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8 mos ago
Current It's been 6 years, but I'm back, baby! Old 4 eyes is back, and hopefully less horribly cringe than I was when I was just starting out! Armed with a keyboard and wit, I'm back.
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6 yrs ago
Hello. It is I, Supernova. I am new here, and I am glad to be here!


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Oh, excellent! And don't worry, I didn't really have any sort of inconvenience with you being away, since I have been busy myself, with pursuing my dream of being able to be a successful youtuber with my crazy gameplay of uncommon video games such as the Sims 3, and other obsolete or less popular games. I am sorry you had to go back to school for your job, but at least now you know stuff that could come in handy someday! Better to know too much than too little I always say! Knowledge is a valuable asset, and the more you know, the easier life will be!
Sorry for the late response, just have been terribly busy with life, and been spending hours repairing the industrial centrifuge at work due to a small accident in the loading bay involving a barrel of explosive, highly viotile liquid falling off the loading truck and detonating near a bank of chemical related machines. I am not even kidding, this actually happened to me while volunteering for a company to earn work on my resume... Thankfully, nobody died, but several people, me thankfully not included, were injured to the point where they had to go to the hospital for medical treatment. And it's fine, take your time, the less I write in a post the better. This is since I am getting writing cramps from my help repairing machinery, and this voice to text program on my PC is irritating to talk into due to having to have a monotone, perfect-English pronunciation voice. And the errors, but by the time we get another post, my cramps should be dealt with, since we are about half done with the centrifuge and will be onto chemical distillation and other chemistry related machines.
I am fine with someone doing a timeskip, but since I already made my post, it wouldn't make sense to edit my post or make a new one when my post is good as it is.
Lalna sighs loudly, crosses his arms, and leans against the fence. He seems to be a bit worried and looking to be annoyed. He turns to the others after around the 3 hour mark, and begins to speak. "Lads, I think Mason might be in trouble in the woods. Do you think something happened to him and the runaway? I think we should go out looking for them..." He says, his voice catching, as he scans the woods for signs of anyone. He coughs loudly, and sighs once more, worried deeply about his fellow morpher but trying to hide his internal worry. He perks up from his upset daze when he hears someone hastily running in the woods towards him and the others, and sees Mason come out towards them, appearing to be quite dirty and tired, and Lalna collapses on the ground, sitting on his knees. "Oh, thank the lords that you are alright! I was worried that you weren't coming back!" He says in relief, happy to see him alive, even if he isn't the nicest to him. His relief drops into minor panic, and he stands shock still, as he stands up, looking paniced. "My god, is that correct? She is gone? Just out of the blue? We cannot sit here twiddling our thumbs, we must do something! At the very least, we should call her parents and tell them the truth! We cannot keep this a secret from everyone, correct?" He says, attempting to sound calm and collected, and managing to sound calm with a bit of a upset and worried tone.
And that's fine Holly, I hope you come back soon. I won't be able to do much RP myself, but I will attempt to stay active. I do have a few mental health issues myself, but I managed to get medication for my more severe issues like bipolar-ism and to blunt the edges of my mild Aspergers. I hope you can get the same help I got.
I am not quite sure what to have my character's first morph as... Perhaps a cat or something small, a cat would be easy since he has a cat at home, and does experiments with small animals like small birds and rats and such once in a while, so he has a few choices... Decisions decisions...
Hello, I have been browsing the site looking for a good role-play, and I am intrigued! I love decent sci-fi role-plays, and thus this has caught my eye. I was worried that this would be yet another dead roleplay, but one of your recent posts makes me think otherwise. I can begin to make a character sheet tonight, and although it won't be my best work, I will try to make it good enough with what information I have and have a solid character! My next post will be a guaranteed post of my character. Just a quick question before I make my first post. Are humans that have been physically modified to the point where they look almost alien allowed, or would that be out of the question? Just thought I should ask, since we are far in the future timeline-wise after all. That is all I have to say, I will be waiting on a response. :-)
I guess we still have not heard any word on this after 2 bloody months(!!!), is this site really beginning to slowly die?
Has this on-line chatroom officially died? Should I begin to dig a grave like I have done for so many chatrooms since I was a child?
I am starting to feel left out... I have no idea what you lads are talking about. Darn my disability with isolation causing me to not understand life!
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