[center][h1][color=lightblue]Galahad Caradoc[/color][/h1] [/center] Mentions: [@Ithradine], [@Click This], [@Raineh Daze], [@VitaVitaAR] Galahad tensed as he felt the rushing of wind around him, his weapon ready to face a new threat as he turned, but relaxed when he heard the voice of Ciradyl, their host-turned-freedom-fighter. He was a bit surprised that she had decided to join them on the streets- she seemed more of the operate out of the shadows sort of folk, but with the Kirins as short handed as they were, Galahad wasn't going to complain. The armored dragoon gave her a short nod, his voice somewhat muffled by the shut helmet. [color=lightblue]"Better late than never. Things aren't looking good down there, we need to-"[/color] Galahad's voice was cut off by a curse as a bullet whizzed by his helmet, the dragoon taking a step back as a second shot ricocheted off the edge of the roof next to them. To make matters worse, giant gunbirds began to make their way towards them, flying ahead of the relatively slower airship. While he doubted their weapons were much more powerful than that of a regular fusilier, the fact that they'd be attacking from above or from angles he and the rest of the Kirin's weren't necessarily prepared for made it a problem. [color=lightblue]"Talk later, move first."[/color] Galahad concluded as the trio of them quickly scurried to the other edge of the roof. [color=lightblue]"Pardon me."[/color] Galahad quickly apologized ahead of time as he more or less grabbed the lithe fae woman by her feet, and tossed her towards the next roof over- not unlike shot putting. A moment later, he had once again grabbed Eliane, and the two bounded in a high arc across the air before he landed with a thud on the next rooftop- this one thankfully was close enough or linked with makeshift walkways to other rooftops for the others to keep moving along. [color=lightblue]"We need to get those damned birds off of their backs. Try not to hit me, thanks."[/color] Galahad remarked as he gestured towards the gunbirds diving towards their companions. Flipping the halberd and pulling back, his dominant hand wrapped around the balance point of the weapon, Galahad grunted as he took a step forward and launched the weapon at the nearest gunbird, the blade crackling with electricity. Without skipping a beat, Galahad crossed the last couple steps towards the roof edge, braced and jumped yet again, the force of his legs cracking the stonework roof as he soared back into the air. He came crashing down onto the back of a second bird, sending them both to the ground as he pinned it underneath his weight. Crackling like a bolt of lightning, his halberd flew back towards Galahad's outstretched gauntlet. The paired materia on gauntlet and halberd glowing as they sought to return to each other, connecting with a solid [i]clunk[/i]. Spinning the weapon in his hand, he brought the spearhead up high, and drove it down onto the back of the einhander he'd been pinning. [color=lightblue]"Arton! Miina!"[/color] Galahad's voice cut across the din of gunfire- lessened as there were fewer einhanders in the air. An armored gauntlet pointed at the Valheim sergeant doing much the same as he was to the forces outside. [color=lightblue]"Target the leadership! Magic first, then we charge! Robin! Take the fusiliers at the door- they're going to try and ambush Izayoi's team on their way out."[/color]