Avatar of IAmAugustReign


Recent Statuses

11 days ago
Current Gaahhhh, been so busy my body has literally forced a sick day on me. And I'm not even done with the busy yet!
18 days ago
*clack clack goes the keyboard*
1 like
1 mo ago
1 mo ago
Time for one season of busyness to end... and the next one to begin.
2 mos ago
Eclipse was cool.


I am August Reign, a 26+ year old American female. I've dabbled in many things throughout my young life, but my main ones nowadays are cosplay, streaming, sewing, and adult oriented entertainment. I've roleplayed for a long while (on and off) and it was one of the first things I encountered when I was able to freely roam the internet. I made some forums myself, they never took off, but I joined another few and made a good friend on there as well as a few main characters that then took off on their own adventures in their own worlds.

I'm usually up for anything, but I have more experience in original ideas or "Inspired By" types of rps. I don't typically do Fandoms because of the possible toxicity from diehard fans, which then puts me into a corner because I'm ignorant of something or don't do something within lore. However, I do love lore, and story, and world building. Y'know, something that I can visualize and place my character(s) into correctly.

Speaking of visualize, fun fact about me: I see images in my head about what I'm writing about or what kind of reaction the characters would have. Just think of Mordin Solus when he's thinking aloud, and that's how these images are for me. I dont expect our adventure to go exactly as imagined, but I do get a bundle of ideas that I can ramble on about when the right piece fits.

I am open to playing almost anything, but I am more familiar with humanoid creatures. I usually do original characters or if a pre-established character is fairly simple, then I'll be open to playing them as well. I don't want to go have to do a ton of homework for something that's supposed to be fun and enjoyable.

I think I would be considered as an "Advanced" or "Casual" defined roleplayer here, as I write in fairly descriptive paragraphs, though it does range from a few sentences to enough to fill the page, depending on the situation or context. I do not take over other characters (unless otherwise agreed upon), and expect the same from others please. I won't be too nitpicky about spelling or grammar, but if it becomes a problem, it turns me off from the whole focus of being in the rp because I'll instead be confused at the word choice or poking fun at the imagery the wrong word created (ex. Loose vs lose, brought vs bought, your vs you're, etc). I know I make mistakes too, and I know that mobile autocorrect causes some problems too, so it's better to laugh at it or ask a question for clarification instead of getting angry at each other. I would also prefer any roleplays stay on site so as not to clog up my other socials that may be used by other things (i.e. Discord), but I am not opposed to adding ooc friends on them.

As for previous experiences? A lot of my previous rps have revolved around fantasy, supernatural, sci-fi, post apocalyptic, romance, and some freelance Fandom worlds (basically using that theme and worldspace but not doing any big stories that affect other canon aspects). I have a handful of characters that I choose from, but can and will make someone new to fit a new world or lorebase.

I have a day job, side job, another side job, and a few hobbies with schedules, so I cannot guarantee a certain time I will be online (or actually actively on the site when shown as online). I also keep this website up whenever I'm home and doing other things around the place, so I may not immediately see something sent to me.

I don't really know what else to put on here right now so.... yeah, that's about it I guess. AMA if you want.

Most Recent Posts

Oooh, a fellow Green Hellian!

Interest for numbers 4, 7, 10, 11, 12, and 13.

Soft interest for numbers 5 and 9.

I usually do dms, but seeing as how this isn't explicitly 1x1, I'll post here so others can see.
Edited to add another dream I just woke up from. I really didn't want to leave that one, but it started to turn into a weird hybrid of Prey (2017) and Alien
(Piggy backing off your thread if that's okay)


Another furniture salesman, posting about tables
Finished BG:EE, got a bit bored of The Black Pits (will finish eventually) and started BG2:EE. I'm ever so closer to finally getting into BG3, though I am quite enjoying the journey of the first two games!

Also finally playing the first Resident Evil game. I've only played RE 5 and 6, seen some of the other games. It is straight up just early 2000s exploratory puzzle horror game, with lots of backtracking across the mansion for this item or this switch, etc. The limited save system is nice, and extends the game a bunch because I have a habit of dying several times before getting back to the save spot. Plus, with my squirrel brain, I forget where enemies, puzzle hints, and items I can't pick up at the time are, so it's a lot more wandering and referring to the map every few seconds. Also, who the hell designed this place?? I know it's basically a cover for a virus lab but still, did each researcher and security person have to go through this crap when they worked there? And how does anyone even try to live here? It's a maze, and makes no sense as an actual house to me.

On the other hand, I am quite enjoying Evil Within 2. The open world surprised me, but it definitely fits. The "vault" system like Dying Light and Dead Space 3 is also pretty cool, little optional areas to get a bunch of gear and upgraded weapons, though I am curious how they're going to link the Big Bad from game 1 to game 2, cuz I haven't seen them yet, or at least not in a manner that I recognize.

And then there's Starship Troopers: Extraction. It's hilarious, just like the movie, and tons of whiny players that my team gets to troll. It's great! A little repetitive with the missions, but the maps are pretty rotated and keep it fresh. It's a game that actually encourages teamwork and synergy in a PvE environment.

In other SciFi news, Empyrion Galactic Survival has announced they have a DLC coming out! Which I am extremely out of touch of the story with the base game, so I thought it wasn't a great idea since last I knew the story mode wasn't even finished, but that was... what, a few years ago since I played the actual story? Like maybe 4 or 5 years? Dang. But the teaser trailer looks cool!
Had another dream last night that could work as an rp. Edited post to add it. Also, happy holidays to everyone whatever you celebrate!
Updated Erotica section and added more ideas based off of dreams I've had and recorded in my sort of journal.
I know I get busy, especially during the American end of year holidays and October (cuz Halloween is best) so I figure if anyone hasn't responded then they're busy or have a writing block, and I understand that, so any and all partners of mine are given basically an infinite time period of when they can reply back to me. I once waited 3 years for a reply before I messaged my partner about if they're still interested in the rp. I also saw on another social media site that they had medical problems and a wedding going on, so of course they're gonna be too busy to come onto the website to say "Hey I'm busy dunno when I'm gonna be back". With my own schedule having to be planned a year or two in advance (literally) I understand what it's like to be busy or overwhelmed by Life that there are more important things to focus on than the next post of a story being written with an internet person. I usually play my backlog of video games or clean when I have spare time in my life. Thinking about changing that though when I upgrade my craft station eventually.
I can bend the first knuckle of my first three fingers (pointer, middle, ring) on both hands simultaneously and individually.
Info about me can be found off my profile's bio or my Intro post. I am also initially writing this on mobile, and I may also end up replying via mobile too, but I swap my platform depending on what I'm doing at the time.

Okay, so!

I would love some kind of long term rp that has a story, character development, and just leaves an impression that you want to go make the characters in The Sims or reference them in other stories. I get quite attached to characters, especially when the development is good. I am open to pretty much anything, but I have little experience in Westerns, Historical, Steampunk, Military, or High School, so I'd prefer something NOT involving those, unless you're okay with a newb for those themes.

If you have any questions, please ask them!

Hi all, I am August Reign, an experienced forum based roleplayer who has been away from the game for a few years now. I'm just throwing up this thread for 1) I was unbanned because I had my VPN on, like many others lol (thank you LegendBegins!) and 2) to help prevent spam as per what my profile/site settings has asked me to do.

Oh, let's see here...

I have been on several RP Forums before, some private while others were lesser known public forums. I then joined some mobile applications, but found they took too much space on my device and the community became more toxic as I lingered. I then joined a different but also popular forum as my most recent presence online, but y'know how some of those long term RPs go... sad but oh well. I've been a part of a handful of themes, mostly anime, fantasy, romance, or modern day superhero/mutants, but I have also been a host to several original idea types, mostly modern day, futuristic, or post apocalyptic.

This place looks really chill and Use Your Common Sense type of vibes, so I'm looking to feel things out and see how it goes!

Thanks y'all!
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