[h1][centre][color=a2d39c]Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper[/color][/centre][/h1] [h2][centre][color=a2d39c]Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”[/color][/centre][/h2] [centre][color=a2d39c][b]Open for Business[/b][/color] [/centre] Syraeia just let herself be held and did not remember the last time someone willingly held her out of kindness. The warmth in her heart that was so dulled and dampened sparked a little, there was a little hope and feeling things might not be so bad. He was much taller than she was, heavier and larger in multiple ways than the slight woman. She did not speak but rested against him and returned the gesture, tears dripping from her eye and a smile though it was a fragile one. [color=a2d39c]“some things are hard to open, i had to carry on, one foot at a time. I not even sure how I made it out of the borderlands”[/color] That time was a rather vague patch of memory, survival, nothing was too low, just had to make it to the kingdom's borders. [color=a2d39c]“Give me time”[/color] She said with a soft tone, her life was more stable, with her body healing, maybe her mind would begin to become stronger and process the horrors of the past. [color=a2d39c]“Long as they do not mind working for a well, me. I will not force them if they are not comfortable or willing. Some have good reasons to fear my kin.”[/color] Syraeia gestured to her own singular large eye, ears and the cursed rebirth that had left her a blightborn. She hoped both would be of an open mind but if one of them was and the other could not handle it, was better than none at all. The two children probably had a harder life than they should have though and likely had faced worse than Syraeia, but you did not know what horror they had met in their young lives. Noticing more people, things were waking up and there were tables not making coins that would be rectified. [color=a2d39c]“Money to be made, lady not get nice cloaks being idle back here.”[/color] She tried to lighten the mood and pulled her hood back into place, you could tell she was a blightborn from the front but the side or behind looked like any other woman unturned. An amazonian woman repeated her requests clad in armour with a symbol that she did not recognise totally, but knew it was important in Lunaris. The other two seemed to be older men, armoured too and bearded with higher quality armour and chainmail etc. [color=a2d39c]“I need to see to tables but i'll serve you once I find out what the lady wants”[/color] She said politely, though a little hesitant of the armed soldiers due to their reputation. They did not look like regular Lunaris soldiers. More akin to those they saw on the roads, keeps and the ones that escorted and interacted with highly ranked nobles or the most wealthy. Reaching the lady moving through the Inn and throwing another log and another on the large fire pit that burned, the brightness was not most comfortable but they needed warmth and light did her customers. Syraeia was more practically dressed in a hooded cloak over more practical clothes with boots and a treat to herself she had insisted on taking a small base metal charm of a decorated smith's Hammer rested around her neck on leather cords. [color=a2d39c]“Hello, my name is Syraeia, this my Inn, Food, Drink? We have a spiced stew, ale, wines and a few rarer items in stock.”[/color] Eyeing her up that she looked like had more money than the labourers and builders. The red eyes… well Syraeia knew exactly what those meant, but also knew the price that those took on you, your life and your soul. Letting her hood slip a little to expose her cyclopiam features to the woman alone and giving a small nod of attention. [color=a2d39c]“My best guest room is available still, this is a safe place for our kind”[/color] Adding that barely as a whisper to the woman. [color=a2d39c]“Now, would you like to start with wine, ale or something more exotic”[/color] Syraeia said deliberately louder projecting her voice. [color=82ca9d]“The salted venison is fresh in, and of quite refined quality.”[/color] She said, more confident than she felt at times, but coins… she had been poor, she had been destitute. She would not be, and would run a successful Inn. Syraeia looked around the Inn and saw potential growing in the evening. Even with the soldiers, they tended to be good drinkers. It was going to be hard work but a little closer to her goals, unlike Sunni she did not hoard like an obsessed Squirrel gathering up nuts by the mountain. However reborn, some things did not change and her mother had always made the best of their poor income. They never starved or looked raggedy. They still had pride. Syraeia forgot about replying to the letter the Princes man had left, that topic was too raw for her to face before a busy work day, she needed her head in the game. Then… she should not have thought that as the Prince came in! The Inn went silent as the Royal couple and she paused giving a respectful nod. [color=a2d39c]“Welcome to the eye of the Beholder Your Highness”.[/color] She was a little annoyed though that the timing had broken her flow to get a potential double of room rental and a customer who probably had gold... … The Prince came in, Princess at his side commanding and carrying his title as it almost was a formal sceptre and symbols of power. His posture, his voice and just carried the authority and weight of his family. Daphne looked up from the bar and glanced over, deciding that the situation had gone to shit, even deeper shit than the last day had gone. This did not seem to be working out. [color=f49ac2]“Boss?”[/color] She glanced to Coswain and Hector who nodded and stood up from the table they were discussing plans given they were in a town that under construction. All three stood quickly with a surprised expression but soon schooled themselves to a calm expression and a parade rest stance. “your highness.” Replying politely with a nod of the head. “Princess Octavia” to their lord's daughter. Hector gave a nod and kept a subtle gesture giving Daphne a little more confidence, he understood why she was somewhat upset and frustrated, she wanted to achieve her Knighthood and a failed mission to the Princess own household would dog her career for years. [color=f49ac2]“Lord Castelian Coswain, Master Warmsith Hector, I am Daphnne, Lord Coswains senior squire.”[/color] She said politely and smoothly, doing any introduction if needed. She was well trained, just was still not used to working with Lords and Royalty. Squires tended to not be deployed like this but the guard was pushed thin. [color=6ecff6]“Your Highness.”[/color] Coswain said smoothly with a little charm and an easy confidence of experience of 20 years service. [color=6ecff6]“We would be most grateful of Accommodations and your hospitality. As for time, I fear if this winter closes the passes as they say in Lunaris scholoral academy. Regardless of my wishes we will have to wait till the snow melts. The lower passes below Vindacus like the Royale Secundi may stay open but are prone to avalanche and collapse further up in the peaks during a harsh winter.”[/color] He paused with a voice of a confident yet respectful tone, calm and without a waiver projecting his voice clearly yet without any hint of a shout. [color=6ecff6]“We will help where we are able to serve in what we can, we are able hunters, and enhance your guardianship of this land. A deep Winter can be a Harsh and dangerous time in Lunaris my Prince. There is strength in fellowship and fidelity around the hearth.”[/color] He finished with an almost actor's end, bringing it to a close with a strong ending and tone of voice. He saw that the Prince and Princess, well it seemed they presented a united front, maybe the talk of them being worlds at the wedding, was no longer correct. ... [b]MENTIONS[/b] [@The Muse] [@The Savant] [@amorphical]