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Shadow character complete, let me know if their anything I didn't do correctly so I can fix it.

Aww, a journey of friendship, I’m definitely game. I will go against my instinct that says pick light and choose shadow.

Another man approached the group, and Teddy secretly hoped he would erase his whole interaction from their brain. As he gazed at the man in his very stylish clothes, Teddy thought he looked very familiar. When glanced over read the name on the card, he suddenly recognized the man. Jimmy Recard was a fashion designer that was also from Unova like him. He never owned any of his designs, but they always looked so nice on TV and in the fashion magizines. With as many celebrities he had seen, he probably shouldn't have been so starstrucken. But Teddy was once again. So much so he pretty missed everything he had spoken to the group.

"You, Specks, could your Pokemon pick up the scent of those who were in the judge's booth?" He pulled out of his thoughts by someone clearly addressing him... probably. Once he heard the mentioin of his pokemon, his eyes lit up more than when he realized he had met a famous Unovan fashion designer.

"I'm pretty sure Linus can! He's such a smart, good boy! Yes, you are~" He cooed as he squatted down to rub his fluffy, brown fur. He bumped slightly into Fluffy, who was still in his Stoutland guise snugged closely behind him. "This might be out of your element, Fluffy, but you're a good boy too!" Both responded happily to their trainers overly affectionate praise. Their little tails were wagging.

The young adult attention was lost again in his passion of his adorable dogs. The sudden realization that he had gotten distracted donned on him. Teddy had gotten a requested task for him to do. He snapped up tall in attention.

"Ah, right, booth sniffing! We're on it!" He loudly announced before turning towards it. "Oh and it's Theodore. Or Teddy... if you don't mind..." Teddy gingerly introduced himself and looked into her eyes. Although the young adult averted them quickly as discomfort filled his chest when he recalled his previous exchange. He dashed off with two Stoutlands trailing behind him. The boy was doing a fair job weaving through the remaining crowd. Eventually, he reached his target, and Linus began to sniff the ground. "Any scents you can followed?"

It took a moment before he bark affirmatively and sprinting off. The dog pokemon eventually reached the main entry of the stadium and let out another bark. Once outside of it he sniff the floor again and then pointed in a direction. From Teddy's knowledge it seemed to be in the direction of the Captain's Quarter.

"Looks like the scent is going towards the back of the boat, Miss," Teddy shouted back toward the white-haired lady.
@InnerFlame Your next post should lead everyone out of the main stadium and wherever you wanna take us.

Everyone who isn't in the main stadium, the infirmary would be a good place to go since there are already some people heading there. First one to arrive gets to describe it!

If you don't like the sound of those two locations, choose another one - where would a good place to go after an emergency be? Does your character know something the others don't?

Kk, I guess Linus will follow the scent somewhere

Teddy honestly didn't expect anything much from this SS Lugia trip itself. Other than it being overly extravagant. Which proved to be incredibly so with its Opening Ceremony of holographic wonders. And his entry in the first round of the Pokemon Contest went incredibly well. Linus' dramatic, explosive entry and graceful movements drew in the crowd. Among the exceptional talents he was up against, Teddy called it a success. His hectic shift the next day at the Lucky Catch restaurant kept him from getting into any awkward situations or talking to reporters. Everything was going as well as normal until the evening.

The pool froze over, there was an explosion, Shuppets suddenly appeared, and the holograph machine started acting up... Then everyone was told to gather to evacuate to the main stadium where there were loud music, blinding lights, and several masked figures... This felt like an episode of the Lucario Man series Teddy starred in as a kid. All it needed was a villainous expositional monologue to complete the scene. It kind of happened until they just up and vanished into thin air and the room went to toastier afternoon? The entire situation was quite befuddling. A nudge from behind his legs shook Teddy out of his stupor. A Stoutland was trembling and looking very nervous as he huddled close to him. He only had his two strongest pokémon out of their balls right now.

"It'll be okay, Fluffy, you got Lillipup Lad and his trusty companion Shepard on your side." He stroked the pokémon head as he called out their old stage name. The Pokemon calmed a bit as he looked up at him quite admirably. His tail was wagging... how adorable~ Teddy was again caught up in giving his scared Pokémon pets. Before the bark of other Pokemon drew him in. Another Stoutland, Linus barked several times before pointing his paw in a direction. Scanning the rather chaotic area, he spotted his fellow coworkers Sugar and Garscon looking quite distraught, at least from a distance.

Teddy hastily made his way over though was beaten there by a lady. He had definitely seen her visiting the restaurant. He paused not too far away, but just watched awkwardly. It came with the realization that she maybe wouldn't remember him... He was good with names and faces but he hadn't even worked a full day there with him competing and all this mayhem. On top of that, he was just one waiter out of several that worked there... Seeing Teddy's hesitation, Linus barked assertively at him and again pointed. The man looked at him took a deep breath and moved into talking range.

"Yo... wazzup..." Teddy had no idea why he greeted them like he was talking to young teenagers, but it was now too late to take it back. He nervously rubbed the back of his hand as his eyes looked off to the side. "Are you two doing alright? You look awful... Ah, not in that way! Just physically! I mean mentally! Both are actually looking pretty bad. But I mean, no one looks good in situations like this anyways." Teddy chuckled uncomfortably and decided it was better to just keep his mouth shut and plan out his next words more carefully.
Alright, I'll still read the most recent posts and write one myself

Name: Theodore "Teddy" Veltmont

Appearance: Teddy is about average height adult male standing at 5’9” tall. Despite looking scrawny at first glance, it doesn’t take long to realize that he is quite fit. His skin tone is a light tan shade with freckles decorating the bridge of his nose. Longish brown bangs frame a young boyish face, and hug his cheeks. Teddy's hair doesn't pass his mid-neck. His gray eyes are covered by some oval-shaped glasses that give him a very mild and bookworm kind of look. The mole right of the lips is the final feature to note about Teddy's face.

The clothes Teddy wears are very casual. Long sleeve shirts and vests and comfortable jeans that fit him perfectly, lint and wrinkle-free. It also not uncommon to see him wearing zip-up hoodies and comfortable slacks. He tends to favor cool colors like blues and grays. Despite his more average on the brink of nerdy physical appearance, he wears pretty fashionable stuff.

Occupation: Waiter/ Aspirsing Top Coordinator

Backstory: Born and raised in the lively city of Nimbasa, where there was always a need to obtain fame with one's life whether it be with pokemon battling, sports, or social image. Theodore was pulled into pursuing such goals though, he quickly figured out he had no talents or interest in sports or Pokemon battling. As a child, he was signed up as an actor without his consent by his older sisters. He showed up as a recurring extra in a detective, slice-of-life school series called: Elementary My Dear Mon. Later cast as the young sidekick of Lucario Man in the spin-off series, Lucario Man & Lillipup Lad: Multiverse Mayhem.

It was in that role that he fell in love with adorable puppy Pokemon. So much so that his first Pokemon was his very own Lillipup that he trained to be his partner in the series. Anytime afterwards, he would add any dog Pokemon he encountered to his party if it was possible. After the Lucario Man series ended, Teddy didn't really get any more big roles. Forgot among the sea of upcoming talents and only appeared as a side character with little to no lines, he realized he wasn't going any further in that industry.

After quitting being an actor, he got a job at a café in his hometown. Between his days off he would enter Pokemon Musicals. Maybe due to his Pokemon's acting experience, they were undefeated Musical Champ. That shine that drew people's attention eventually caught the attention of a foreign visitor who was so impressed he suggested that Teddy try his hand at Pokemon Contests. He was hesitant at first since they didn't have a Pokemon Contest in Unova which meant he would have to leave his region... However, after watching a grand contest televised he was immediately enamored by it.

Teddy traveled to the Sinnoh region and quickly became an uprising Coordinator. So much so that in his short time as a Pokemon Coordinator, he was invited to the SS Lugia to attend the World Champion Contest. Though feeling unworthy with so many big names and long-time coordinators around, he decided to get a job on the ship as a waiter at the Lucky Catch restaurant which felt more comfortable than being treated as a distinguished guest.

Personality: Teddy is very professional when dealing with people in a work environment. He is polite, prompt, and very poised as he gets things done. The same can be said about his coordinating performance, well-planned and execution. Though outside of work, he is quite an awkward guy. Being pretty bad at starting small talk, he often will say the stuff that he was thinking, which is normally something that should have been kept to himself. As Teddy attempts to fix that blunder, he tends to make his situation worse. This makes next meetings with the same person either embarrassing or even more uncomfortably awkward. Assuming they want to talk to him at all afterward. He is also very slow on the uptake, so obvious signs and sarcasm completely escape him unless it's spelled out to him. Which really doesn't help his social skills...

Outside of his awkward behavior, Teddy is a very upright kind of guy, he tries to be courteous and good-natured. Even when annoyed, he tries his best to keep it to himself though that does slip out of him too if he's not careful. He has a huge love of dogs, to the point he cannot contain himself whenever sees one. He'll start talking to them and asking about their name before even thinking about properly addressing the trainer. Teddy becomes so fixated on them that's hard to pull him off the topic of dogs or stop him from introducing his lovely pups. Once the topic is gone, he is back to struggling to converse like a normal person.


Linus the Stoutland
-Bold-natured dog and Teddy's first Pokemon. He is best trained Pokemon Actor of his Pokemon, so he is very good at following cues and doing dramatic actions.

Grant the Rockruff
-Sassy pup with a lot of personality, he is sometimes a little stuck up when it comes to treats. Loves to be in the spotlight.

Howl the Houndour
-Despite the name, he is a very relaxed and chill doggy and rarely howls. He is one of the most willing to be petted by a stranger.

Fluffy the Hisui Zoroark
-He's super shy and typically disguises himself as Linus, so a lot people believe that he is a Stoutland. He is often hiding behind Teddy or Linus.

Well thanks, that sound like fun, I'll add he's a waiter there then
Sorry for taking so long, I'm freed from obligations of the years and finally got this finished. But let me know if I'm too late to join.

I'm interested so I thought I should ask, are there any pokemon restricts?
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