Avatar of LuckyBlackCat


Recent Statuses

8 mos ago
Current To those I RP with, I haven't dropped off of the face of the earth, just had a mental health crash but am recovering. Now to catch up on posting.
8 mos ago
The worst thing about mental illness is you have to look after yourself a disgusting amount. I know it's the only way to actually be in a fit state to look out for others, but it still feels wrong.
10 mos ago
Emeth: Then I'll be that friend who's the opposite kind of annoying, whispering "Do it, you know you want to..."
10 mos ago
Judging by the Internet's definitions of introversion and extraversion, you'd think everyone's either an extreme hermit or a party animal with no in between.
10 mos ago
Krystal: All part and parcel of the job.


A frazzled British thirtysomething cat mum with something of a tea addiction.

I like a wide range of RP genres, but have two absolute favourites: Pokemon and magical girls. (If someone manages to combine the two, I'll be VERY happy!) I post fairly regularly, but sometimes shit mental health days crop up - if that causes any delays, I'll try to resume posting ASAP.

Most Recent Posts

@Vertigo Going to try to have a GM post up tomorrow, is that ok with you? You can say your character was there all along.
@Raineh Daze

At the sight of the blood splattered across the tiles, Kaida let the peppy act fall, pressing her lips together. Now this was something magical girls didn't have to deal with, except in the darker shows. Reminders that they couldn't save everyone. She'd been prepared to find something like this - it wasn't the first time, at least for most of the team, and it wouldn't be the last. Still, she descended, bowed her head and uttered a short prayer, letting a small amount of water mist from the spheres to purify the area of death's taint and help any lingering spirit move on to the afterlife. Times like this brought out her inner shrine maiden.

"I'm sorry I can't do more," she murmured into the air, "but we need to stop the ones who did this. May your journey be smooth to the next world." The rituals during her years as a miko had been structured and elaborate, but time was of the essence.

A comforting presence enveloped her, like the spiritual equivalent of a hug. "There's nothing to be sorry for."

Kaida's solemn features softened. "Thank you, Kazemi-sama." She turned and nodded to Akira, who theorised what kind of demon could be responsible for this. "Such a messy eater's most likely a Beast class."

As if on cue, a thud sounded from a nearby sporting goods shop. Kaida's frown returned. "Sounds like we've found our culprit. I'll go investigate." Akira held back, presumably cautious about letting Andrea loose, but Kaida slowly approached the store front and peered inside.
@Crimson Flame @Ryik @Letter Bee

As Conner hinted at the location of the energy drinks and said they both had to "keep them safe", Kieran chuckled. "That we do."

Of course, it was right at that moment that Niles reappeared, accompanied by Ciel and Deuel. "Ah, hey!" Kieran feigned innocence. "We most certainly weren't searching for anything we weren't supposed to!" Niles remained silent, looking particularly tense as he threw sticks into the firepit Ciel set up a short distance away. It wasn't an unusual look for someone as easily stressed as Niles, but Kieran suspected there may be more to it than the fact that this was the group's last day together. When Niles wandered off again, Kieran decided not to press the matter. "Wonder what got into him?" he murmured to Conner.

He watched as Noah set about lighting the fire, flames crackling and glowing against the dusk, filling the air with the comforting scent of woodsmoke. Once Niles returned, sitting by the bonfire, Deuel leaned back and made a speech that brought a warm smile to Kieran's face. Deuel then proceeded to head over, giving out gifts to him and Conner. "Oh nice!" Kieran accepted the book, The Emerald Tablet of Hermes and The Kybalion. While he wasn't really a big believer in the occult despite the spooky air he gave off, he was no hardened skeptic either, and it'd make for an interesting philosophical read. "Thanks, who knows, maybe it'll help me unleash my inner warlock!" He waggled his fingers as if casting a spell.

Conner showed equal appreciation of his own gift - goggles and a waterproof phone. So very fitting, although the thought that they may not get to go surfing together again brought a pang. "C'mon, let's join the others," Kieran said to him, traipsing after Deuel to the campfire. He sat down and watched the others receive their gifts, one of which was a plushie in Deuel's likeness. The recipient, Niles, accepted it with a strained expression. A smile that didn't reach his eyes as he told Deuel they needed to talk later.

Kieran winced inwardly. Had they had some kind of argument? Was tonight going to end with a falling out?
@Rune_Alchemist @RolePlayerRoxas @Quartz

Kaida chuckled as Kaeru put put on his own - or rather her own - magical girl act. "Hey, what matters is they liked it." She gestured at several children in the evacuating crowd, whose faces brightened. Emi, being Emi, didn't seem to notice the kids' reaction, instead berating her and Kaeru before taking on kitsune form. At the command to stay in formation, Kaida raised her fist high. "Yep! After all, we magical girls are all about teamwork! Speaking of," she said, turning her attention back to Kaeru, "I'm sure we could pull off a thunderstorm combo attack."

Gathering an orb of water from the air into each hand, she flew upwards, both to avoid blocking the civilians' exit, and so that the water wouldn't conduct any stray electricity from Kaeru. Thankfully, the crowd had mostly parted to the hallway's sides anyway, thanks to Rika deliberately playing up the "loud foreigner" stereotype and shouting for them to clear a path.

Looking down as Natsumi called to her, Kaida nodded. "Will do." The watery spheres swelled as she flew close by Natsumi, heading towards the staircase, alert for both enemies and literal friendly fire. She could only hope that whatever powers the Devil class demon had, this wouldn't be like the last battle that had taken place inside a building - especially as this time, there were many more lives at stake.
Ok, a slight change of plans, I'll have to delay working on posts until Thursday, if all goes well. I got kinda sick, so I might need a couple days recompose myself before I get going.

Oof, rest up and I hope you're feeling better soon!

"Tch." Stepping aside, Himea blocked the spear with her sceptre. "Keep those cheesy speeches of yours to yourself. This is our home too - and not just that, our domain." These light girls were proving tougher than she'd thought. It was almost sad, how they wasted all that power serving others. At least the frog girl had unwittingly brought herself and her steed within the bishop's range.

She cast a glance at her summon. "Drain them both." It floated closer, its shadow cloak billowing, as it made to draw magical energy from frog and rider towards the cross that was its head. The amphibious abomination, being the faster mover, would probably hop out of range, but with any luck the bishop would siphon a fair amount of power beforehand.

"And don't forget the small fry either." Some of the lesser Miseria crawling up the wall like slugs shrivelled to nothing, save for a few smoky wisps of essence, which Himea beckoned forth and absorbed. Even if she had the money for it and then some, having to pay for tonight's dinner was a prospect too humiliating to let happen. Plus, the more powered up both she and her summon were, the better.

Revelling in the rush of dark magic coursing through her body, Himea raised her arm and swung her sceptre towards the warrior frog's head - in a feint. Changing its course before it could hit, she aimed for its belly instead, in an attempt to knock all that rainbow-coloured breath from it, and hopefully destabilise its rider.
@ShadowSunRisen Himea on keyboards? Considering her proper lady upbringing, it makes sense that she'd know how to play the piano.
I was planning to, yea! Just been very hectic, sorry 'bout that :') But! If another person can only join if I give my spot, I don't mind giving it up to them; they can probs put it to better (and definitely faster) use!

Gemini dropped, so you can still make your character if you want.
@geminironin Understandable, rest up all you need.
@Raineh Daze

It had started out as a quiet day. Kaida had made herself comfortable in the break room, with a cup of green tea, watching the magical girl shows Akira had on for Shiro. During her childhood, she hadn't gotten to watch much TV, but the few times she had, magical girl anime had been a firm favourite - and even now, was something she staunchly believed a person was never too old for.

Of course, that was when the alarm had to go off. Putting down the half-finished cup of tea, Kaida frowned and stood up. "Well, there's our own monster of the week."

The scene they all arrived at was a rather different one, a shopping mall surrounded with evacuees. No mass panic had broken out, but fearful murmurs rose through the crowd. "Let's go!" Kaida called, following Akira and Andrea through the purple-gold sphere. "Transformation sequence begin!" One prayer ritual later, Kaida's form rippled and morphed, and she stood in aquatic warrior form before her grouchy teammate, feet apart in a dramatic pose. Putting on the hammiest voice she could, she announced, "Even if my heart is larger than the sea, I have reached my limit!"

A mix of a sigh and a growl rumbled in her head. "I'm not even going to ask what that was about. I will remind you, though, that we have a serious mission to focus on."

Unfazed by the reprimand as she headed towards the building alongside Akira, Kaida grinned. "Heh, couldn't resist," she told both Kazemi and the undoubtedly less than amused Akira. Someone, after all, had to keep morale high.
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