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Sister Marta Rocha

Mekong River - 10/25/2022

Traveling through ballistics is no one's idea of a fun ride. It sounds amusing to catapult oneself directly into the heavens at vertiginous speeds, but it's much less fun when you realize that you will impact the ground about as fast, and your thoughts become occupied with the negligible difference between bone and crumbly croissant dough in these circumstances.

The local self-proclaimed nun was of much the same opinion - though the blessings of the Left Hand would protect her from this impact with little more than bruises, the supernatural resilience of Arms Masters might not be enough for the other passengers to walk away from the wreck. Maybe in the future, she would worry about controlling the Hand of Might's recoil more carefully because her current vision felt like one out of Hell itself.

Her first instinct was to switch to her right hand as swiftly as possible, to heal anyone who'd been injured in the crash as well as those refugees who suffered wounds in the frenzied melee. If any Chinese soldiers were restored in the crossfire... well, call it a happy coincidence. She wasn't here to passively preside over slaughter and hoped no one gave her trouble over it. It's always awkward to walk into a war on one side and then explain that you prefer it when the enemy doesn't die.

She was about to rush over to help the desperate evacuees when the enemy Arms Masters appeared, and the battlefield turned into a bullet hell. Left with no alternative but to wait for the full thirty-three seconds for the Left Hand to return, she was instead left screaming and jumping desperately across open field and cover to cover to avoid the enemy attacks - A somewhat distracting display that only made her more open to fire, hoping her experience in avoiding enemy fire would spare her for the necessary half-minute.

"Valei-Me, Santa Barbaraaa!"

Jinghong Dam - 10/25/2022

In the precious few moments before everything kicked off, when everything was still tense standoffs and the rising threat of stellar annihilation, when information could still be hurriedly whispered and indicated, Marta had shuffled off to the back of the boat as unintrusively as she could, perhaps masquerading her movement in the guise of being intimidated - which in truth, she somewhat was.

When people suddenly began to move, she manifested the Left Hand of Wrath; the gauntlets' shine like a shimmering beacon in the darkness. A sign that the time for stealth and subterfuge had already fallen by the wayside.

"No time to explain! Hold on tight for dear life!"

With one last sideways glance to confirm the direction, she gathered as much energy as she dared into her left hand and pushed back downwards with a left straight.

The kinetic energy struck the water and compressed the air like the fist of an angry god. With a resounding shockwave and a massive splash, a plume of water tens of meters high sprayed from the surface of the water, the wake spreading down the river as Newton's Laws of Mechanics took hold, and the boat - and everyone on it - was suddenly being subject to very sudden and rude acceleration.

Thanks to the angle of force being applied by the ballistic impact of the punch, the boat soon cleared the water entirely and crashed through a series of fences and barricades. The boat would reach the hostage holding area by hook or crook, but it probably wouldn't be boat-shaped by then.

"Dear lord," thought a screaming nun as she contemplated the approaching ground, "Please let there be no one right below us at the moment."
Mekong River, China - 10/25/2022

Sitting at the corner in a small boat, pulling at the collar of a counterfeit PLA Uniform and trying her best not to further disrobe, Marta Rocha realizes she is not having a good time. She knew this was a humid subtropical region, but good grief, this...

"...This is worse than a hot Lisbon summer. And it's October."

She had even tried to get permission to wear her usual habit, but even from afar, the presence of a nun on a PLA boat would raise some eyebrows. A modest military uniform wasn't bad, but honestly, if she had worn the entire habit, she'd be cooking alive, so it was almost a relief to be mandated to wear it. Not that she was unused to hot climates - she'd been wandering the world for some time now, and Portugal itself isn't precisely Iceland - but she still really hated it.

Shifting in her seat, she barely acknowledges the tension and looming threat around her. She's not one for nerves - problems will either happen or they won't, and there's no point fretting until they fall on her lap. Her enemy at the moment wasn't the PLA; it was the shimmering heat and the many mosquitoes, who, among all of the Lord's creatures, most tested her patience and ability to sit still. As they reach the next barricade, she rises quietly to observe.

"I'm not really sure what the plan is... I'm not exactly a fine military mind. Just say the word and I'll jump to it."

The Ritz Hotel - 10/25/2022

After a relaxing vacation - admittedly interrupted by a humanitarian crisis related to the undead - Marta was seated again in a space where she didn't quite belong. She'd been to many crisis situations, but typically, that was her alone, operating as a mendicant nun and talking with whoever needed to be talked to to get things done - sometimes a few informal agreements with NGOs and the local emergency services. Only recently has she begun liaising with an actual military force, and the differences are... striking.

Still, it doesn't do to complain - Ora et Labora, as the Benedictines would say - and liberating prisoners from prisons in the shadow of an ecological disaster is about as righteous a mission as they come. She tugs nervously at the collar of her habit, unsure if she's worried they'll ask her to ditch it to infiltrate or if she'd be glad for the excuse to avoid the temperature where they're going.

"Uh, hey, if I may ask a question-"

She raises her hand more politely than she used to do in school.

"Our mission is to disable the anti-air weapons and rescue the prisoners, yes? We shouldn't bust up the actual dam?"

The Sister is more interested in the parts about saving lives than the ones that might involve taking them, but she thinks... maybe... the Left Hand of Might could destroy the dam. She flushes a bit as the awkwardness sets in - not offering the possibility seemed like malingering.
((Collab between @Letter Bee and @Amidatelion))

Intermission Two: Ghosts of Angeles City - Timeskip; Final Six Days

Balibago, Angeles City - 10/20/2022, Philippines, 11:02, UTC+8

Myron patrolled the streets of Balibago, leading a phalanx of military police in body armor and borrowing Noel’s authority to make sure that Balibago’s establishments and residential houses were protected. Under Lotus Squadron’s aerial cover, construction workers were able to carry bags of concrete and hollow blocks, as well as set up metal scaffolding from which they can repair the buildings ravaged by vandals, zombies, and fire.

Window panes were being replaced with new glass, billboards patched up or replaced as well, and Myron had instructed the local junkyards and recycling centers to smelt as much glass and metal as they could for future use.

But it was not enough, although it was certainly more constructive than his previous activities. Either way, despite his efforts, the streets were filled with more vagrants, the storeowners and local residents were more sullen, and there was a cloying smell of urine and excrement due to the local sewers being overtaxed.

It would take years to recover from this even if the war was over, and the status of the Amerasians would degrade further if he didn’t do anything.

Which reminded him to call ‘Sister’ Marta through military comms and ask, Hey, I’m coming back to Murata’s Ramen House right now; want to meet up with there? You must be tired out from healing dozens of people; you have the right to take care of yourself too, you know?

A Haggard voice rings out from the other end of the Comms - the Sister rarely keeps anyone waiting long, whether or not the circumstance is life and death as it was recently. Hey, Myron! Yeah, that sounds - an unbidden yawn interrupts. Yeah, that sounds good to me. I’ll just google the address and be right there.

Marta had in fact, barely rested recently - just enough to not make herself a nuisance to those she meant to help. But so long as there were still people injured and debris to clear, she felt compelled, nay, obligated to help. To ignore those you can help right in front of you is unconscionable…but it also means that she’d worked up quite an appetite, and a thick bowl of Ramen could have lured her from anything at that point.

A quick trip to the hotel and a splash of water to the face to ensure she was wearing a clean habit and a clean face were needed - it wouldn’t do to show up all slovenly when invited - but within the half-hour she was entering the restaurant fresh-faced, looking for Myron and hoping her energy could hide her eyebags.

Myron was close to the entrance just in case anything happened, and was eating from a bowl of chicken ramen; chickens were still plentiful in the area, after all. Waving hi to Marta as he sat behind a wooden table with some beer stains, on a wooden chair whose upholstery was faded and starting to wear due to lack of maintenance, the young man greeted her with a, “Hi, Marta; want to order something? I’m paying.”

He then sighed and said, “Thank you, for helping clear up the aftermath; things would have been worse without you.”

“Hey, there he is!” With a happy wave, she settles down on a chair in front of him while grabbing the menu. “And really, thank you - I was just doing my best to help, but it feels good to hear the gratitude. I guess I have to work on my humility, heh.”

She browses the combo section for a moment, satisfied that the pictures are indeed, mouthwatering. Added to the aroma of the Chicken Ramen her host is eating, extracted a very undignified grumbling from her stomach.

“But really, I’m even more thankful for the food. I was starving , and I barely realized. So I’m thinking - ” she turns the menu to show the combo options. “- Should I get the meal with Karaage or the one with Gyoza? I can’t choose.”

Myron answered, “Karaage; the chicken is crispy yet tender at the same time. With Ramen, it proves that noodles can be higher-class instead of just poor people’s fare; not that there’s anything wrong with the latter.”

He then sighed in his seat and said, “You don’t need to feel guilt for finding gratitude heartwarming. While you’re not entitled to their gratitude, if the latter is freely given, you should accept it.”

“Hmm… yes, you have a point. It’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while.”

She calls over the wait staff and quickly puts in her order, looking forward to the delicious Karaage and Ramen.

“An excessive concern with being humble and altruistic can easily turn into self-righteousness by itself. I imagine you yourself must’ve been receiving many thanks after what happened.”

She crosses her arms over the table with an inquisitive expression. “What did happen, anyway? I got the gist of it from the news reports, but I was in the middle of the whole thing and I’ve been busy since then. I guess some of the troublemakers weren’t zombies? I had to scold some people on top of everything else.”

Myron froze up a little as he said, “People were spreading rumors that the Amerasian population - Descendants of American soldiers, businessmen, and bureaucrats from the time when they Americanos had a base here - were behind the Chinese invasion. Others believed them and formed a mob; it was easier to believe when for three or so generations, the Amerasians were seen as prostitutes or children of prostitutes - Many of them are the latter who become the former just to survive.”

He looked at her, drawing attention to his own pale skin mixed with his Southeast Asian snub nose, and said, “I barely avoided the same fate; ended up in a Spartan Training Program, escaped from there and joined the Disablers and then became an Arms Master… But I digress - Someone mixed in a zombie virus in an already violent situation.”

Then he went silent.

“... I see,” she responds after a few moments. “That must have been difficult. Frustrating. These are difficult times.”

She takes a sip from her ice tea which arrived fairly quickly.

“It can be… disappointing to see people get violent and irrational. I’ve seen it before. Rumors, misinformation, slander… when you start mixing all that into the worries of war, whether or not they’ll live or die… Well, most people aren’t saints. They’ll do bad things. Things they regret.”

She has indeed seen it before. You never forget your first angry mob, whether that be a flareup of ethnic conflict in eastern Europe, religious persecution in south Asia, or hate-filled “vigilantes” in small American towns. People can be horrible.

“...People can be horrible… but they can also be better. They just need someone to open that path for them. That’s why someone who makes things even worse - like with the Zombie Virus - can’t be left to roam freely.”

Myron nodded in agreement, then said as he ate another few strings of noodles, “We have a suspect already, but he’s gotten away, back to China. With one of us forced to surrender himself in exchange for him not causing any more havoc here for the time being. But let’s talk about how people can be better.”

Looking her in the eye, the former Disabler spoke, “I saw Arms Masters as monsters, nonhuman, holders of power no one deserved to have and which should not be in human hands. But turns out, they don’t have to be that, either - They could simply be people who realized that they themselves can be better than they were right now and chose to follow through. I myself gained my Noble Arm when I saw that the cycle of hatred existed and that whoever wins, all will suffer including the winners - Well, that’s part of that.”

He then ordered a can of beer and a glass from a waitress, then continued, “To be honest, part of me still dreams of a world without Noble Arms, but with the people who would otherwise be Arms Masters still existent. But that will require alterations to the history of the world only the insane would want, at this point. And besides, Arms Masters who come from a place of self-improvement, stemming from knowledge of their own shortcomings, can be an example to all.”

The Sister looks at her hands for a few seconds before replying. “I spent a lot of time thinking… about why I have this power. Why does anyone? And I think… it doesn’t really matter, ‘why.’”

She clenches a fist.

“Noble Arms are power. I think it’s a power that’s been bestowed upon us to do as we see fit. But lots of people have power already - the father over the son, the teacher over the student, the general over his soldiers, and those soldiers over the lives of those they kill. Having power isn’t new. It’s something that already existed.”

She puts her hands back on the table, eagerly accepting the Karaage being served.

“I think people like the Disablers, the Virtues, whoever… they’re too taken in by this flashy power, this everyday miracle. But at the end of the day, it’s just power - what matters is that it does not become an excuse. That hasn’t changed. And those who wield power should be good people, but so should anyone.”

She brushes a hand along the crucifix adorning her habit.

“Well, that’s my answer anyway. Perhaps you have your own.”

Myron smiled and said, “I have my own; it’s similar to yours’. Basically, Noble Arms come from personal change and a willingness to accept it - At least in most cases. And not all change is positive or negative or neutral. Not all is worthy of resistance or submission. But what we’re all obliged to do, is live in symbiosis.

“As time passes and change is accepted and encouraged, we’ll get more Noble Arms, to the point where most Humans have them. But coexistence will still be the best option for us all, if only because cooperation produces more cash.”

He then smiled at that and continued, “Sometimes, greed appeals to people as much as altruism.”

Marta, eating her food, smiles knowingly. “Well, I can’t really say I approve - spiritually - but your words have the ring of truth to them. I guess it all comes back to people in bad places.”

She raises a finger dramatically. “Man shall not live on bread alone, and all that, but they need the bread first. And if material desire is the carrot needed for people to be decent for a start, then I can’t be too sniffy about it. Ah, speaking of-”
The server arrives with a thick, steaming bowl of ramen topped with eggs, pork, corn, and other sorts. The anticipation on the Nun’s face is undisguised as she picks up some of the noodles, blowing on them carefully before dipping them back in and then slurping them all up.

“Oh man, that hits the spot. Love me some Miso Ramen. Hard to get a meal more filling, even back in Europe.”

Myron then spoke, “Yep. So, want to spend the meal in relative quiet? These walls still have ears, after all…”

“Oh, let’s just have some small talk, you and I - it’ll be fun! So anyway…”
Balibago, Angeles City, Philippines - 10/18/2022

A shockwave rocks the walls as a crowd gets swept out of the way. The sound of screams, impacts, and hurried apologies start closing in on a particular alleyway from which a flare was fired a short time ago.

The Sister, clothes stained and torn, uneven coif exposing a few locks of hazel hair, tried her best to reach her destination as fast as possible. It turns out, however, that - even with most people having already gotten far from the danger - there was always something to do. She could have gotten there much faster, but her particular abilities weren't suited for it unless she wanted to leave a trail of craters and jellied human bodies in her wake.

By the time she reaches her goal, she's downright exhausted and looks a mess - far from the sacred cavalry Marta wished to invoke, she seems more like a desperate, hyperventilating runaway. Trusting in the protection of the Hand of Might, she leans against a wall to catch her breath.

"Okay... Okay, I'm... *hooo...* caralho, que corrida...just gimme a minute here, ... catching my breath..."

She raises a metal-clad finger, looking into the alleyway in search of anyone who needs...

"Anyone need help? Sorry, need some direction here."
Balibago, Angeles City, Philippines - 10/18/2022

Marta managed to see the flare and deduced, without much difficulty, that if something related to the current zombie plague was happening, whoever sent that flare-up needed the help reasonably desperately. She finished emanating the healing light of the hand of Mercy - a kid had dislocated a bone while trying to escape the confusion - and began transferring the power to her right hand.

"Run along, kid! Quick!"

Hurrying the kid along, she turns around just in time to avoid one of the Zombies' frenzied attacks. With the Hand of Might still inactive, she had to rely on good old-fashioned boxing dodges and hitting the thing with a stick - she didn't feel very interested in touching the infected hordes, even if this wasn't a contagious virus-type scenario, though she'd wash her habit carefully later, just in case.

With a flash of light, the gauntlet manifests on her left hand, and without missing a beat, she brings up her palm to strike the zombie as softly as she can - which still sends the poor person flying across the street with a discomfiting crack of broken ribs. The nun winces, looking at the encroaching horde ahead and the trail of unconscious zombies behind her. She's unsure if this zombie virus is reversible, but...

"...they're just civilians, not soldiers or war machines. I can't just turn them into a paste and move on. Have to focus... no one can get hurt!"

She lunges forward in a boxing guard, diving fearlessly into the middle of a cluster of zombies. She aims her jabs carefully, immobilizing their legs with hammer blow force and knocking them to the ground. Without time to breathe, the next wave stumbles in, and she's forced to keep them at bay, barely missing a lunge at her exposed face. A single, mighty left straight punch - pulled back with tremendous effort - strikes one of the zombies in the abdomen, careening backward and bowling back several others. She continues to advance, undeterred, but slowly, so very slowly, digging her way through one non-lethal zombie encounter after another.

She grits her teeth in frustration as she hears another cry for help amid the chaos - an increasingly rare circumstance, considering everything - and looks back toward where the flare was.

"I'm coming... whoever you are... just... hold on!"

Balibago, Angeles City, Philippines - 10/18/2022

When doing good deeds, it's important to remember to take some time for yourself. That's a lesson worth learning even if you don't intend to spend your life being a wandering do-gooder, but it's something Sister Marta had to learn very quickly indeed. When she had begun on her path, she dedicated her absolute utmost to everything without a moment's respite, and - predictably - she almost crashed and burned because of it. Never again wanting to put another at risk due to a self-serving, self-destructive sense of duty, she has dedicated plenty of time for personal rest.

This is why, unlike some might predict, she found no problem lounging inside a comfortable hotel suite for some time. She didn't do much on her first outing, but it was still highly stressful, and a good long soak in a warm bath and some rest on a fluffy, soft mattress did wonders to soothe her many worries. However, scrolling on the phone and watching local television became tedious and unengaging after several hours. Feeling a need to connect with the world again, she left the suite behind to take a walk to no destination.

These walks are meditative, almost mystical experiences for her, despite how mundane they ultimately are. She takes her time to carefully observe not just the people and their actions but the patterns on the sides of buildings, the behavior of city birds and other stray animals, and whichever trees or flowers cross her path. Stopping to sample food and drink only when necessary, she simply takes in the world and uses it as an inspiration. After a couple of hours and at least one meal too many, she is somewhat tired and desirous of a comforting rest once more.

Finding a comfortable seat on a serendipitously placed bench, she closes her eyes and focuses on the auditory sensation - people's conversations, the thrumming of engines, the occasional blowing breeze. Promising that she's only resting for a few minutes, she sinks into the city's symphony and drifts off to a reasonably undignified sleep on a public bench...

The exact location, Hours Later

They say that, given enough time, one can get used to anything. For the nun who had slept through anything from aerial bombardments to bumpy offroad excursions in the back of jeeps, the hustle and bustle of a city was almost like a lullaby.

However, the sound of panicked screams, generalized chaos, anger, and violence nearby are an exception even to that rule. She blearily lifted herself from sleep, stretching awkwardly and brushing her eyes before noticing that something had quite clearly gone to hell while she was dozing off in public. Zombified citizens and furious passersby alike interlaced in a dance of complete chaos - worse, other people were still involved!

Shaking off her fatigue, she leaps into action, summoning the Left Hand of Might and rushing into the fray. Mentally restraining herself to only use a fraction of its power, she runs to the aid of a man being set upon by a zombie and bats it away roughly, sending it flying back onto the pavement. Another Zombie lunges at her - she weaves away from the blow, grabs the infectee's arm, and throws it aside.

"What on Earth is happening here? This must be an attack of some sort...!"

The Supply

“Volunteer Marta Roche,” a voice, that of a boy no older than sixteen or seventeen, echoed over the comms. “Once you’re done with the Chinese PoWs, can you come to the BRP Ramon Alcaraz using one of Qingshe’s portals? We need you to heal some of our people next…”

Marta fiddled with her radio a bit, stretching out the antenna - an old habit formed with time spent in areas with unreliable access to radio. “Sister Marta, hearing you loud and clear. Ready to do my thing, soon as I get that portal.” She looks at the Hand of Mercy - still about four fingers and change of charge. Good - more than enough.

There was, thankfully, a stationary portal, thanks to Qingshe’s preparedness. This meant that Sister Marta was able to return to the home ship of the ASEAN Flotilla so she can finally heal the members of First Lieutenant Alonso’s team who had been wounded in action.

Of course, once she had returned to the ship, she’d find out that the team members were nowhere to be seen, only Noel himself, who said, “...Yeah, apparently, my team felt that the healing I gave them was enough. One of them is also receiving orders from Sweden to begin preparations to return to Europe while the other, well, I don’t know what he’s doing right now. Probably taking a break from fighting.”

He then paused and said, “We can talk, though. Do you need any information or exposition about the current situation?”

Marta, who had appeared as quickly as she could, gauntlet aglow, couldn’t help but feel a certain sense of anticlimax. “...Oh. That’s uh, it, then?” She stopped for a moment to look at Noel and scratch her head - Coifs get itchy once in a while. “I guess it’s fine if everyone’s fine. They really hotfooted it out of here, though. Shame, I would have liked to meet them.”

She offers her unarmored left hand. “Pleased to meet you anyway. I’m Sister Marta, but you can just call me Marta! I assume the mission’s gone smoothly?”

Noel shook her hand and said, “It has. We managed to resupply the Qing Restoration Society Rebellion that is holding Mischief Reef as our ally. But we inflicted less damage than we would have liked; the Chinese used some sort of Noble Arm to make one of their corvettes act on their own and control every part of itself as though it was a living body. So the corvette we boarded and got injured in is still functional, and the enemy Navy has suffered minimal damage from our operation, although their Air Force has been routed from the area by Lotus Squadron - Vietnamese Elite Pilots.”

He then continued, “I suppose this is the best outcome for both sides, right? From a point of view that seeks to prevent deaths, I mean.”

“That’s good!” She dismisses her arm in a dim flash of light. “As far as I’m concerned, minimizing casualties is the whole point of the exercise.” Arms crossed, she looks outside the ship. “Too much blood has already been spilt on such a nice corner of the planet, don’t you agree?”

Noel nodded and said, “This is true; thanks for reminding me of that.”

Then he smiled and said, “So, we’ll be going back to Lingayen City to rest, then I’ll check the rumors that we’ll be reassigned later on. Not sure what I can talk about other than that, though? As far as I’m concerned, we’ve cracked the foes’ hold over the West Philippine Sea and that’s important… Well, not as important as saving lives.”

Marta thought that this was probably one of those moments where she was expected to take initiative and sound wise, or something like that. “Well, the path forward isn’t always obvious.” She nods again. “As long as we hold true to our convictions, we’ll find it sooner or later. Maybe this upcoming rest stop is just what everyone might need to get that moment of introspection.”

The Sister pulls a phone from a sewn-on pocket. “Let’s exchange contacts! I’m always open for consultation, though I’m more of a friendly shoulder to cry on than a confessional.”

Noel responded with a smile as he drew his own phone, saying, “Sure; I’ll share my number.”
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