[color=007236][centre][h2]Berserker[/h2][/centre][/color] Berserker’s gaze softened slightly at his master’s answer; the tension in his frame loosening perceptibly at hearing the young man’s wish. To free his brother from illness; it was a simple wish, honest and selfless. Though he held a crown Shou was no ruler, no king, unless royalty held themselves to much looser standards these days; Berserker sheathed his dagger again, finally relinquishing his grip on it, and spoke in a much less dangerous voice than before. [color=007236]“I am Hang Jebat, as you said. The Berserker of this war.”[/color] The question of his own desire was a surprisingly tricky one. Though he had answered the call of his summons, it had not actually been with a particular goal in mind; he had answered it also instinctively, not consciously, not with purpose. What [i]did[/i] Berserker want from this war? The tyrant who had wronged his friend, executed him unjustly, was dead; not by his own hand, but that was no concern. It was justice he had sought, not vengeance. His friend had never been executed in the first place and continued to serve the man who had betrayed him, so there was no need to save Hang Tuah nor clear his name of wrongdoing. Despite the circumstances of his death, Hang Jebat appeared to have died with little to regret and all loose ends dealt with. If he had a desire at all, it was a far reaching one; the end of all tyrants, so that no man, woman or child should ever suffer under the yoke of a malicious king. Was such a thing possible, even for the Grail? What Hang Jebat sought was to overturn human nature, to prevent flawed people from rising to power and using that power for selfish gains at the expense of others. Could even the Grail put a stop to the corrupting influence of power and ensure that no tyrant was ever born from now until humanity’s final breath? [i]Yes[/i]. Berserker tightened his hand around the hilt of his weapon, having dropped back to his waist without him even noticing. It [i]must[/i] be possible, even if he must put a stop to each tyrant himself, appearing before them like an avenging spirit to slit their throats and rip out their hearts as soon as their boot pressed down a little too forcefully on those beneath them. If the Grail could not change human nature, then let him at least ensure that each tyrants rule was a short and bloody one. [color=007236]“I desire… the end of all tyrants.”[/color] [@Iamme]