[h3][color=7bcdc8]Roxas[/color][/h3] [hr] Roxas grabbed Vesemir's hand, making him drop his cane and had him put pressure on the wound that was seeping blood from the man's chest. She took a deep breath before shaking her hands of access blood and then rummaging in her side pouch. She pulled out a couple items and then reached over and ripped at Dimitri's shirt. [color=7bcdc8]"I'll repair it if you live."[/color] She mumbled to herself. She leaned over him, and moved her hand to feel around on his chest. The blood made it slick, but from the books she read, this should be easy. She grabbed a small knife from her pouch and cut into him. She then moved the piece she grabbed earlier and slid it into the slice a little forcefully. She waited for a moment, til the heard the hissing of the air leaving. A relief of breath sounded and then she was going back to the wound on his chest, knowing the air would be fine for a moment. She moved Vesemir's hands to slid her fingers into the wound to see if she can feel if there was any punctures she needed to close.