[color=e8d9c4][right][sub]LOCATION: Ms. Belmonte's Homeroom TIMESTAMP: After the Morning Show[/sub] [/right] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/B0ru84j.png[/img] [b][color=#643B35]_[/color][color=#68403A]_[/color][color=#6D4640]_[/color][color=#714C46]_[/color][color=#76524C]_[/color][color=#7A5752]_[/color][color=#7F5D58]_[/color][color=#83635E]_[/color][color=#886964]_[/color][color=#8D6E6A]_[/color][color=#917470]_[/color][color=#967A76]_[/color][color=#9A807C]_[/color][color=#9F8582]_[/color][color=#A38B88]_[/color][color=#A8918E]_[/color][color=#AC9794]_[/color][color=#B19C99]_[/color][color=#B6A29F]_[/color][color=#BAA8A5]_[/color][color=#BFAEAB]_[/color][color=#C3B4B1]_[/color][color=#C8B9B7]_[/color][color=#CCBFBD]_[/color][color=#D1C5C3]_[/color][color=#D5CBC9]_[/color][color=#DAD0CF]_[/color][color=#DFD6D5]_[/color][color=#E3DCDB]_[/color][color=#E8E2E1]_[/color][color=#ECE7E7]_[/color][color=#F1EDED]_[/color][color=#F5F3F3]_[/color][color=#FAF9F9]_[/color][color=#FFFEFE]_[/color][color=#FAF9F9]_[/color][color=#F5F3F3]_[/color][color=#F1EDED]_[/color][color=#ECE7E7]_[/color][color=#E8E2E1]_[/color][color=#E3DCDB]_[/color][color=#DFD6D5]_[/color][color=#DAD0CF]_[/color][color=#D5CBC9]_[/color][color=#D1C5C3]_[/color][color=#CCBFBD]_[/color][color=#C8B9B7]_[/color][color=#C3B4B1]_[/color][color=#BFAEAB]_[/color][color=#BAA8A5]_[/color][color=#B6A29F]_[/color][color=#B19C99]_[/color][color=#AC9794]_[/color][color=#A8918E]_[/color][color=#A38B88]_[/color][color=#9F8582]_[/color][color=#9A807C]_[/color][color=#967A76]_[/color][color=#917470]_[/color][color=#8D6E6A]_[/color][color=#886964]_[/color][color=#83635E]_[/color][color=#7F5D58]_[/color][color=#7A5752]_[/color][color=#76524C]_[/color][color=#714C46]_[/color][color=#6D4640]_[/color][color=#68403A]_[/color][/b] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240513/7eb341cad0f868c579b095c3a06f5f7f.png[/img] [b][color=#643B35]_[/color][color=#68403A]_[/color][color=#6D4640]_[/color][color=#714C46]_[/color][color=#76524C]_[/color][color=#7A5752]_[/color][color=#7F5D58]_[/color][color=#83635E]_[/color][color=#886964]_[/color][color=#8D6E6A]_[/color][color=#917470]_[/color][color=#967A76]_[/color][color=#9A807C]_[/color][color=#9F8582]_[/color][color=#A38B88]_[/color][color=#A8918E]_[/color][color=#AC9794]_[/color][color=#B19C99]_[/color][color=#B6A29F]_[/color][color=#BAA8A5]_[/color][color=#BFAEAB]_[/color][color=#C3B4B1]_[/color][color=#C8B9B7]_[/color][color=#CCBFBD]_[/color][color=#D1C5C3]_[/color][color=#D5CBC9]_[/color][color=#DAD0CF]_[/color][color=#DFD6D5]_[/color][color=#E3DCDB]_[/color][color=#E8E2E1]_[/color][color=#ECE7E7]_[/color][color=#F1EDED]_[/color][color=#F5F3F3]_[/color][color=#FAF9F9]_[/color][color=#FFFEFE]_[/color][color=#FAF9F9]_[/color][color=#F5F3F3]_[/color][color=#F1EDED]_[/color][color=#ECE7E7]_[/color][color=#E8E2E1]_[/color][color=#E3DCDB]_[/color][color=#DFD6D5]_[/color][color=#DAD0CF]_[/color][color=#D5CBC9]_[/color][color=#D1C5C3]_[/color][color=#CCBFBD]_[/color][color=#C8B9B7]_[/color][color=#C3B4B1]_[/color][color=#BFAEAB]_[/color][color=#BAA8A5]_[/color][color=#B6A29F]_[/color][color=#B19C99]_[/color][color=#AC9794]_[/color][color=#A8918E]_[/color][color=#A38B88]_[/color][color=#9F8582]_[/color][color=#9A807C]_[/color][color=#967A76]_[/color][color=#917470]_[/color][color=#8D6E6A]_[/color][color=#886964]_[/color][color=#83635E]_[/color][color=#7F5D58]_[/color][color=#7A5752]_[/color][color=#76524C]_[/color][color=#714C46]_[/color][color=#6D4640]_[/color][color=#68403A]_[/color][/b] [sub][@LovelyComplex] [@Bee] [@Grimoire Gaming] [@Aces Away] [@Melissa] [@Fabricant451][/sub][/center] [indent][indent]Missing the Morning Show due to plenty of distractions in the hallway, Philomena and Cael found their way into their homeroom, right in time to be marked ‘tardy’. Strategically though, Cael went to Ms. Cat and offered her first pick in sugar goodness (and even offered her an extra one). He could tell she needed it by how exhausted she looked. The school day just began! There was no need to end spirit week with EXHAUSTION. Thanks to his generosity and sweetness, his voice like honey and velvet, the two friends were no longer tardy. They were on time. Neither Minty or Pixy Stix knew what had transpired prior to their arrival nor did they care. Yet. It was Game Day. They had better things to think about than [i]drama[/i]. Like love, and love, and LOVE. Then again, they did have room for gossip. Okay, maybe they were a little curious. They liked knowing things just as much as Trixie and Jamie. They were Candies! It was their duty to understand the dynamics of their peers so they could interfere and assist them in their social circle for the better. Always for the better. Usually for the better. At least for the Power of Love. Holding the cake pops, Minnie hid her distress of how she would handle her [i]dare[/i], having no idea who she should ask to the dance tomorrow that wasn’t her best friend. Instead she had her gaming face on and pranced around in the room to find the lucky first person, or people. She wasn’t just going to pick anyone. No. Minnie was just as smart as Cael, maybe less so in the books but in the sea of social high school society. She knew people that knew people that liked to talk. Being a Candy made it absolutely mandatory to be aware of who is who and what is what. For the Power of Love, of course. [center]The Lucky #1 that she had her eyes set on would be… Drum roll, please. [i]Rat-a-tat-tat Tat-ta-tat Rat-a-tat-tat Tat-ta-tat[/i]. Andre King and her KPop sista’, Hana! Hold the applause, please. They still needed their dessert. [/center] There was little to no challenge to get Andre going. He loved to talk and impressively, he knew plenty of what was going on. He deserved a cake pop and in return, she deserved tea. And Hana sitting right next to him was a happy coincidence so she could kill two birds with one stone and talk about the latest kpop sensations. Get gossip and feed her girl that loved KPop just as much as she did. [color=62d1ff]“Hihi Andre!!! HANA!!!!”[/color] Minnie excitedly greeted, unable to wave because her hands were full. [color=62d1ff]“Are you two hungryyyyyy? Because look what I have.”[/color] She showcased the cake pops with flair and swag. [color=62d1ff]“Stix and I worked super duper hard last night and thought we’d give all our friends a happy, sweet surprise. Do you like pirates? I did this one myself.”[/color] Minnie pointed at the one pirate face that looked disfigured and challenged. She wasn’t good at cake art. She was a dancer! But she did her bestest and she hoped her friends would appreciate the attempt. There was an attempt. [color=62d1ff]“We also have cupcakes though. So if you don’t want a cake pop, Cael should be here soon with all the cupcakes. He’s just getting us a get out of jail free card right now. Oh!”[/color] She interrupted her train of thought with another train of thought. [color=62d1ff]“Hana, did you hear the new song by SEVENTEEN (세븐틴)? [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2qZWD0F7rM]Lalali[/url]?” [/color] As Minnie and Cael rolled in as they typically do, Andre smirked slightly as he was bouncing a pen off of his desk. Minnie’s energy was incredibly infectious, and he couldn’t help but to feel his mood lift up as he witnessed her roll in with what appeared to be cake pops. Hopefully, Minnie was willing to share. On the other hand, Hana was still pulling out her supplies. A binder, her pens and pencils, that one really good Japanese eraser, and so on and so forth. She was oblivious to what was happening at the front of the room, up until she heard a shrill voice scream her name. [color=C3B1E1]“Huh- I-uh-what?”[/color] Hana stammered, before she put two and two together and saw what was going on. [color=C3B1E1]“Oh, cake pops! I’ll take one!”[/color] Hana beamed, as she plucked the pirate one from Minnie. It was definitely… rushed, but Hana appreciated the thought and effort. [color=C3B1E1]“Thanks, Minnie.”[/color] [color=d27d2d]“Biiitch, cake pops [i]annd[/i] cupcakes? You don’t gotta say anything further. Lemme get both.”[/color] Andre said, sitting up in his chair and plucking his own cake pop. [color=d27d2d]“How sweet of you.”[/color] Staring at the cake pop, Hana was just about to eat it before Minnie said her name once again. [color=C3B1E1]“Oh yes, yes I did! I usually don’t listen to boy groups, but that song was sooo good.”[/color] Hana grinned again, [color=C3B1E1]“S. Coups killed it.”[/color] [color=d27d2d]“I ain’t into K-Pop like y’all, but from what I’ve seen… those dudes be making me feel some type of way.”[/color] [color=676FA5]“Ugghhh, tell me about it, Andre,”[/color] Cael chimed in with a dreamy tone. The candy prince had a taste of the Korean persuasion once, and boy, was he an utterly delicious mouthful. Shaking himself out of his romantic reminiscing, Cael smiled and handed over a cupcake. [color=676FA5]“I hope you like them! …So, are you and the guys ready for the big game? Minty and I will probably polish up our routine during lunch… So excited to cheer you guys on though!”[/color] [color=d27d2d]“You know I’m fuckin ready.”[/color] Andre pointed the now-eaten cake pop at Cael, [color=d27d2d]“I’ve never not been ready.”[/color] The dancing princess nodded to her friends chatting, looking from left to right, side to side, and all around. She beamed when Hana and Andre acknowledged the delicious K-Pop boy band. Maybe just as delicious as these cupcakes they were serving. The boys were so hot and sometimes she wished she had a boyfriend just as hot. Alas, she didn’t. She would be forever alone because no boy noticed her that wasn’t her bestie. If she could explain her emotions in emojis it would be: Sad face. Lipstick. Disco ball. Regardless of her lack of love life, she was one of the best genie-in-the-bottles there ever was to walk the halls of Beverly Hills High. It was her sworn duty to help her classmates harness the power of love. While she had no clue who would ever love her, Minnie knew that with a little fairy dust, wishes do come true. Dreams are what you make them. Life could be DISNEY. Cael soon entered the fray and it was then when she noticed Stella fuming. Fiery, fierce and frustrated, big boobie blonde goddess. That was Stella Manning. Lacking self control or spatial awareness, Minnie called out, [color=62d1ff]“STELLA! YOOOHOOOO! COME GET SOME CAKE~!”[/color] She lifted the tray of cake pops high in the air before being rewarded with Ms. B reprimanding her. [color=9f1b3e]“Philomena, [i]please[/i], I have a headache and it isn’t even 8 yet.”[/color] [color=62d1ff]“Sowwie,”[/color] Minnie apologized to Ms. Cat before profusely waving at Stella to come join them as she placed the cake pops on Andre’s desk. Whatever made her grumpy could be easily amended with something sweet. As they did wait for Stel to join them, Minnie decided if none of them would start the gossip talk, she would, [color=62d1ff]“So, when Cael and I skipped down the hall, we ran into, what’s his name? He’s like two years younger than us… young lad, uh… no matter! We ran into that boy and he was holding Trixie’s bag and we were like well that’s weird. And then he was like Theo told him to bring it to her. Like, oh my goodness, do you think they’re getting back together? How do we feel about that if they are?”[/color] [color=676FA5]“Eww, so not good. He gives me the ick.”[/color] Cael replied, following Minnie’s gaze to one of his other besties, Stella, who looked rather peeved. [color=676FA5]“Trix deserves a dance partner that can keep up with her. Ginger might be a spice, but it's not the right one for a salsa, ya feel?”[/color] Cael giggled playfully at his own puns. [color=bb3a50]“What twisted metaphor is this?”[/color] Ramón asked as he appeared behind Cael, having slipped into the classroom just moments before. The shortest boy had class in Mr. Phoenix’s class, so it had taken him some time to get there once the Morning Show had ended. After that, it had been a matter of walking up to Belmonte’s desk and sliding over a particularly nice bracelet from his bribery stash in his bag. The woman did let him spend quite a large amount of time in her classroom without reporting him, so some nice jewelry slid her way every now and then was the least he could do to compensate her. He’d imparted his own compliments to the woman, ever easy to be a suck up to, before making his way over to his gaggle of friends to catch the tail end of Cael’s words. [color=bb3a50]“What are we talking about here?”[/color] Stella Manning was fucking pissed. God forbid she is thoughtful [i]once[/i] and it comes back to bite her in the ass. It wasn’t often she thought of anyone other than herself, especially her on again off again beau, so the fact that she did that morning said more than words ever could. Was it mostly for her own personal gain? Sure! But nonetheless she had decided to do something nice for him and what did she get? Ignored. The blonde hated being ignored, it was the antithesis of what she stood for. Anyone with a pulse knew that Stella loved attention, and currently, she was receiving a lack of it from the one person she wanted most. So, she sulked in homeroom, hoping someone would ask her about it so she could fly off the cuff. And Minnie calling her over was the exact invitation she needed, even if her energy was a little much for her tastes at times. The girl stood from her seat and sauntered over, resting bitch face out in full force as she inspected the cake pops, taking one. [color=FF99C5]“Thanks,”[/color] Stella plainly stated, before turning to Cael, [color=FF99C5]“Theo can kick rocks with open toed shoes. In fact, I know a few other people who I’d recommend that to…”[/color] [color=62d1ff]“You look so gloomy, girl,”[/color] Minnie pointed out, adding a pout to emphasize her concern. There was a lot of conversation going on around them but it seemed like the focal point should be on the blonde bombshell with the rain cloud over her head, [color=62d1ff]“Oh and Mimooooo, we were talking about Theo having Trixie’s bag for some reason and like totally sending some kid to deliver it but you know that might just be because he found it or something. Maybe they didn’t have sex. That’s irrelevant right now though. Stellaaaaaa, what happened? And why do you have all the coffees in the world?”[/color] [color=676FA5]“[i]Hi, I made you one with extra frosting,[/i]”[/color] Cael whispered to Mo, who had appeared behind him just moments ago. He passed the aforementioned cupcake back to him. Although he was talking to his third bestie that had arrived, Cael kept his focus on the drama unfolding before them. Stella looked ready to explode and the pixie was totally here for it, with a steaming cup of tea. [color=bb3a50]“[i]Extra?[/i]”[/color] Mo whispered back, attention equally on the unfolding drama. That didn’t keep the eye roll from his face, however, as he took sight of the frosting laden cupcake he was handed. [color=bb3a50]“Stix what the fuck? Take some of this, there’s more frosting than cake. And yes, Stella,”[/color] Ramón tilted his head in the direction of his childhood bestie. [color=bb3a50]“Do tell on why you’re still…holding on to [i]that[/i].”[/color] Stella sighed, setting down the tray with the three cups on a nearby desk. She popped the Chai and the extra shot out and set it down the two beverages in front of Cael and Minnie. [color=FF99C5]“I won’t be needing these anymore, go nuts.”[/color] She grabbed her drink and took a long sip before turning to Mo, [color=FF99C5]“Is the universe punishing me? I know I have my moments, but I like to think I’m a generally decent person.”[/color] The blonde quipped, ever the dramatic, [color=FF99C5]“Ethan isn’t replying to me. Normally he replies in between 6 - 9 minutes because he’s needy, so anything above 15 means he’s purposefully avoiding me. That’s what I get for being generous, I suppose.”[/color] [color=bb3a50]“Oh, [i]honey[/i],”[/color] Mo intoned, staring at the broiling blonde in front of him. [color=bb3a50]“This is exactly why this was supposed to be [i]temporary[/i]. That boy was never meant to last for you, and now you’re stressing out over him?”[/color] The Candy King tutted, hand still holding the cupcake out for Cael to take some icing off of. He leaned against the nearest desk and raised an eyebrow. [color=bb3a50]“If he doesn’t respond to you, he doesn’t deserve you, babes.”[/color] Cael made a peeved face at Mo for rejecting his thoughtful gift. Feeling snarky and feeding off of Stella’s energy, Cael licked a dollop of frosting off of the cupcake and placed it back on Mo’s hand expectantly. [color=676FA5]“It’s true, he doesn’t… and, like, what else better does he have to do at this time of day?”[/color] Cael, perhaps a bit deviously, egged on the situation. [color=bb3a50]“Don’t give me that look like you’ve won,”[/color] Mo glared at his pixie before taking a bite of his defiled cupcake and chewing it defiantly in Cael’s face. [color=bb3a50]“We’ve swapped spit before, you think that was going to scare me off?”[/color] [color=676FA5]“I guess either way I made one special for you,”[/color] Cael smirked victoriously, clearly pleased with himself. [color=d27d2d]“Boys ain’t shit, Stella.”[/color] Andre remarked, [color=d27d2d]”Speaking of boys that ain’t shit, you know what y’all just missed?”[/color] Andre leaned in closer. [color=d27d2d]“Y’all see Decky and Jamie? Those two were trading words, and I swear Decky was bouta deck his ass.”[/color] Hana, eavesdropping slightly, leaned in to fill an excruciatingly crucial detail that Andre was omitting, [color=C3B1E1]“JJ’s chipmunk interrupted it though. You guys should’ve seen it. PJ screamed.”[/color] [color=d27d2d]“So that’s what that was…”[/color] Andre chuckled, [color=d27d2d]“If it wasn’t for that rat, it could’ve become Drake v. Kendrick all over again. Hatin’ the way you walk, your talk type of shit.”[/color] [color=bb3a50]“Well that’s certainly more interesting than my homeroom this morning,”[/color] Mo mused, using the change in topic to avoid letting Cael know that he didn’t have a comeback. He didn’t blame PJ for screaming. Mo himself was no disney princess, the rodents could stay away from him as well. This though, this was what he was here for. [color=bb3a50]“Was JJ a part of it? Do we know these words they spoke, or are we working on body language right now, dear Dre?”[/color] [color=d27d2d]“‘Dear Dre’ be working on both. With their body language, the looks on their faces, the words… ain’t no fuckin way it’s anything but.”[/color] [color=FF99C5]“Jamie this, Decky that, who [i]cares[/i].”[/color] Stella rolled her eyes, taking an angry bite of her cake pop. [color=FF99C5]“You’re the ones who just said that boys ain’t shit, so why are we wasting our breath talking about them?”[/color] The blonde expressed with her mouth full, not caring that her words were mostly jumbled. She turned to Mo, [color=FF99C5]“Are you sure you didn’t see Ethan in homeroom before you came here and crashed mine?”[/color] [color=bb3a50]“Bitch, did you not just say not to waste our breath talking about them? Pick a lane,”[/color] Ramón admonished with an eye roll before he finished his cupcake, making her wait for his answer. Once the confection was gone, Mo ran his fingers through Cael’s hair- his way of saying thank you, it was good- and shifted his weight from the desk onto the other boy while staring Stella down like a devious villain. [color=bb3a50]“Not only was Ethan not in homeroom, but Andy was missing as well. It was another reason that I just [i]had[/i] to stop by for our morning chat. Aside from the wonderful treats from Stix and Minty, of course. I was going to ask you if you knew anything, but it seems we’re all floating in the abyss.”[/color] [color=62d1ff]“Party planning! Or, or, or, WHAT IF he is trying to surprise you and ask you PROPERLY for the homecoming dance?! Maybe he’s getting flowers or he is keeping you on your toes so he can surprise you sometime today with a rizzy date proposal!”[/color] Minnie had downed the espresso shot and was currently covering her mouth as she chewed a nummy, white frosting, red pirate cupcake. [color=62d1ff]“That would be so amazing if he just sweeps you off your feet today.”[/color] [color=FF99C5]“Hell would freeze over before Ethan Green attempted to woo a woman.”[/color] Stella scoffed, twirling a strand of hair around her finger, [color=FF99C5]“Besides, we already made plans for the dance. He’s picking me up at 8pm sharp, not a minute before,”[/color] The girl sighed, exasperated. [color=FF99C5]“My best guess is he and Andy are off doing god knows what in preparation for tomorrow. I take it everyone has heard about the party at the Vineyard?”[/color] [color=676FA5]“The who what now?”[/color] Cael perked up, his eyes snapping open from the relaxation of getting head scritches from Ramón. He snuggled into the comfort of having one of his best friends leaning into him. If there was any merit to the whole love languages thing, physical touch was certainly one of his. [color=676FA5]“There’s a party? Tomorrow? Like after the dance — Oh, did you finish my outfit for tomorrow?”[/color] Cael’s words matched his attention drifting from one thought to another as he looked from Stella to Mo. [color=bb3a50]“All you bitches questioning me today,”[/color] Ramón scoffed, moving his hand off of Cael’s head to give him a reprimanding poke in his cheek. [color=bb3a50]“First Stella in the car and now you? When have I ever failed any of you enough to deserve this? Of [i]course[/i] it’s finished, you just need to come over once you’re done cheering so we can do final adjustments if needed,”[/color] He stared them both down, letting his displeasure at their perceived impatience be known before he moved on. [color=bb3a50]“Ethan is throwing a party at his family’s vineyard tomorrow after the dance, they announced it on the Morning Show.”[/color] [color=FF99C5]“I’ve known about it for a while, Ethan has not stopped yapping about it.”[/color] [color=d27d2d]“A party for the whole school at the vineyard… these Green folks are different.”[/color] Andre said, [color=d27d2d]“Wish I had a family vineyard.”[/color] When Himani Chakrabarti heard that somewhere in the school someone was giving out cupcakes, she made it her mission before first period to acquire said cupcakes. It wasn’t a difficult mission given that she knew well enough that if anyone would have sweet treats during the breakfast hours it would be members of the Candies and Candies tended to congregate with the business teacher during homeroom. Business was something the Candies dealt in; the business of who was kissing who was a very lucrative business after all. Personally, Himani didn’t quite understand it. Who was dating who, who was not dating who, it all seemed very…exhausting. And considering Himani was one of the rare students who had the same level of energy at eight in the morning as she did when the school day ended, to be exhausting for her was…an accomplishment. They called it ‘tea’ or whatever, but now that she thought about it most people drank coffee in the morning so why not call it coffee? Didn’t matter. What mattered was cake and so when the morning show ended and there was a little time after attendance and before first period, Himani was out of her homeroom like a bullet and heading towards Belmonte’s class. She didn’t sprint. Not after almost breaking her leg when taking a turn too fast and tumbling down stairs. She was fine. Totally fine. While the conversation in room 105 turned from boys to parties (as was always the topic in school, it seemed), a voice announced her arrival before her body did. [color=E8F631]“I heard there was cupcakes and I’m here about cupcakes are they for anyone or just for people in this class I wasn’t quite clear, I just heard from someone who got a message about ‘cupcakes and kiki’ but I don't know any student named Kiki, she must be new I’m sure they’re great.”[/color] Himani entered room 105 and hadn’t taken a breath since she started talking. [color=E8F631]“Anyway, can I have a cupcake?”[/color] [color=676FA5]“Of course, sweets! Here ya go!”[/color] Cael chirped, holding the tray out for her to pick her favorite. [color=E8F631]“Oh, wow, they all look so good and colorful and you made these yourself? That’s so cool, sometimes I bake things but they’re definitely not good enough to share like this.”[/color] Her hand hovered over the tray like a claw grabber arcade game, moving back and forth as her eyes tried to decide which one she liked the look of more. She settled on a cupcake with red frosting. It was a school color and Himani was repping the school all hours of the day today. [color=E8F631]“Wow, they’re so light and fluffy to the touch and the frosting…”[/color] She didn’t finish her thought before lifting the cupcake towards her mouth. Just before she took a bite she lowered it and looked towards Cael, blinking her bright, wide eyes so quickly it looked like she was overcompensating or blinking for the very first time. [color=E8F631]“These…these are vegan friendly, right?”[/color] Minnie had gone from the conversation surrounding her to her phone, going down the rabbit hole of her friends on Facebook, and their friends on Facebook, trying to decide who she should ask out to the dance. The espresso might’ve put her in an internal panic, since it isn’t something she drank often (if at all). Truth be told, Minnie had never-ever asked someone on a date before and Cael was CRUEL for daring her too. Not looking up from her phone, she speedily answered, [color=62d1ff]“Yes, yes. Cael is really big on that stuff. Like vegan friendly, gluten free, uhhhhh…. no peanuts because we can’t risk allergies like that. Am I missing anything Stix?”[/color] Her gaze paused on a handsome face on her screen and thought to herself ‘what if’, trying to imagine a scenario where she would run into him. [color=676FA5]“It’s my first time trying it, I hope they’re good...”[/color] Cael immediately interjected, as if to defend them up front, just in case they sucked. [color=676FA5]“I used vegan cream cheese for the frosting and everything! We wanted to make sure they’d be something everyone could enjoy, and I mean, if I’m gonna maybe have a bakery someday I ought to get a jump start learning alternatives!”[/color] He beamed proudly at Himani. [color=E8F631]“Oh, vegan cream cheese? Not vegan buttercream? You probably meant the same thing, this looks way too good.”[/color] Given the go-ahead, Himani took an eager bite of the cupcake. And then she chewed. And kept her smile. And chewed. And really tried to maintain her smile. [color=E8F631]“Not used to not using eggs?”[/color] Himani would never say anything bad about anything a student, or a friend, made and that held true now. Even if it was a little…dry in the cake part. [color=E8F631]“I don’t wanna tell you how to bake because you’re great at it and I don’t know anything but in my experience eating vegan if you add just a little bit of applesauce to the batter you’ll be thanked by vegans everywhere. Or at least me. Don’t get me wrong, this one is so good.”[/color] As if to prove a point, Himani took another bite. It was not one she necessarily wanted to, but she gave a thumbs up as she did. [color=676FA5]“Oh, well yeah, I meant to use cream cheese… because they’re red velvet,”[/color] Cael defended weakly, but it was already too late. She hated them, oh no. The sparkle in his eye faltered slightly. [color=676FA5]“Right, applesauce, I’ll try that next time! I hope you’ll still be willing to taste test for me?”[/color] [color=E8F631]“Not only will I be willing to taste test, I’d be willing to share my recipes. Not that I have recipes I mostly just got stuff from the internet but I’ll bring you some pumpkin bars. Because it’s October and pumpkins are everywhere! You like pumpkin, right? Of course you do, everyone likes pumpkin! Did you know they put it in coffee? Anyway, taste test, yes, cupcake, good, pep rally, see you all there. I’ll be the one in the big pirate costume!”[/color] [color=676FA5]“Sounds great, see you there!”[/color] Cael chirped in his usual bubbly tone. As soon as Himani was out of earshot, the temporarily red-haired pixie glared at his best friends. [color=676FA5]“Why didn’t any of you [i]tell[/i] me they sucked?!”[/color] [/indent][/indent][/color]