[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ZfcfpXI.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/rOIiBbB.png[/img][/center] [b]//A6 - Outside an Inn[/b] For all of the effort to bathe herself just twenty-four hours prior, Sebi had already accumulated another layer of dirt and sweat in this tireless city. Not merely did she maintain an ache in her muscles, she couldn't seem to ditch the clawing earth. Adventuring certainly didn't seem kind to her -never mind preferable. Sebi blinked at the offer of a brush. Were its previous user anyone other than a fellow foxkin she might have recoiled, but here instead she shrugged internally and accepted it. She untied her hair, which was bound by a ribbon and a band, each doing their part to keep her extraordinarily-long locks from touching the ground. She found another stump and sat down to busy herself with getting rid of the straw. "I think..." Sebi began with a smile, dwelling on wording, "...Were I younger and more experienced already in adventuring, I would continue to join you. Sumiye however..." She cast a glance back towards the corner where her own sleeping stable lie beyond. "She's still quite young, and may be a lot more warm to joining the party proper. Much as I'd be worrying for my daughter having just experienced the only first level, this [i]is[/i] what the city is all about, in the end, isn't it?" she asked rhetorically. Sebi continued meticulously brushing her hair. "For a group with a week's experience, you'd handled yourselves as well as this inexperienced lady could tell. And... we all survived. There's something to be said or that, no? Nevertheless, I can only say I wish you considerable luck if the second layer is what you're after. Do tell me if you ever reach there." She did believe it, to a certain extent -that the party before her showed promise. She'd yet to hear about statistics, but they were scrappy, had a week on her, and weren't dead or maimed for that matter. Even if their experience was all in running away, that was still a powerful skill. She smiled warmly, sagely. "No, I think you all show quite the promise I must say. While I cannot join you, I watch and hope for your success. If only because you offered me a hand, however simple, in my struggle here in this new city." A drawn out groan drew Sebi's attention; Sumiye showed, mid-stretch, and greeted the group. "Quite the day. How often do you all venture down there? It's been so long since I've seen anything like that kind of energy," Sumiye said through a yawn. By comparison to her mother, Sumiye felt groggy, but quickly revitalized. Even a boulder for sleeping could leave her capable of doing it again the next day. Truly the power of being young. [@ERode]