[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/blackened-script-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220310/d7ebce471ad32b205c634c91e012331a.png[/img][/url][/center] Location: Where the magic happens Interactions: [@Tae]wifey [color=ed1c24]Mature content ahead. Readers beware[/color] [color=ffce00]"Whore of Varian? Nonsense. The Jewel of Varian more like. There are no whores here. And believe you me, I've seen my share of...let's just say working women..." [/color] Munir replied as he sat down to Mina's self-deprecating comment. Whatever the public perception of Mina is, Munir will have none of it. Sure, Mina has a past, but so does he. In fact, who doesn't? It is not the past that should define a person, but their present and future that should be looked at to define them. [color=ffce00] "Also. Don't think I didn't see what you did just now..." [/color] Munir said, wrapping an arm around Mina's waist and giving her side a playful squeeze. Leaning every so close to her cheek, he whispered to her, voice low but full of primal desire [color=ffce00] [i]"If you don't stop toying with me, we won't have a chance to make it to breakfast... or perhaps even lunch...As ravenous as my appetite is for you."[/i][/color] Munir finished with a slight growl to hiss voice as he gently bit down on Mina's earlobe before clutching Mina by her shoulders and pressing her down onto the bed, allowing himself to hover above her, hair tumbling down from his shoulder and hung loosely in front of his chest. The morning sun basked the pair in warmth and it made Mina even more radiant than usual. The sight of her drove him wild. He knows he should contain himself but in that moment he decided to throw his caution, and sense of time, to the winds. He grabbed the collar of the shirt Mina was wearing and pulled it roughly, leaving the crook of Mina's neck and upper shoulder exposed. He leaned down, breath hot with desire. Just as he was about to plant his lips against Mina's skin, there was a rapping at his chamber doors. An annoyed growl escaped Munir's throat. [color=ffce00] "This had better be important otherwise whoever you are, you're dead. What is it?"[/color] Munir said in a cold tone. [color=00a651] "Pardon me, my lord, my lady. I have gathered some clothing for Lady Blackwood." [/color] Hakim replied. [color=ffce00] "Hakim. You're lucky I like you. Wait there." [/color] Munir replied to his retainer, tone shifting to a softer one. Whispering to Mina, he said [color=ffce00] [i]"I suppose the Gods want me to wait to ravage you..."[/i] [/color] Munir shifted slightly, allowing himself to give Mina a deep, passionate kiss before he slipped off the bed once more and collecting the clothing Hakim had brought back. [color=ffce00] "Now, please prepare the carriage and three horses. The lady and I will be visiting some local spots this morning." [/color] [color=00a651] "Certainly my lord. The weather calls for rain, should I prepare for that? [/color] [color=ffce00] "Yes. Once you've prepared the horses, wait for us at the gate. Thank you, and fuck you for ruining my breakfast."[/color] Munir and Hakim smirked at each other before Hakim offered his lord a bow and quickly moved on to his next task. Turning, Munir closed the door behind him and brought the items of clothing into his bed chamber and set them on his dressing counter, slightly beneath his polished bronze mirror. [color=ffce00] "Bertha's then. I supposed you'd want me to step out while you changed?...Or..."[/color] Munir said, once again testing his boundaries with Mina.