[center][h2] [color=indianred]Becker[/color][/h2][img]https://c.tenor.com/7XRiwlokC4kAAAAC/tenor.gif[/img] [i]Location:Coffee Shop Skills: N/A[/i][/center][hr][hr] Becker watched the officer walk away, a sense of relief washing over her. When Flynn thanked her, she simply nodded. [color=indianred]"No problem,"[/color] she replied, her tone neutral but genuine. She noticed Flynn's friend poking his head out of the truck, inviting them to a place called Twin Seasons. Becker couldn't help but roll her eyes at the comment. Before she could respond, Flynn suggested exchanging numbers to keep their stories straight for the cops. [color=indianred]"That's a good idea," [/color] Becker agreed, pulling out her phone. She quickly typed her number into his phone and took his in return. [color=indianred]"Better safe than sorry," [/color]she said, pocketing her phone. [color=indianred]"As for your invite, thanks, but maybe another time. Got some loose ends to tie up here before I jet."[/color] She gave Flynn a brief, almost imperceptible smile. [color=indianred]"Stay out of trouble,"[/color] she added, with a touch of dry humor, before turning to finish overseeing the scene.