[center][img]https://file.garden/ZKVp9NCxLBkb2R14/Fallout/Card%20(enhanced%20qual).png[/img][/center] [hr] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyflch827-Y][i]♪ "Night and you...and blue...Hawaii..." ♪[/i][/url] Clive fiddled with his Pip-Boy's volume knob as he listened to an old holotape he had put in. One of his patients had been a scavenger who had begged to pay him with a holotape he had found rather than caps, as he was in short supply of caps. In the first place, Clive opened his entire clinic service in the middle of the wasteland thing because it seemed entertaining. For one, wastelanders living out in the wasteland usually came in with more interesting medical conditions rather than those living in more civilised settlements. The raiders looking to take over where he had set up shop, the limited supplies, the mutated wildlife...all added extra challenges that were much more engaging than opening a safe, boring clinic in a settlement somewhere. So, since this scavenger came in practically glowing from all the radiation he had taken it—and frankly, it was a miracle he wasn't a ghoul yet—Clive had already received his 'payment' from him by bringing him the challenge of how to save the guy. Sure, he charges caps because he needed caps to live and buy more supplies, but in this case, since he wasn't hurting for caps, Clive accepted the holotape as a payment. Clive had to work a bit to restore the holotape—a nice little puzzle to work on in his spare time—but he eventually did it and found out it was a music holotape of an old song. Given that it was about Hawaii, he felt it was appropriate to bring it with him on the trip. [quote]“ My wife broke up with me on this cruise! We were together for years. Years!” The man sobbed and leaned onto the newscaster, holding the newscaster hostage with the strength of thirty vodka shots that had been taken over the course of several hours. “ You tell me something! What does a fuckin’ protectron have over me? Was I just not good enough for her? I helped out, you see. I helped out with the mortgage. I paid my fair share! That bucket of bolts never did anything but just lie in the basement but noooooo, she says that it’s got more personality than me. Me? Me….”[/quote] A loud, drunken rant drew Clive's attention. It appeared that a reporter was trying to do an interview, unfortunately, he had picked his interviewee poorly. [i]♪ "...And blue Hawaii...with all this loveliness...there should be love..." ♪[/i] Clive snorted as the song on his pip-boy ironically got to the part about love just as a drunken man went on a tirade about how his wife cuckold him with a protectron. He said he didn't get why and that protectron shouldn't have more personality than him, but...technically speaking, protectron was made for various purposes from pacifying patrolman to a caring medical worker, and so on. You'd be surprised how adaptable protectron was to do most jobs.Clive looked at APGA, his protectron that he had brought along. There was a reason why he brought a protectron along rather than an eyebot, a Mr Handy, or other robots. Because protectrons are jack of all trades, and so if he had to bring only one, a protectron was it. Though in any case, he was getting sidetracked. Going back to his previous thought, protectron was very adaptable, able to use various personality module, so...hypothetically speaking, Clive could see a protectron be programmed with a sexbot personality module and subroutines. Perhaps he should try opening that business next. Reprogramming a protectron to fit a specific fetish or niche a client wanted seemed like a fun little challenge. He then noticed the reported walking in his direction instead. Maybe the Pip-Boy and Vault 52 Jumpsuit he was wearing drew his attention? [quote]“ Hi, Sam from California Channel 89! We’re broadcasting live to California now. If you don’t mind, could you tell our viewers at home about what made you come onto the Aloha Isles?” [/quote] [i]♪ "Dreams come true...in blue Hawaii...and mine could all come true.." ♪[/i] Dreams, huh? Well, if Clive had to say what 'dreams' he wanted out of this trip, it was to be properly entertained. A good change of pace, the clinic in the middle of the wasteland gig had been getting too easy ever since he managed to restore a sentry bot. Clive replied, "Well...the Aloha Isle has been known to be quite the famous vacation spot even in the old world before the bomb fell, you see. I happened to receive a ticket from the father of one of my patients, and I figured it would be a good change of pace to go on the trip. I guess I'm just looking to have a good time since I got a ticket for free."