Duncan’s comment on her driving didn’t earn as much as a glance in his direction. In spite of his apparent insistence to become involved in yet another road accident today, she maintained her cautious stance but displayed a slight irritation under her breath. [color=7bcdc8]“[i]Connard[/i].” [/color] She muttered, uncaring of whether he understood or not. His following comments, however, were nuclear levels of hostility and rife with accusations. Her grip tightened on the steering wheel but her gaze remained focused ahead. His words did not fall on deaf ears but she was not about to kill everyone in the vehicle on account of one asshole who deserved it most. Noa seemed remarkably calm despite the barrage of threats and accusations with the only telltale sign of anger being the subtle shift in her body language and the brief iridescent blue glow of the veins on her hands, characteristic of her mutation, as her grip tightened. It almost appeared as though she was choosing to ignore Duncan, but that was far from the truth. Duncan’s righteous crusade continued on to berate Errol but still she said nothing. Whatever feelings of contempt she had previously held towards Duncan were amplified and steeping in the silence. She had never liked him much before but now her anger had her verging on hatred. The phone call broke the silence but did nothing to break the tension, instead prompting further annoyance from Noa as she heard her surname mentioned from the unknown caller. Still, committed to the safety of the group as her first priority, she followed through on the instructions she was given and headed to the agreed location, stopping with a harsh slam of the brakes. [color=7bcdc8]“You’ve got a lot of nerve talking about responsibility.”[/color] She told Duncan, irritation rising over the initial calmness in her tone. [color=7bcdc8]“You’re holding me accountable for Clementine’s actions when you know [i]damn[/i] well that none of us knew she could fucking do that?!” [/color]She began the rant that had been building up for the previous few minutes until it boiled over into the vitriol that she was about to spew at him. [color=7bcdc8]“Why were they there, Duncan? You seem to know a lot about them. Was it in fact you who put her in harm’s way?”[/color] She returned her own accusations in a calm yet venomous tone. [color=7bcdc8]“You couldn’t even protect her from the influence of your cheating bastard of a father.” [/color]It was a low blow but it wasn’t unprovoked. [color=7bcdc8]“And don’t you dare threaten me, you fucking self-righteous cretin.” [/color]She concluded by quickly moving to slap his face, aware but uncaring of the consequences of such an action should it succeed.[color=7bcdc8] "Fuck off back to Finland to pretend she doesn't exist again." [/color]