Avatar of Crimson Crusade
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Current I am new here. I am here to melt minds and induce sleep paralysis. Let us weave some tales!


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@Crimson Crusade apologies for not replying sooner!!

I’m thinking air nomad orphan who was originally meant to be raised in one of the temples but something happened in their younger years which led to them being completely on their own

Perhaps due to this they might retain the peaceful teachings of the temple but that may also be mixed with some pretty aggressive and primal behaviour since surviving on their own.

Their air-bending wouldn’t be the strongest but they could also develop newer and a little less traditional techniques (such as man idk, taking someone’s breath away in the literal sense but a lot less hardcore)

Not sure if this is going over the top. Please do let me know ^^

(Also also- welcome to the site! I did not realise you were new aswell I have to admit)

Hey! Thank you. I'm okay with that type of character as long as you're aware I've already made the initial post and my character is also an airbender. But that's cool with me
<Snipped quote by Crimson Crusade>

That's fair. I overlooked that.

Usually any out of character information such as lore or rules would go in that tab. The post at the start of this thread, for example.

Ahhhh gotcha I understand. I'll keep that in mind moving forward thank you
@blesses blight

Corbin cocked an eyebrow as he watched her get back to her feet. "I haven't seen another..." He paused for a moment. "...like us in over a century so I know how you feel." He smiled. The smile wasn't entirely genuine though. He enjoyed her flat out denial of having felt afraid of him, and he was glad for it. Yet, there was something that had spooked her, or induced an old trauma that went beyond simple surprise at seeing another vampyre. Who was this woman? Where did she come from? What was she doing in such a place as this? What had caused her hand to tremble? She was a mystery and arguably the most interesting thing to disrupt his life in decades. "When I felt your presence..." Corbin rolled his eyes at how quickly he was beginning to feel comfort. For all he knew she was from a rival clan or was behind the orders that had sent an army to his doorstep. Caution was the wise move here.

The strange woman on the other side of the bar interrupted. She clearly had no idea how to communicate with other intelligent species. He chose to ignore her this time, but in an attempt to appeal to the woman of interest, he grabbed a new glass and filled it with...something from one of the bottles atop a shelf. He slid it across the wooden bar to the odd creature before returning the mystery bottle to its rightful place. Corbin then grabbed a couple wine glasses, spinning them between his long fingers (in retrospect perhaps that was a little much) and placed them on the counter beneath the shelves holding the liquor. Tracing a finger tip along the pommel of his blade at his hip, a couple quick motions and Greyscale released a vial that had sat snugly within the hilt. Corbin dumped its contents into the wine glasses and offered one to the vampyress. "Still warm."

There was no need to provide context to the woman. She would know exactly what he was offering and hoped she would appreciate the gesture. Corbin lifted his glass to his nose and swirled the glass as he'd seen others do and basked in the delicious scent. "The name's Corbin." He said to her as he raised his glass in toast. "To our unexpected meeting." He watched and waited to see how she would proceed before bringing the glass to his lips.
@Crimson Flame

For both ATLA and Korra? If so, I'd very much like to hear about your water bender. Just keep in mind this is thousands of years before ATLA.
I have a Water tribe character I’ve been wanting to use in something…

How familiar are you with the lore?
...Fuck it. I don't know a whole lot about Avatar, but an idea for a Earth/Fire Tribe person is already forming in my head. So hey, why not?

Might want to brush up on your lore because ATLA is a masterpiece and I'm not trying to break that universe's rules. I'm an ATLA encyclopedia though so feel free to ask any questions you have.
I find this interesting.

Is there a reason there's nothing in the OOC tab of the thread though?

I am new to this site??? IC/OOC tabs are not something I am accustomed to

lets hear it!
@blesses blight

Corbin didn't miss the display of shock his presence had induced within the vampyress. He felt it as well, though there was something more to the woman's reaction than he had anticipated. What was it that had gotten under her skin when she looked into his eyes? It was more than the shock of seeing another vampyre to be certain. Another vampyre... He still couldn't believe it but here she was. The golden eyes, the aura of power, and yet she seemed weakened by something. Curious...and that's when he noticed the subtle scent of something...something...he could not quite recall why it was familiar.

“What?...there’s some whiskey.” She said to both himself and a woman beside him. She was an odd thing...a strange aura about her and an even stranger face. A flower popping out of one of her eyes. She definitely wasn't human but she did not pique his interest the way the mere presence of another vampyre did, especially one of such beauty. He politely, albeit dismissively, offered the strange creature a nod before turning his complete attention back to the crouching woman behind the bar.

He was far too intrigued observing her reactions, both physical and emotional discomfort, to be bothered to do anything when her trembling hands sent glasses careening to the floor behind the bar. She knelt down to clean up her mess and as she did so Corbin hopped over the bar to offer his assistance. As he leaned down beside her he saw the telltale sign of a vampyre's blood, like black ink. That's when the realization of the scent came to him. Vampyre blood...how long had it been since he smelled the blood of his kind? How long had it been since he had bled? If he needed confirmation, which he did not, there it was and yet he felt a sense of sadness...a strange and foreign feeling to be sure.

It was clear she did not need or even want anyone's help, and she was doing a rather fine job of cleaning the mess up on her own so he took a step back and gave her some space. "I am well accustomed to invoking terror unto others," Corbin said to the woman behind the bar. "But under extraordinarily different circumstances." He stood up and scanned the shelves for something, but honestly had no clue what for exactly. It was incredibly difficult for vampyres to feel alcohol's intoxicating affects and so he just never bothered with the stuff. He was here for the woman, not a drink. Corbin leaned against the bar facing the shelves holding the bottles, his back to the patrons, awaiting for the woman to return to their conversation. "You need not fear me."
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