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I've got a basic grasp of the concept of the Outlands, but I'll definitely probably need that OOC before I dive into my own character creation. xD

But yeah, color me interested~
I probably could but I don't think I need to at the moment since Shieldwing's last response wasn't too long ago and doesn't really have anything significant to add.
Haha, you're good, I think I could largely puzzle out where she was going with all of that, so I think it worked out alright~ But yeah, if you edit something in, that'll be fine with me. I might edit mine to better match what you change if necessary, but yeah, we should be good to keep going without major changes~ xD

Shieldwing couldn't help but allow a slight grin to form on his face as he heard Fellwing's words. Were they being a bit nosy? Perhaps. But that didn't occur to him. He simply couldn't help himself. He felt bad for their situation, and he wanted to help. However, he nodded back to Fellwing in acknowledgement. He didn't say anything more and was quick to follow Skobeloff outside of the room. Hopefully, Fellwing would be following behind shortly if she wanted to come with them. He ensured that he continued to stand by Stargaze's side as they stepped into the hall, hearing Rudrick and Skobeloff already conversing.

'Boy, Skobeloff really doesn't waste any time, does he?' he thought to himself as he fell into step behind the two dragons. For the time being, he simply remained quiet as he listened in while Skobeloff talked; he had his own questions for Rudrick, but they could wait. For now, it seemed like he and Skobeloff were on the same page for once. And he certainly didn't want to derail that.

And yet, he couldn't help but cut in at the end.

"Yeah, Skobeloff's right, actually," Shieldwing added. "He's been telling us since we arrived how he wants to keep moving, and how it's on us if we get 'roped into something'...." Despite how typically formal and professional Shieldwing tended to try to act around older dragons, he couldn't stop himself from rolling his eyes. "It's like he doesn't trust us to make our own decisions or something. As if I couldn't tell if a decision was stupid or not."

Yet again, his clutchmates would probably remember a number of times he may have tried to do something on his own to make himself seem tougher or more capable than he actually was, or even stepping up on his own in order to help or defend one of his clutchmates. Brave and bold acts, certainly. But many of them, undoubtedly, stupid.

As he spoke, he was a bit more animate than he usually would be as well; his neck craning a bit as he shook his head as he spoke some of his mild, mounting frustrations aloud. Finally, though, Shieldwing seemed to have caught himself. He shook himself a little bit and straightened himself up. "Ah...s-so, uh, yeah," he quickly tried to stammer to cover himself. "If you've got something to say, you should probably just come out with it sometime soon, like, uh. Skobeloff said."
<Snipped quote by Digizel>

It must be a big one if it nearly made you miss your Neopets dailies. I wish you well for tonight's session.

Haha, more because Neopets dailies don't take very long to do and some of them have multi-day streaks that have snowballing benefits and breaking them means starting over from the beginning. Had a lot going on. But yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and get that post started now!
Heheh, sorry I couldn't get a reply up today. Had a big D&D session tonight that I had to prepare for (a finale to a massive story arc). I almost even forgot to do my Neopets dailies until the last moment before the clock rolled over xD

I'll try to get something in tomorrow~
Greetings, Sasha! You can call me Digi (32m). I'm not going to be able to be a DM at all (I DM one game irl and that is keeping my free time plenty busy so I don't really want to start another xD), but I am always eager to join D&D games as a player and try playing with new people~ So if you do get a game going, I'd be game for it~

I had one Pathfinder game I was going to be a part of on here, but it seems to be on hiatus atm, so I'd love to try to join in on another if we can find a different DM to go with it. xD
To be honest, I can't remember what I wanted Fellwing to ask next aka what she was trying to lead up to lmao.

I'll, uh, see if it comes back to me, but don't wait on that.

Haha, I know that feeling all too well. xD Yeah, no problem~ Above board though, I'd just like to know what Fellwing's answer is going to be to Shieldwing's question before I make my own next post. Is Fellwing going to elect to stay with Garroth and Heliotrope, or come with the rest of the group after Coryn and Rudrick?
Heheh, hey, if she doesn't want to do that or doesn't think that she can/should, that's totally fine. xD

Shieldwing is just, like...eager to learn more about the two and would like to see them get along~

"Ah, it's nothing. You did a good thing, that's all." Shieldwing whispered back toward Stargaze, subtly nudging her shoulder with his wing. He then perked his head upward a bit, suddenly a little bit more nervous as the subject of the conversation seemed to turn back to those who may be concerned about the creeping Darkness once again.

"Hah, what kind of Brynback would I be if I let myself get corrupted that easily?" Shieldwing answered aloud, holding his head high. 'Especially when I didn't even really do anything....' he couldn't keep the thought out of his head before continuing. "Yeah, no symptoms on my end. But if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go with them and check up on Coryn too."[/color]

Shieldwing turned to walk away quickly before anybody could potentially interject or stop him or anything. But he paused as a thought jumped to his heade.

"Fell, do you want to come with us?" he asked, turning to look toward their black-scaled clutchmate. "Or would you rather-"[/color] He then glanced toward Garrock, hoping the older dragon wasn't going looking in his direction before he gestured at him. "Stay here and keep up with the...situation?" He would then point his claw back toward where Rudrick had gone, and then gestured again toward Garrock. He hoped that those not of his own clutch would think he was simply referring to the injured and corrupted dragons. But with his gesturing, he hoped to convey to his clutchmates about the strange goings-on between Rudrick and Garrock. If they could assist Rudrick with whatever he was trying to do with his brother, perhaps it could make things easier on both of them.

Though it rarely came up, he himself felt particularly sensitive to familial squabbles; he didn't really even know if he had one, and it seemed like such a waste for them to have some invisible force getting between them. And if anybody of their clutch could learn or convince Garrock to come forward with anything, it was probably Fellwing. Skobeloff as well, but with any luck, Skobeloff was going to be focusing on the Rudrick side of things. At least, if he was reading his green clutchmate well enough, anyway. Though he knew he couldn't be too confident in that; Skobeloff was always a hard one to read. And he suspected that was largely because it was how he wanted it to be.

And if those two were going to focus their efforts on that, then that just left him and Stargaze to check up on Coryn for now.

That said, he wasn't going to force her to do anything, even if she understood. If she turned out to be just as worried about Coryn and Rudrick as they were, then he wasn't about to stand in her way. Either way, he would wait for her response before nodding, accepting it, and then turning to leave behind the Skobeloff with Stargaze at his side.
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