[center][b][h2]Turn 9[/h2][/b][/center] Turn 9 has started, please check [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16-9knKuj2C0QM2rsdK-tOwqtWDtiXg4hEGJbc9Pzcig/edit?usp=sharing]the MP Spreadsheet[/url] for your updated MP counts. Please let me know if any number is off and I'll fix it when I can. With turn 9 comes our second X-Turn, the Sylia Turn! Silver does not rust - But tarnish, it does. For the duration of this turn, you’re heavily encouraged to make at least one post (no matter how short) exploring any of Sylia’s creations, lands, and/or themes. The way you interact with your chosen creation/theme/land is up to you. You could write a simple short exchange between adventurers of different cultures, you could simply describe a new store that’s popped up in a Sylia-aligned settlement, etc. You have full creative licensing here, so please go forth and write some cool things for our crafter goddess!