[center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1184338807965888622/1224202026230087710/Headers.png?ex=6638517b&is=6625dc7b&hm=c876f231b360e0e19116c9618d05875f94db04d9eadb6e44642c22e4aeb3dbba&[/img][/center] [color=#758173]Time:[/color] Morning [color=#758173]Location:[/color] Munir's Room [color=#758173]Attire:[/color] [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1184338807965888622/1230631956639907901/2024-04-18_14_31_19.672-0700.jpg?ex=66340652&is=66219152&hm=a783c767d82dcbdb86897f4cb079e3366b27b349ce5dd0626c32d05a9cca1e68&]Munir's Shirt[/url] [color=#758173]Interaction:[/color] [@Infinite Cosmos] Munir (hubby) [color=#758173]Mentions:[/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/BCGMDwO.png[/img][/center] [color=#758173]”Would be suitors, huh?”[/color] Mina said with a small laugh and shake of her head. [color=#758173]”I think you might be the only one mad enough to fall in love with the whore of Varian and Caesonia.”[/color] She said it in jest, but there was some truth behind her words. The truth was that she had been content with never actually finding love, to continue to be considered a whore and tainted in everyone's eyes, so it was still somewhat hard for her to believe that he actually loved her. As Munir leaned in and whispered his mischievous thoughts, Mina's cheeks flushed slightly with a warm blush. His teasing words sent a shiver down her spine, igniting a playful spark within her. [color=#758173]"Well, if you're so eager to tear off this shirt,"[/color] Mina replied with a coy smile, her voice laced with a hint of mischief, [color=#758173]"perhaps I should just keep wearing it to drive you wild and see how long you can resist while we're out and about."[/color] She watched as Munir slipped out of bed and disappeared for a moment, his absence leaving a void in the room. So Mina took a moment to explore her surroundings. She rose from the bed, her bare feet padding softly across the floor as she ventured around Munir's chamber. Her eyes drifted over the various trinkets and decorations that adorned the room, each one telling a story of its own. Approaching the desk, Mina couldn't help but be drawn to a half-finished letter lying there. She hesitated, knowing she should respect Munir's privacy and truthfully she would have if she hadn't read two simple words. Count Blackwood. Just as she was about to investigate further, Mina heard Munir returning, and she quickly moved away from the desk, leaving the letter untouched for now. Returning to the bed, she sat down, smoothing the fabric of Munir's linen shirt beneath her fingertips as she glanced at him with a grin. As Munir sat down beside her, Mina couldn't help but admire the way the morning sunlight danced across his bare torso, casting a golden glow upon his skin. She felt a surge of affection swell within her along with desire. [color=#758173]"Well,"[/color] Mina began, pondering the question for a moment, [color=#758173]"It seems like we may have a bit of rain today, judging by those clouds I can see gathering out here. It may be best to keep whatever we do to be indoors. Perhaps we can find some place to get some breakfast, I'd suggest Bertha’s Breakfast Bar. After that, I'm curious as to what you may have in mind?”[/color] She reached out and gently brushed a stray lock of hair from Munir's face, her touch lingering as she met his gaze with a soft smile. [color=#758173]"Whatever we decide to do, as long as we're together, I know it will be a day to remember.”[/color]