Avatar of LeonVon
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: LeonVon
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    1. LeonVon 10 yrs ago
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World building is totally my thing. I put way too much thought into the world building aspect of RPs I run. Every single one of my RPs likely has a hugely flushed out world that I'm saving away. Ask and I might share.

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@Zhaeth @urukhai @caliban22

Sorry about not getting back to you guys sooner. I checked this before leaving for the holiday and didn't see any replies. Looking at the timestamp, I must have just missed your reply. If you guys are still interested, I'd love to run this RP.

would you have all characters start out as leaders of their own kind of tribe?

Yes. This can take any form you wish. Your character can be a corporation's CEO, a representative, a Royal Governor, or even just a charismatic citizen who's decided to stake their own claim. In this RP, it's assumed that your character, for whatever reason, has been granted almost complete control over your colony. The only entity above your characters, for game play purposes, is the Human Republic and it's constitution.
The year is 2129.

The Human Republic has offered up a planet, Calypso Major or 8323 Pegasi IV (as it's officially known) for colonization. Nations, corporations, and individuals are free to attempt to establish their own settlements/homesteads on the planet, as long as they agree to fall under the Human Republic laws and taxes.


Ok, so if you couldn't guess from the very short intro and the tags, this is something of a mixed RP, with aspects of both nation and normal RP. The RP would mostly take place from an individual viewpoint, though decisions there will effect your nation as a whole. You create a single character, the leader of your faction on the planet, and you play as them throughout the game. During gameplay, you will engage in normal RP behavior (fighting enemies, talking with NPCs, etc) and guiding your nation/corporation as the local authority.

Challenges would include things such as establishing trade with neighboring settlements, dealing with natives, establishing a sustainable colony, and various other issues.

This is just me putting feelers out to see what kind of interest there is.

@Cultural Titan

For the start, I was picturing Xander as being able to do up to probably mid-level to mayber upper-level alchemy under optimal conditions, so moderately strong poisons and potions. Obviously, being unceremoniously arrested and shipped to Hurica didn't allow him to pack anything and is far from optimal, so he'll have to start over, gathering ingredients and finding/creating the proper tools. I'd limit him to the basics, like small healing potions, maybe some simple cures to diseases, things like that. As the RP goes on, I was hoping to find/create better and better alchemy equipment to create more advanced potions.

I'll check out Pathfinder's alchemist and maybe take some ideas from that.
No problems with the character at first glance, but I should ask in advance how you intend alchemy to work?

That is an excellent question. Being that this is a fantasy genre, I had assumed magic would be incorporated and guessed that you had some system in mind. If you'd prefer it, I can change Xander into more of a hunter/naturalist character or something similar. Otherwise, I'm open to whatever you might have in mind regarding magic and alchemy.
Well, the bio got a bit longer then I meant for it to, but here's my character finally!

Finally got my character finished. Tried to keep it short and sweet, so hopefully everything looks good.

I'm definitely interested in this, so count me in!
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