Avatar of Deos Morran
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    1. Deos Morran 7 yrs ago


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@Andromedai Already done!

I hope I did good!
Unfortunately not. It's just little old Alria~!
I am back and I am alive! I am also bringing everybody's favor little sister back into teh mix once I get her CS fixed for the new story.

Rathe Grey & Chiya!
Location: Askavi, Skypass mountains, Fort Helios

Interacting With: @LadyRunic

Rathe took the man in and gathered stock for who he was. Sure he was making efforts to show he wasn't a direct threat, but the fact of the matter was he was making too many. Making requests and trying to show so much that he wasn't going to try anything makes a man cautious and alert. Being said though there was a certain level of risk that came with all diplomacy. So standing at his full height at the messenger he gave a brief glance around before he gestured for the man to follow. Adding on top of it, "Come with me." Starting to walk through the courtyard not towards the castle, but towards the outer wall and battlements of the fort.

Leading him up the internal structures and stairs that lead up multiple floors of solid stone and mortar to bring them to the top of the walls. Braziers stood at the ramparts at key locations, just as ballistae with racks upon them stood an ever faithful watch out into the mountains and valleys. It was an impressive sight, but one that the men on the walls knew to be familiar and comforting given the victories they had brought. Though this wasn't to show the fort's military might and instead he continued to guide and lead the man off towards a secluded spot on the walls. Of course no spot was unguarded, but with a simple command to the patrol to take a few minutes and reinforce the next station down. That in turn gave them a private space to talk.

Walking up to the edge of the battlements he gestured for the messenger to come and join him. Staring out at the beautiful view of the mountains and once again waiting for his guest to state his business. After all, accommodations have been made, there should be no more reason to delay the details of why this man had come the long way up to the Skypass Mountains.

Rathe Grey & Chiya!
Location: Askavi, Skypass mountains, Fort Helios

Interacting With: @LadyRunic

Rathe had hardly left his War Room before he was accosted by a messenger. A young lad of stout frame and good build, a fine addition to the ranks of Helios, but far to young to be a soldier or ranger. Yet he wasn't fine with sitting around and thus was given a simple mission to deliver a message that he seemed to fulfill with fervor. Rathe was a man of patience and while he wasn't capable of grand feats he waited for the kid to catch his breath and give him report. Though it was strange. Most who join don't seek a direct audience with the Warden Commander and those who do are either bad assassins, envoys who normally have bad news, or just plan suicidal. Nodding to the boy Rathe and Chiya started to make for the gates.

Back on the outside where the messenger was the guards had gotten word through mouths and shoulders that he was to be let in. After receiving a proper description and gauging the threat of him, Rathe knew that if push came to shove he would be just fine. So walking through his halls he treated this like jsut another day. Before long he was out in the main courtyard, letting his banners fly around him off the battlements and bastions of his mountainside fort. The cool and crisp air trying to cut as his skin, but finding no purchase. Instead he continue on his warpath, leading up to the main gates and the waiting messenger.

Upon reaching him in the courtyard he stood at his imposing height a few feet away from him. Remaining stoic and silent, after all it was not Rathe who started this conversation and it would be rude to take command before he had reason to.

Chiya was chipper as ever, taking his leave of Rathe early on and running about the courtyard, making his peace known to the world and scampering about now that he was finally free of the cold floored castle. After all it was like Chiya always said! Too much castle is bad for your happy center!

Rathe Grey & Chiya!
Location: Askavi, Skypass mountains, Fort Helios

Interacting With: N/A

Fort Helios, positioned high in the Skypass Mountains and nestled up at a key choke point in the Askavi kingdom. Built by Eryian hands, for Eryian lives not because of them. Though the story of Helios is not one that came without bloodshed. After all the Warden Commander of the fort, Rathe Grey only came to this position and to see this fort built after the previously undefended pass cost him his family, home, and original life. Though it served to put him into this position and make him the man he needed to be to run it.

For Rathe this was just another day and thankfully one of peace. With the threat of raiders, bandits, vagabonds, and other unwanteds always present, it was good to have a moment to handle the other matters of the fort, bearing witness to the hustle and bustle of his men and women, moving about the walls, battlements, and emplacements of the fort to ensure that everything was in tip top condition for the next siege. One they knew was coming, yet when was the only question left to chance. There was a certain peace to knowing only war. Knowing that your foe will come and being ready for them, being strong enough to defend against them, and of course knowing that the brothers and sisters to your left and right were here to make sure you survived. It was a twisted and dark view, but it was one some could find solace in. It was also the view that the banner of Helios was formed under and let people from all the lands fight for the people instead of a dark and corrupted queen.

Rathe was on his way to the War Council, ready to meet with his Wardens. Chiya was with him, keeping pace at his ankles as Rathe strode with a sense of purpose towards the War Room. All the while the ever cheery pup chatting along about whatever crossed his mind, "... And that's when I foudn them all! They were glowing like a bunch of lights but they flew and hovered and moved all about! It was pretty and it looked like stars were having a fit! I thought I was going crazy but then one landed on my nose and I saw it! I saw it big brother! It was a bug that glowed bright like a star and stuff! There had to have been like... a hundred or them! It was awesome!" Though before he could get onto his next tangent or continue to explain how his first time meeting fireflies they reached the grand doors to the War Room. Rathe, using his great size and strength opened the doors with ease and stepped in valiantly. Chiya followed suit and once inside the chamber he scampered up, quieting in an instant, towards the table. Chipperly saying, "Hiya everyone~!" and making use of a pulled out chair to prance up and leap onto the table. Taking his place in front of Rathe's seat as he entered and was given the salute of Helios. A hand curled up to the heart and brought into a fist while standing at firm attention. The guards and Wardens giving him the respect the Eternal Warden was due.

Rathe bit them to rest and not prolong this saltue, he ruled with rank, but not with an inflated ego. So as all in the room returned to their seats and positions he in turn walked around the table to sit himself at the head of the round table. Emblazoned upon was a 3D map of Terreille, rendered out of a solid piece of vanished wood. Giving them a sense for their position in the world and a better understanding of where everything was in relation to them, especially being in the center of it all. The Warden of Blades, Lord Erval, stood to Rathe's right, a man of many years and many battles, scarred and marred to show his worth. To his left was the Warden of Bows, Lady Amaralia, the ranged master of the fort and easily the greatest shot this side of the world. To the right of the Warden of Blades stood the Warden of Siege, Elder Yusalf, a master engineer who either built or oversaw the construction of all the siege engines in Fort Helios. Then finally to the left of the Warden of Bows was the Warden of the Arcane, Magister Granild, a master magister and great teacher and scholar of the fort. And of course Chiya sat on the table next to Rathe, trying to seem confident and regal as all the others in the room had, but in truth it looked for like he had a stick up his hind end, making him look like a statue staring up at the chandeliers. It was more adorable than regal in actuality.

Addressing his council he bid them for a status update, eager to learn how their numbers and supplies faired since the last month. The Warden of Blades was the first to chime up, shuffling through some papers that apparently were a type of roster before saying, "Recruitment has gone up, another 63 able bodies have joined us from mostly Dhemlan and Hayll. Apparently some injustice from local queens has spurred them to seek shelter under our banner. We have already begun training and preparation for induction." Rathe nodded and spoke up to say, "Good, it is welcome to know that we still have those amoung the world who wish to see justice and honor fulfilled. Elder Yusalf, how go the repairs to the western battlements?" He spoke up, curious to see how the damage caused by rudimentary catapults on the last siege were shaping up. "Excellent Warden Commander, repairs are exceeding my original estimates and that is mostly in thanks to the new hands we have on board. Several were experienced engineers before arriving at our home." Once again Rathe nodded in approval and looked over some documents laid before him by his counsel. Reports of ranges and scouting missions that would better serve to inform him of the outside world. Though due to his position high in the Ashkavi mountains it left plenty undiscovered. Though one did stand out and caught his eye. A report that spoke of decay and discord within the territories of Dhemlan and Hayll. While the Warden of Blades spoke of discord in his notes on the recruits, this was... different. The rate and style of the advance wasn't one of petty dispute or uprising and instead seemed to be a power play, looking to change borders and expand. This could only mean one thing, another queen was rising to power with a fury.

Rathe was not one for anarchy, seeking to dethrone queens. In truth he didn't have a problem with queens in general, but it was the ones who spread this decay and discord that stung him. The purpose of leadership is to protect the weaker and misfortuned, not abuse and harp upon them. "Send scouts and guards to Hyall and Dhemlan. With this rising discord we may be able to source out more recruits yet. Further bolster our numbers and secure our place here in the mountains. Though order them to keep their heads down and not cause waves. I do not wish to see another incident with the hierarchy of foreign powers."

From there it was just a short matter of making sure that enough supplies were being sourced from local towns and ranges to handle the needs of the fort. In addition to bolstering and forwarding the construction of more siege engines on the north battlements which while that was firm in the high peaks of the mountains, it always served to be ready for an attack from anywhere. Finally was the matter of organizing the scouts to head into foreign territories for recruitment and assistance, which was no small feat to find able hands who could move through the realm under cover. Yet it was all done and that in turn left Rathe with nothing more than to adjourn the meeting, dismissing his counsel and making leave himself. After all Chiya and himself had 63 new faces to need for their induction to the fort.
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