Avatar of Holy Soldier
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  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 3471 (1.17 / day)
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    1. Holy Soldier 8 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
Current Posted a Game Master Guide in the Guides section. If you need help with GMing, refer to it for some handy advice. If you don't need help, then don't read it.
7 yrs ago
Happy Thanksgiving!
7 yrs ago
When you see that you no longer owe anymore posts and have nothing to write *insanity ensues* Aaaaah!HSkjhaksjhdjf
8 yrs ago
Happy Thanksgiving!
8 yrs ago
Happy Birthday to me.


Hello all. I am an experienced writer who is writing my own fiction stories on the side. I can role play any genre. What I love most is being able to go-all-out when weaving tales with other writers. It just makes the story more interesting, so I can't wait to write with you. :)

Most Recent Posts

@CaptainSullyHe's approved. You can add him to the character thread and jump in the game whenever you want. We're in a sandbox period. Maybe he saw the situation on the news because reporters will be showing up soon to cover the story. :D The characters may decide to scram or stick around and become famous.
@CaptainSullyWhen you add that to your CS, let me know.
@CaptainSullyGoku is a Mary Sue, and I will not allow those in my game lol. So please put a proper limit on that move.
@CaptainSullyI really do not want another Goku Instant Transmission honestly.
@CaptainSullyEverything looks good. Just one question about "Warp." Can he only teleport to places that he's already been to?
@CaptainSullyPlay something you think you'll like. As long as it goes along with the game's rules.
@MarrokOk. This game moves pretty leisure. If a post once a week seems like too much, then...you have your answer lol. Sometimes I allow people to go over 7 days. Some people follow a P.O. but really during GM events, anyone can post regardless of order. It is just once every GM post and not even I post instantly.
Hello prospective fighters,

We have just finished SAGA ONE of our game. If you are looking to join a long-term Dragonball AU, then this is what you're looking for. We're always looking for new fighters who can add interesting stories and personalities to the game. I am providing the link to our game, please stop by if you are interested. We have a discord, but that's only for those who are approved.


SAGA ONE Summary: Parsley City is horrifically destroyed by a sudden alien invader to Earth. The alien was from a race called Zandols and he called himself, Dyce. Dyce seeks out six fighters across Kujira and fights them with the intention to wipe them out. Little does he realize that he underestimated the fighters of earth. The fighters rally together in a final bout and defeat the Zandol menace once and for all!

Name: Grisha
Race: Saiyan
Ki Color: Red
Power Level: 910
Location: North Capital to North Capital Outskirts
Tag: Dyce, @Chev@Double@Weird Tales@IceHeart@King Cosmos

-The heck are you doing oversized buffoon!

Grisha glanced over at the blonde who marched over toward him, his grip tightening possessively about Okora, the closer she came. Erika’s shouting and insults weren’t helping her situation as the large Saiyan began baring his teeth at her like an affronted hound. Who did she think she was? For a brief second, he saw Lena’s image flash over Erika, causing him to frantically blink his eyes to clear it. Erika and Lena were both blonde and blue-eyed…and short; and both seemed to like bossing him around. Grisha snapped out of it when Erika grasped his cheek and gave it a tug. His eyes were wide in momentary shock. What the? As she started throwing demands in his face, Grisha’s cheek muscle tightened until it went rigid and straightened from her grasp. He aggressively growled at the cop, “Little girl not Lena!”


His dark eyes angrily peered down at Okora as she spoke about the Green Man. He knew very well who she was talking about even without her needing to point him out. When she told him about the Green Man wanting to kill her, the giant’s scowl hardened with malevolence. “No one hurt baby sister…”

The Saiyan set Okora on the ground and rested his hand upon her head. His palm practically clutched her skull like a basketball. “Grisha protect. Baby sister must come home. Meet family.”

Hey! Now is not the time! He’s trying to escape!

At the puny human’s indication, Grisha glanced to where he saw shrinking in the distance a fighter and the alien. He arched his lip in disgust. The coward was trying to run, but he wasn’t going to let him escape smoothly—at least so he initially thought. Grisha turned from Okora and his next step shattered the concrete. The large Saiyan launched into a sprint as he raced after the enemy in pursuit. He couldn’t stop thinking about what Okora had told him. If anything happened to his new baby sister, then he would be alone again. At the same time, Grisha couldn’t help but smile brightly. He couldn’t wait to show Lena!

Dyce was pinned upon the ground. The old man’s diamond blast keeping him from moving. He couldn’t believe what was happening. Eyes wide and littered with red panicky veins, as much as he tried to escape, the old man wasn’t giving him a chance. The initial attacks had felt strong, but then there was an odd change. They were growing weaker. Smirking as the ground continued to flatten in a diamond shape beneath him, Dyce knew that the old man would give out soon.

His smirk then vanished when he heard a second shout. Kikoho! It felt as though the earth was trying to crush him. His bones started to crack, and he swore his body would soon flatten. “Aaaaarrgh!” the alien screamed in pain and hysterical frustration. He couldn’t go down like this! Not to this planet full of weaklings!

The Zandol’s eyes were then assaulted by the green glare of an energy construct descending upon him. When the electrobull struck, the volts passed through his stretched body, ripping and incinerating it in a green blast. The alien’s energy signature vanished as the green glow faded in the diamond-shaped crater.

Grisha had arrived to the scene after the events, and he gazed over at the diamond-shaped crater. Leaping over to it, he crouched grasping the edge and peering inside. If the Green Man had been in there, he was gone, and there wasn’t much left but a few fragments of burnt armor. Grisha’s face sank unenthusiastically. He had been hoping to get a chance to avenge his baby sister, but so many meddling humans had beaten him to the punch.

Standing, Grisha gazed up at Yang and his master, and then his attention was drawn to a distant white streak through the atmosphere. It looked like any jetstream an airplane or jet would leave behind, but unknown to them, it was Dyce’s ship fleeing into the cosmos. Grisha scratched the back of his head for a moment, and then suddenly remembered. Now that the battle was over, he could take Okora to see Lena!

SAGA ONE: The Conqueror Dyce (Completed!)

Power Level Award:

Ryuhei Takagi – 455
Erika Beryl – 455
Kin Zoku – 455
Yang Wuxin – 455
Okora – 455
Grisha – 455

Battle Award:

Technique Slot +1

GM Notes: When you come up with a new technique to add to your arsenal, please inform the GM so that they can review it and approve it for use in the game. You can always role play how your character acquired this new technique. Perhaps it comes from their eventual training? Sparring? However, you choose to acquire it is up to you. They can just automatically know it without any training montage needed.
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