There was that tension in the air again. As if the storm that had started outside of those clay halls had gone entirely silent. Gwynn was drawn forward to the egg furthest stage left. It was, perhaps, the smallest of the eggs, though it still rivaled a halfling in size. The scales of it were slowly pulsing with heat. That heat seemed to transfer to Gwynn. It started in her toes and danced up her body. Each wave held the warmth of a hug. Her heart was filled, and was her stomach. Aches and pains were temporarily swept away in a sea of blissful comfort. The world similarly seemed to melt away. Before Gwynn realized what was happening, she was floating in a distant, sweeping purple ocean. Twin suns glowed high above and seagulls could be heard far away. In the sky, a long serpent danced. It leapt between clouds and let out a low, rumbling call. The massive, serpentine figure dove down and landed gently on top of the water. It walked upon the purple ocean as if it were flat ground. Its paws barely made a ripple. The beast was difficult to look at. Unlike the rest of the world, the serpent was foggy. It was difficult to make out much more than the beast’s vague shape. As if one was looking at it through a fogged up mirror. It lowered its massive head, easily twice the size of Gwynn, and settled it on top of the water. [color=#a7d08c]Hello little one.[/color] The voice seemed to come from all directions at once. The beast certainly did not open its mouth to speak. [color=#a7d08c]You have come from rather far away… And proven yourself of great interest since the moment you entered the room. My child has taken great interest in you… and for that, I will grant you a gift. A prophecy. It may be about anything you wish… though, if you would prefer, I could simply tell you of your future.[/color] To the outside world, there was a swirl of energy. Of light. Then, all at once, Gwynn disappeared. The crowd murmured in concern. Mother Dula blinked, but seemed otherwise unconcerned. She turned back to the rest of the crowd. [color=00B4D8]”Number two, step forward.”[/color]