[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/JFdGtNN/Your-paragraph-text-removebg-preview.png[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxEMUNHFMCI]A touch of tavern music[/url][/center] [color=808080] The scent of warm spices began to flood the semi-busy kitchen as Sunni gracefully moved around the room. A handful of patrons were out front which he took note of [color=a93226]— [i]I should be quick.[/i][/color] Continuing his mission to feed himself, he was using very simple ingredients, but he was making something that he loved. It was an unadorned dish, though it was filling. A [url=https://www.theorganickitchen.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/227A9800.jpg]potato and egg[/url] dish. Sunni glanced with a smile when Syraeia came into the kitchen, a little bit of acknowledgment so she knew he was listening, as he finished cooking his meal. “[color=a93226]Never apologize to me Syraeia. I understand it has been busy, and I know I should stay to help you on these kinds of days though Dawnhaven will not build itself,[/color]” The man grabbed a rag and put it around the cast iron skillet. Moving it off from the fire and onto the wooden counter. Placing some cloth under it. “[color=a93226]I planned on cleaning up the mud when I do the floors tonight, I will tidy it up on my way out, but I will deep clean when things slow down,[/color]” He informed her politely as he grabbed a plate. Serving himself half of the pan while grabbing a utensil and taking a bite. His eyes closed while he groaned. The man forgot to eat today. This tasted like ambrosia to him. Swallowing the food down, his eyes opened, and his smile became a grin, “[color=a93226]I’ll give the boys a break, and I’ll help around here. Do not worry. I got you,[/color]” Sunni confirmed his plans while taking another bite of his food. Leaning against the counter and enjoying the flavor. He loved potatoes. “[color=a93226]And you are doing wonderful,[/color]” His voice was positive and airy. A compliment to help increase her confidence. She was doing good with running the inn, and he was proud of her. [i]I am fortunate, many others are not, my home never stood a chance.[/i] Those words caused a light knit of his brow to form, and he stared at Syraeia. Sunni understood that they didn’t know each other, not well, and that they were not friends, but he could see that whatever was on her mind bothered her. Her past. The mood in the room changed, and he could sense the sadness of the woman. His energy turned more serious as his expression faded to a neutral-positive one. He stared at her for a few seconds in thought. Looking down at his food and nodding his head in determining a decision. Looking up again to see her leaving the back and returning to the front. He sighed. One of his hands came over his face, covering his mouth, as he looked at one of the walls blankly. [color=a93226] — So many people were coming to Dawnhaven with such stories. Such horrid backgrounds. The two boys I am training in carpentry, construction, and other skills were orphans from Aurelia. I wish I could help… — [/color] The thoughts went through his mind before he continued to eat his food. His eyes shot up when he heard the familiar “Ahhh” since he knew Syraeia had returned, and a faint smile came over his face. He was always too positive… sometimes annoying for a lot of people but he rather be happy than anything else. “[color=a93226]I will,[/color]” he mentioned while putting his plate down. “[color=a93226]Syraeia,[/color]” Sunni said as if he was warning her about something. She was changing the topics about rumors and so on. He didn’t feel like she truly wanted to hear about the drama in town especially after bringing up her own so vaguely and, so quickly. At first, he paused, and he stood a foot away from her. Inhaling deeply, he took that final step and wrapped his arms around her. “[color=a93226]You can talk to me about anything if you want to. Life is hard, and it sucks being alone through self tortures,[/color]” Sunni softly spoke as the hug he offered was warm, secure, and caring. The man knew too well how it was to walk alone in self-torment. He had for many years… and he still does. It’s like walking on a path in a forest that you do not know while it’s so foggy you barely can see anything around you. You know you are on a path. You know it’s leading somewhere. You know there could be so many possibilities out there in the fog, but all you can hear is the horrid screams and agonizing sounds of the dangers around you. It could be overwhelming and completely maddening if you allowed it to consume your soul. [hr] [b]Interaction[/b] [@PrinceAlexus] Syraeia [/color]