[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/6cMv8lV.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/7yGP9u4.png[/img] [color=magenta] [b]Time:[/b] [color=E594FF]Morning[/color] [b]Location:[/b] [color=E594FF]Docks on the Coast of Dugmaghord[/color] [b]Mentions:[/b] [color=E594FF]Jun [@JJ Doe], Zion [@Helo], Arlen [@SilverPaw], Amisra [@Tae], and Sirena [@tpartywithzombi][/color] [hider=Equipment] 330 amas, Red-hilted dagger, Leather armor, compass, fancy spyglass, treasure map, and a cloak [/hider] [/color] [hr] [color=E594FF] Tanithil measured the reaction of the gang and nodded. There was at least some progress being made, even if Jun was still as silent as ever. Firstly, he turned to the human and shrugged [color=magenta]"I'll take that as a yes to all of the above then. Unless you want to, oh I dunno...elaborate?"[/color] His hand waved in a circle in a form of invitation for him to offer anything, but after what felt like an awkwardly long pause Tanithil gave up this endeavor for now. He crossed his arms and reflected over Zion's skills. [color=magenta]"A fella big as you can certainly find 'is place on a boat. If anything to lift the big things while our usual muscle is recovering from her injury."[/color] His eyes seemed sad for a moment as he thought of his friends injury - but the business face came back on with a slight scowl as he scanned the immediate horizon for any sign of establishment outside of the docks they stood on. As he spotted Arlen walking off, he noticed a humble tavern smushed amongst what he could only assume were regular living quarters for the fishermen who resided in this unnamed town. He pointed off in the direction the elf was wandering and looked back at Zion and Jun. [color=magenta]"Looks like Arlen is way ahead of me. That building there looks hospitable enough. And if it ain't, well you have my permission to kick the crud out of anyone who looks at ye funny."[/color] He pauses for a moment and adds one more thought. [color=magenta]"Just don't get caught if you start a fight. Right back on the ship where I can smooth talk our ways outta anythin fishy."[/color] He chuckled, highly doubtful anything that crazy could happen. [color=magenta]"I'll be joinin ya lads shortly, but first I'm gonna make one more round of the boat and see if any of the other crew wanna grab a bite with us. First meal of the adventure's on me!"[/color] He waved and turned around to walk back up the ship, seeing if there was anything amiss with his ship, checking twice for stowaways, and even checking in on Sirena and Amisra should they need anything in particular. [/color] [hider=TL;DR]Tanithil tries to prune more info from the gang, and fails. So he points out a nearby tavern that Arlen has wandered off towards and says to go grab a meal there - his treat. He then turns to go inspect the ship and check in on Sirena and Amisra[/hider] [/center]