[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/tgbbhnFP/Elara.webp[/img][/center] [indent]The cabin's interior was a symphony of silence, punctuated only by the whisper of Elara's movements as she meticulously executed her usual duties within Princess Octavia's chambers. The Princess's absence had draped a cloak of solitude over Elara, offering her a rare chance to work uninterrupted, her focus sharpened by the quietude. Each step she took was measured, each task performed with a reverence befitting the royal surroundings. The stillness was not emptiness but a canvas for her devotion, allowing her to pour her entire being into the service of her mistress. In the calm that enveloped the cabin, Elara seized the moment to brace for the coming winter. Her initial task was a thorough inspection of the Princess's wardrobe, a treasure trove of rich textiles. She plunged into the depths of luxurious fabrics, her fingers selecting the most robust cloaks and the softest shawls, each destined to fend off the biting cold. With meticulous care, she examined every garment, mending even the smallest flaws, ensuring that the Princess would be wrapped in nothing but perfection. Elara's attention then turned to the living quarters, where she acted as the guardian against the frost's advance. She stocked the fireplace with ample firewood, arranged in a precise order, ready to ignite and spread warmth throughout the room. The windows, too, were secured under her watchful eye, fortified to resist the creeping drafts that sought entry. Her scrutiny extended to every corner, every crevice, vigilant for any sign of disrepair that might betray the sanctity of the Princess's haven. Amidst her labours, Elara's mind wandered to the conversation she had shared with Octavia. She remembered the Princess's heartfelt request for assistance in preparing for the harshness of winter, and this memory spurred Elara into action. The potential delay in the arrival of necessary supplies added a layer of urgency to her mission, fueling her determination to find a solution swiftly and efficiently. [color=royalblue]"I shall begin my search at the heart of our community,"[/color] Elara whispered to herself, the weight of her duty anchoring her resolve. She envisioned the settlement, a mosaic of faces and skills, certain that within its bounds, she would find those capable of weaving and stitching the needed warmth for the cold season. The possibility of discovering untapped talent among the newcomers was also a hopeful thought that brightened her spirit. A small, optimistic smile played upon Elara's lips as she pictured the lively marketplace, a hub of activity and potential. The challenge of identifying the skilled individuals required for her task was daunting, yet she was ready to commit herself fully to the endeavour. Her dedication was unwavering, driven by the desire to alleviate some of the pressures resting on Octavia's royal shoulders. With determination propelling her forward, Elara stepped out from the protective embrace of Princess Octavia's chambers. Her heart was buoyant with the anticipation of meeting the settlement's new inhabitants, each a stranger from lands she had yet to traverse. [/indent]