[hider=Ivor, The Wild][hr][hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/BsYh66X.png[/img][hr][hr] [h1][color=7911c9]⇼[/color][/h1] [sub][color=9a45dc]Race:[/color] Blight-Born[/sub] [color=7911c9][b]𐌙[/b][/color] [sub][color=9a45dc]Blight Trait:[/color] Soul Drain/Form Shift[/sub] [color=7911c9][b]𐌙[/b][/color] [sub][color=9a45dc]Kingdom:[/color] Lunaris[/sub] [color=7911c9][b]𐌙[/b][/color] [sub][color=9a45dc]Role:[/color] Hunter[/sub] [h1][color=7911c9]⇼[/color][/h1] [sub][color=9a45dc]Age:[/color] 48[/sub] [color=7911c9][b]𐌙[/b][/color] [sub][color=9a45dc]Height:[/color] 6’8”[/sub] [color=7911c9][b]𐌙[/b][/color] [sub][color=9a45dc]Weight:[/color] 312 lbs[/sub] [color=7911c9][b]𐌙[/b][/color] [sub][color=9a45dc]Hair Color:[/color] Red[/sub] [color=7911c9][b]𐌙[/b][/color] [sub][color=9a45dc]Eye Color:[/color] Purple, glowing[/sub][h1][color=7911c9]⇼[/color][/h1][/center] Ivor was born in a small village on the far edge of Lunaris territory, deep in the wilds. The land was harsh, its winters brutal, but it made its denizens strong and this was no exception for Ivor. Son of his clan’s warchief, Ivor was destined to lead his village after his father, a lineage dating back nearly to the kingdom’s founding. As such, he was trained in the ways of combat and survival, often required to trek deep into the forest to hone his craft and hunt elusive game. When he came of age, Ivor took up the mantle of warchief to lead his people and for a time, all was right in the world. When the miasma came, the already difficult life Ivor’s people lived, suddenly was put to the test. Game was no longer as plentiful as it once was, crops died as the ground bled out poison and worst yet, monsters roamed the sunless snowscape. People became sick, people died, or worse yet they were mauled and some even turned into the things they had been killed by. Being so far on the outskirts of Lunaris, the kingdom’s ever watchful gaze was already limited, but even further so as they focused on those closest to the capital; Ivor and his people, were on their own. Ivor did his best to rally the other chiefs and tribes together; as a unified front, they were far stronger together, than as rivals stranded on their own. Ultimately Ivor was successful in starting his mission, he gathered allies, banded together the village folk to face the night. He would have succeeded further had he too not succumbed to the blight. A bear, infected by the miasma, happened upon their camp one night, it tore into his people and Ivor had enough as he lunged at the creature. Ivor was known for his strength, a burly man who ‘could lift a hundred men’ and yet the beast he fought was far stronger than anything he’d faced before. It overwhelmed him, eviscerating him and tossing him aside like a sack of grain. He’d faced death countless times, he felt the end nearing, but something was different, something inside [b][i]refused[/i][/b]. Ivor rose, a new strength within, and he bellowed before charging at the creature. What was at first a struggle, now felt like child’s play as he wrestled the beast with his bare hands. Fur flew, blood splattered, bone splintered under his grasp; e̵̝͂͘͠v̶̮̽͠e̵͛̚͜r̴̭͊y̸̭̠̐̈́t̴̃͒̏ͅḣ̸̤̗̲̔i̶̠͋́̄n̸̟̹͕̍̕g̶̯͔̦̀̈́͠ ̵̡̠͑w̸͎͂͒̿e̶̯͖̅̚ṉ̷̾͐t̶͇͉͈̄͘ ̷̦͚̉r̵̘̿̾͑ḙ̶̇d̶̞͉͔̂͊̅ When Ivor came to, the beast had departed from the mortal coil, leaving behind an energy that flew into his body, a newfound strength unlocked. The moment was too much as he felt all of the blood and the bones and the meat in his body shift, slow at first, then explosively, painfully. A montage of screams accompanied by monstrous roars as Ivor the man, became Ivor, The Wild [img]https://i.imgur.com/azd2dox.jpeg[/img] Ivor is a variant of blight-born that drains souls, a being’s very life force, to sustain his energy. Most often he uses this one game and wild-life, fresh after killing them from a hunt when their soul energy just releases. He has used his powers on living beings before, but strongly prefers not to abuse that convenience unless necessary. In extraordinary cases, absorbing a particularly potent soul imparts an aspect of that creature onto him. As was when he fought the blight bear after he first turned, absorbing the being’s soul now allows him to transform his body into that creature and gain their traits, albeit at a great cost to his own energy. In addition to this unique ability, his already impressive strength further increased with the turning, as did his resilience to the cold. Like other blight born he is adverse to the light, which makes this nightscape a godsend and in addition he is somehow far denser than he was before; in other words, he can’t swim anymore.[/hider]