,”[/color] That had not been what he meant, but Levi seemed happy about the idea and Sully didn’t really find himself caring what he called it. It’s not like anything date-like could happen in a community center class. [color=c45508]“Okay, sure!”[/color][/indent][/indent][/color]