Avatar of KazAlkemi


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Current weeoo weeoo weeeeoooooooo
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We're still a colony XD
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Sad because it was a long weekend for the other colonies. Like Canada and Australia
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Did the void answer back?
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May the Fourth be with thee!


The end is just the beginning.

lofi hip hop radio

Name: KazAlkemi
Age: Thirty
Birthday: Ask me
Ethnicity: Canadian
Location: Mountain Standard Time
Occupation: Reception / Student
Languages: Fluent English, Amateur Scottish Gaelic
Preferred RP Section: Casual/Advanced
RP Level:Advanced
Dedication Level: High
Biggest RP Pet Peeve: Unchecked Ignorance; Disrespect
My Pets: MEOW!
Fandoms: Grishaverse; Supernatural; Harry Potter; Heartstopper; Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss

Song of the Month:

Books I Am Currently Reading:
  • Amulet Series -- Kazu Kibuishi
  • Things We Do In The Dark -- Jennifer Hillier

Shows I Am Currently Watching:

  • Supernatural Season 12
  • The Originals (rewatch)
  • Doctor Who

Current Favourite Movies:

Role Plays I Am In:

  • Darke Magyk: CONCLUDED by Morose -- Playing Cuyler Eysteinsson (Alive and well; will he see Ayra again?);
    Amarantha (death by Fyre);
    Ahote Proudstar (Alive and no longing melting inside)
  • The Gifted by Morose -- Playing Luna Braddock (whereabouts unknown) & Cayden Proudstar (deceased by gunshot to the neck)
  • Once Upon A Time by Nallore -- Playing Cassiopeia Hood (Living back in the mortal world with her cats and girlfriend, working at her old job, and visiting her father, Robin Hood and twin sister when she can) & Willow Jones (Living in the fairytale world with her mother, Aurora and father, learning all the ins and outs of ruling, and visiting her girlfriend on the weekends)
  • Inferno - by Morose -- Playing Annika Falling Star (ancestor of Ahote Proudstar) -- Now a baby, Annika has been adopted by Jack and is living in the Everdark

Favourite Post 1
Favourite Post 2

Most Recent Posts

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Hindu Temple – Cary, IL

My stomach does a little flip when Nic pulls me in the way he does for a kiss. It truly feels like a promise and I hope it's one I get to keep.

Who knew our second date would be this eventful, but I'm glad for it all the same. I pull back from the kiss, more because of necessity rather than want. I smile at Nic and take his hand, pulling him away from the trees and back to the temple.

”So, when you're asking questions, you can ask about the fountain and where it was built, or what the religious services are like. Try to keep questions vague, and really play the tourist aspect up. People are often willing to answer more questions if you're a curious tourist.”


Location: Supernatural District – Chicago, IL

I climb the stairs two at a time and make it to see a furry object being tossed into a wall. Plaster cracks and falls down to the floor.

”About time!” Avery yells. He sounds annoyed, but I can see the joy in his face. Avery had been itching for a fight and to do something to get that pent up energy out.

”I was otherwise preoccupied. There are two of them. Well, one now.” That seems to trigger a response from the four legged creature.

They turn on me, snarling before running for me. I look up at Avery and he grins, giving chase. He launches himself onto the Lamia before it gets me. I drop down and stab the thing where it's heart should be. Just like before the creature convulses on the floor but they shift to a woman, the one matching Mage's and the others descriptions before bursting into flames.

”Well, that was fun,” Avery said, his eyes glowing.

I smirk and look around. ”Let's clear the rest of the building. If there were two, there could be more.” Avery nods and we get to work.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Hindu Temple – Cary, IL

I smile as Nic holds me. I let my eyes close and wiggle in closer to Nic. ”I won’t smack you. I’ll just give you an aggressive jab in the stomach,” I say. I take a moment to breathe in Nic’s scent before I pull back and look at him.

”I don’t mind you worrying about me or trying to heal me, but I do a lot of this kind of thing. Sometimes with Caden, sometimes on my own.” I rest my hand on his cheek, my eyes drifting to his lips before looking into his eyes again. ”I promise to let you know if something happens to the point of needing medical attention. Deal?”

Avery Zain

Location: Supernatural District – Chicago, IL

We head inside the building and split up to cover more ground. I move up to the second floor while Caden searches the ground floor. I sniff the air, looking for that blasted perfume.

I climb the stairs to the third and then to the fourth floor. This building only has five floors. If we don’t find this thing, we might have to come back. As soon as I enter the third floor, I can smell the perfume. Why didn’t I grab the silver knife? I uncork the rosemary and salt as I walk down the hallway.

I knock on doors and open the ones that are unlocked, searching as far into each apartment as I dare before reentering the hallway. I’m about to knock on the third last door when the hair on the back of my neck starts to stand on end. My hands twitch, and I turn around in time to see a medium-sized animal launching itself at me. I toss the salt and rosemary at it, and it screeches before diving to the side.

”Caden! A blessed silver knife would be really great right now!” I yell. The creature shakes off the attack and comes back at me. I loosen my stance and go to grab and throw it, but it barrels into me and knocks me to the ground. Lamia are apparently inhumanly strong.

I grunt as I struggle to keep the snapping jaws and claws away from my face. I can feel Caden getting near from our bond, but he’s taking his time. I managed to get a good hit on the Lamia, but not before it left a mark on me. My eyes flash yellow as I toss the creature. I get back up onto my feet and growl at the Lamia.


Location: Supernatural District – Chicago, IL

I hear Avery call for me, but I’m otherwise preoccupied. I was on the third floor when Avery moved up to the fourth. As soon as he left, I sensed I was being watched. I knocked on some doors, trying to look nonchalant, but I was hunting what was hunting me.

I turn a corner, and a highly attractive woman stands at the end of the hallway. She cocks her head, looking me up and down before she makes a slow sensual walk towards me. I can see how men easily succumb to this woman, but I am otherwise taken and rather old. These simple tricks don’t work on me.

I smirked, pulled the blessed silver knife out of my jacket, and flashed it at her. The Lamia pauses, glaring at the knife before glaring at me.
”Sorry, love, no time to chat,” I say and flip the knife around. That is when Avery calls, and I hear a thud from above. Temporarily distracted, the Lamia jumps me. I go down but quickly throw her off, flip over, and get to my feet. She’s coming at me right away. I flip the knife around and throw it. The knife finds its mark and impales the Lamia. She screeches and falls to the ground, withering before bursting into flames.

I rush forward once the flames die down and pick up the knife. ”I’ll take that.” I make my way up to the fourth floor to help Avery.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Hindu Temple – Cary, IL

Nic is still fussing over me, and I smile softly. I look at him, really look at him, and I can see genuine concern in every part of his body. He’s leaning towards me; his shoulders are tight, and his eyes are searching. I tuck my water bottle away and close the gap between us. The trees conceal us for now, and I place my hands on his arms.

His concern is endearing, and although I don’t want him to worry about me, I can see that I won’t be able to convince him otherwise. It is a part of his nature to care for others, and I’m lucky enough to have been pulled into that circle of care.

It makes me nervous, and I still want to push Nic away. I'm worried for his own safety, but I don’t think Nic is going to let me go that easily. I find myself not wanting him to let me go. I want to try to make this work. I want to care about someone else again. I want the butterflies in my stomach and the burning, electric feeling across my skin when he touches or looks at me a certain way. I want to fall asleep with the sensation of his lips on mine or hands on me still lingering even hours after we’ve seen each other.

I want Nic, which terrifies me because what if he doesn’t want me after he really knows what I can do and how I got my power? Everything comes with a price, and although I was trained to take over as matron and knew what I needed to do, it didn’t make the idea less barbaric. It didn’t make me turning my back on my family less devastating when I lost them all because of it. Still, I want to try with Nic.

I squeeze Nic’s arms, smiling at him. ”I’m okay. The hour drive home will be a good break for me.” I huff a laugh when he asks if he needs to carry towels on him. ”I don’t make climbing into fountains a habit.”


Location: Supernatural District – Chicago, IL

My phone starts to buzz consistently, letting me know I have a phone call. I apologize to the woman I am talking to before I pick up my phone. ”What is it?” Avery gives me the location of a building to meet him, and I hang up the phone. I cross-reference the building with the woman, and she nods.

It’s a building that used to be abandoned, but the community managed to make it livable. It was usually reserved for families and those who needed it more. If this person lived there, it was likely because she was living with someone else or removed that person.

I give my informant the rest of the money I promised her before dropping her back off. I speed away to meet back up with Avery. I park across the street from the building and get out.

It looks to be in decent shape, but that didn’t mean the conditions on the inside were manageable. After assessing the outside of the building, I pull my phone out again. I smile, shaking my head at the silly selfie Nero took before I watched the video Kiki sent me. I rewatched this a couple more times before responding.

The strangest demon you ever did see.

And it was true. Nero was a paradox. Their having such a bubbly, teenage-like personality did not make sense with the dark demon persona the world had come to know. I found it endearing and charming. I found it irresistible.

I take a picture of myself with Avery frowning at the building in the background. I point over my shoulder at Avery with a shrug before I snap the photo and send it to Nero with the caption: ‘Can’t get this one to relax.’

”Je ne suis pas mannequin,” he declares. I laugh and put my phone away.

”Maybe you should be. You have the whole brooding thing going for you.” Avery looks at me, frowning more. ”Keep that up and you’re going to get lines,” I tease.

I walk back to the boot of my car and open up the secret compartment. Still frowning, Avery follows me and looks inside. ”Do you have any idea what we are dealing with?” he asks.

”I got it narrowed down to a Siren, Rugaru, or Lamia. From the description and behaviours, I’m thinking Siren or Lamia. Both are women or creatures that can appear as the intended victim’s ideal woman and lure them to their death. Lamia, however, can turn into animal-like creatures and tear into the flesh of its victims, remove their hearts, and drain their blood.”

I pull out a blessed silver knife along with two concoctions of rosemary and salt. I hand one to Avery and pocket the other with the silver knife.

Avery Zain

Location: Supernatural District – Chicago, IL

I look over the items Caden pulls from his trunk and surmise this is how you kill a Lamia. ”And if it’s a Siren?”

Caden looks back at the building and shrugs. ”Brute strength, and don’t let it stick its tongue down your throat.” He closes the trunk, smiling at me, and I shake my head.

”So simple,” I mutter to myself.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Hindu Temple – Cary, IL

I dig through my bag until I find some matches. ”Here, I have an idea.” I take Nic’s hand and walk us off the path and into the trees so we are out of the way. I find a stump and direct Nic to put one foot up on the stump. I break a match in my hand before I speak an incantation in Latin.

”Les lames colligo. Ad me gluttuli.” I run my hands down Nic’s leg several times, repeating the incantation. The water from his pants gets pulled out and soaks into the ground under us. I do this repeatedly, breaking and lighting matches periodically as a sort of offering and to give me something to draw power from, so I’m not pulling from myself.

Eventually, I finish and pull a bottle of water from my bag; I drink most of the contents. ”Okay. It’s not perfect, but at least we won’t be tracking water everywhere.” Our pants and shoes are still damp but are no longer soaking wet.


Location: Car —> Supernatural District – Chicago, IL

The supernatural district of Chicago could be compared to the South Side. It was a place no one sane would go. The treaty was still in place here, but if a human wandered in, there was a good chance they wouldn’t get to wander out.

I drive down the street slowly, looking for the right corner. A few men and women linger along this street and I turn down the proper road and park. A man approached me first, and I politely turned them down, expressing my interest in another ‘flavour’ this time. A woman quickly replaced them, and I let her into the car before driving away.

I drive us around the corner and onto another street before I park. Immediately, she is telling me how much I can get and for what before she starts putting her hands on me. ”I’ll give you five hundred dollars not to touch me and another five hundred to answer my questions.” She stares at me in disbelief. I pulled out my wallet and fanned out ten one-hundred-dollar bills. She holds her hand out for the first five and lets me ask all the questions I want.

My phone buzzes in my pocket, but I can't answer it this time. Unfortunately, Nero will have to wait.

Avery Zain

Location: Supernatural District – Chicago, IL

I wait ten minutes like Caden asked before walking to the district. I stand out, but not nearly as much as Caden in the Aston. I walk up and down the street, scanning faces and sizing people up. There were vampires and djinn, demons, ghouls, and several other species. It was like being at the club all over again.

I remain focused on my task though, looking for something that meets Mage’s description. I’m coming up empty, though, so I start asking others if they have seen whom I’m looking for. It takes a while, and I feel ready to give up. I'm sure an hour has passed, but I eventually get lucky when someone approaches me.

Of course, I am on my guard when they have me follow them, and they point out a building the girl might be in. I look up at it, frowning. I thank the person and give them a couple hundred dollars, courtesy of Caden, and approach the building. I pull out my phone and call Caden.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Hindu Temple – Cary, IL

I smile at his worry. ”It went away on its own. It was just the spirits’ way of connecting and passing on a message. Unless the spirit is malevolent, those marks never linger.” I’m now debating if I should tell him about the time they tried to burn me alive, not to mention all the other times I’ve been stabbed, tied up, and beaten. I refrain for now and rest my now-healed hand on his cheek.

”Don’t worry about me, Nic. Do I need to send you pictures of me on the hour with today’s paper and the correct time, too?”

I look around, waiting for the people in the area to leave before I let the spell concealing us fall. I wade over to the edge of the fountain and step out. The pressure in the fountain goes back to normal. My pants and shoes are soaked, along with Nic’s and I debate on how to dry us off.

”We should talk to some of the people who frequent the temple. See if something has changed recently,” I agree.


Location: Car – Chicago, IL

When Nero tells me they love me, I wish I had done the same. I wasn’t sure they wanted to while they were with Kimiko since she also knew German. I open my phone to text them, but their message comes through first. I smile and tell them I love them and to have fun.

I set my phone away and looked at Avery. ”Do you want to drive and try and pick someone up, or do you want me to?”

Avery Zain

Location: Aston Martin —> Street – Chicago, IL

”You can,” I say immediately. I know he’s going to make me do something else, but I really don’t want to play a character. I hate doing that.

Caden chuckles but nods. We get out of the car and switch. ”Give me ten minutes, and then you can walk in. I’d suggest saying you are looking for someone. Give the description we got last night. Someone will likely know where they are. I’ll try to get what information I can.”

I nod and watch Caden drive away. I run a hand over my head and tug on my shirt's collars, counting down the seconds until I can start moving.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Hindu Temple – Cary, IL

I'm still frowning at the fountain even though Nic starts to fuss over me. Why was it that the spirits never told you why a thing was the way it was or how to fix it?
I hear a bag zipping and pull my attention away. My eyes widened as Nic started to dig into his first aid kit.

”Nic….Nic,” I still his hands with my unburned hand and shake my head. ”I'm fine. It's already fading, see?” I hold the palm that had been seared out to show him. Already the angry red lines are receding. ”Magic likes to leave marks as warnings. The stone Vata remains the same, but the one on my hand was different, telling me something is wrong. This fountain, and therefore the temple, is losing its connection to the homeland. Something must have been removed or they aren't practising properly anymore,” I speculate.


Location: Car – Chicago, IL

”Nur für den Moment. Schreib mir weiterhin eine SMS. Ich mag es zu sehen, wie dein Tag verläuft.” I say. ”Ich werde Sie bald sehen,” I add before hanging up.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Hindu Temple – Cary, IL

I get visions in rapid succession. All of them look to be from India and all feature this woman. From the changing landscapes around her, she must be rather old. However, I can't determine how old or if she is a god or not, but she is tied to this fountain somehow.

I start to see images of India and other temples, then I see trees, hundreds of them uprooted. I shock my body and I stumble back into Nic. The connection with the Vata symbol breaks and I look at my hand. The image of the tree has been seared into my hand but it doesn't look the same as the one on the fountain. The tree is no longer rooted.

I frown and look from my hand to the fountain.

”Cette fontaine a perdu son lien avec l'Inde,” I tell Nic.


Location: Car – Chicago, IL

Nero's adamant statement brings a smile to my face. I'm the same way when it comes to them so their possessiveness to the point of violence doesn't deter me.

”Good,” I respond, assuring them that their more violent nature doesn't discourage me.

We are near the location and I tell Avery to park, so we can split up. ”Ah, no. I gave her the card with no limit. If you need a break just tell her. She gets excited easily when given a mission.”

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Hindu Temple – Cary, IL

I let go of Nic's hand and rest a hand on the stone. A vision flashes across my mind and I gasp, pulling my hand back. Thankfully, this new information makes it easy for me to ignore Nic's idea to visit Scotland. I don't think I'll ever be able to go home. Well, what's left of it.

I pull a couple of items from my bag and glance around. We're alone for the moment but I won't be for long.

”Entrez dans la fontaine,” I say excitedly. I pull him along. The fountain soaks my pant legs and the spray hits my shirt but I hardly notice.

Once Nic is in the fountain I mumble some words in Gaelic. A wall wraps around us. It shimmers like tiny rainbows, but from the outside the fountain looks the same and untouched. No one will see us.

”I think this fountain originated from India,” I explained to Nic. I walked around and waved my hand. The water slowed, so we weren't being sprayed and I could get closer. [color=#DB7093]”Mmm, see this symbol here? It's [I]Vata[/]. A holy tree that connects all life and the spiritual world. That would explain the vision and the connection to India.”[/color] I say in fascination.

I pull my hand back and take in the statue again. There were further symbols of representation specifically for fertility. Which made sense with it being a fountain. Water and fire were traditional in most cultures for fertility and purity. I find myself blushing and I turn around.

A group of people have walked into the space to see and admire the fountain. I smile as we continue to be ignored, like we aren't even there. Which to them, we aren't.

”Give me a minute to see if there is a massage needed,” I tell Nic. I place one hand over the Vata and keep my other hand open and shut my eyes to focus.


Location: Car – Chicago, IL

I laugh when Nero sputters a protest. I don't mind if they worry but I do find it adorable.

”Wenn jemand mich misshandelt, wirst du ihm dann die Hände brechen?” I ask, ignoring their other statement for now.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Hindu Temple – Cary, IL

I lead Nic over to a garden of sorts that the temple has. There's a fountain in the middle that I find myself drawn to. I gaze up at the sculpture while listening to Nic.

”Oui. Ma famille est originaire d'Écosse. Notre magie est liée à la terre. Je suis plus fort quand je suis en Écosse, mais je m'en sort ailleurs.” I pause, willing to go over words are translate things if Nic doesn't quite understand everything I've said


Location: Chicago Werewolf Pack Compound – Chicago, IL

I grin as I talk. ”Nero, are you worried about me?” I find it positively adorable if they are.

They ask about the wolves and I sigh. ”It went as well as could be expected. Levi thinks he owns the world he walks on. I reminded him that he doesn't,” I say. Avery snorts beside me, interrupting me and I look at him.

”What? Reminded was the least of what you did.”

”Yes, well. I have a feeling it won't be the last we hear from them unfortunately.” I have this tickle in the back of my brain that tells me I'm right.

Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Hindu Temple – Cary, IL

I blush from Nic's words and how genuine he is. I don't feel as embarrassed about it now or uncomfortable with the attention. Hopefully it's something I'll get more comfortable with.

”Parfait!” I say to him. It would be fun to speak more French again.


Location: Chicago Werewolf Pack Compound – Chicago, IL

My eyes sparkle when Nero asks if I love the sound of their voice. ”Ich könnte es einfach tun,” I say. Truthfully, I miss more than just their voice. It almost feels painful how much I miss them.

I hear Nero squeal after they express how much fun they are having. I can hear Kiki come through and I chuckle. ”Go, enjoy your day. Avery and I got a lead on what's been behind the more recent attacks from the wolves. We're going to go check it out.”

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