Avatar of nymian


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9 mos ago
Current Eagerly counting down til the contest entries are posted. I can't wait to see what everyone entered!
10 mos ago
You're an hour ahead of me, but i'll take a puff to help celebrate
10 mos ago
30 in 54 minutes. Farewell, young adult status
10 mos ago
@murdervictim same! I turn 30 wednesday
10 mos ago
i got to pick out my engagement ring :3


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By popular request, I've made a discord. This will house folks from all forums I am involved in, but I've had at least 3 people approach me about one lol

Jump City
@Martian thanks for the heads up. Have fun at the wedding!!! Congrats to the happy couple β™₯
@Bright_Ops This should have been a PM, per the rules I listed, but approved, if you want to go ahead and throw Bob in the character thread. Pick a post color so that I can update the list with your color
Just as Soleil offered to assist, the speaker system started to buzz.β€œAll Titans, report to the main meeting room. We have a situation going on involving Ghost.” boomed Dick’s voice over the speaker system. Starfire looked up towards Dick's voice as it filled the silence in the group. She looked at Soleil for a moment, considering her offer.

"You may come with us to the meeting room, however it will be in Robin's decision if you should join us. I think the offer is..Sweet of you. Please understand, we do not know you and we just wish to be cautious." She turned to Alrick. "Alrick, please come with. Robin may need you there with us, especially if Ghost is badly hurt." She nodded to everyone, then turned to make her way to the meeting room.

She left the three behind, knowing that they would be along shortly. Maybe she had a chance to speak to Robin. She entered the meeting room where Robin and Grazer were. "Robin, I must tell you. Soleil offered to come along. She told me that she is a pyrokinetic, and that she has some fighting ability. I told her ultimately it was up to you, but depending on what is going on with Ghost, it may be nice to have another person with us." Starfire told him, gingerly. "Is Soleil familiar to you too?" She asked, before the others arrived.
Roleplay is full yes?

We're still open - still accepting cannons, and OC's welcome! :)
Also I hope a lil call to action is okay 😁

I thought I replied, but I also have been busy the last few days with it being a holiday here in the states and all.

Call to action is great lol. I hope you didn't feel like I was ignoring you.

Bumping to bring it back to the top, because this thread is getting buried lol
The alarms rang, and a call for help took over the TV. "Titans, I've made a disturbing discovery. This is a request for backup. My coordinates are incoming." Starfire looked around - other than Pulse, who was sitting at the island waiting patiently for Robin to finish up with Gracer's interview, there was no one else in the vicinity. She called the elevator up and went down to the basement, where she knew Alrick had gone, to prepare him. He was their medic, so it would be a good idea for him to have a heads up in case he was needed.

As the doors opened, she saw the three conversing, Raven quizzing Alrick about who the new girl was. "Raven and Alrick, we have received an incoming transmission from Ghost. His transmission cut out suddenly, and I believe him to be in danger. I am sure Robin will be coming to brief us, but we must hurry upstairs and prepare for the rescue mission."

Soleil found this to be a welcome diversion. Maybe everyone would drop their suspicions in the heat of rescue. "I realize that I am not a Titan, but if you need help - I can fight. I'm not the best, but I can hold my own - at least for a little bit. I'm a pyro, if that helps.." She offered. If their peer, Ghost, was truly in trouble, it seemed reasonable that they would need all hands on deck.
β™ͺshady's back, tell a friendβ™ͺ
Starfire, smiling at Robin in her typical fashion, turned to him. "I do not think we have met her before. She said her name is Soleil, and that she is the cousin of Alrick, in from...I believe she said Seattle?" She tried to recall where Soleil had said she is from. "She said she came to surprise him, and that he was in the midst of showing her around the tower." She thought about it. It felt like she had met her before, but she couldn't place the feeling. "Robin, once you are done with your meeting with Grazer, and after speaking with Pulse, I would like to speak with you. Please let me know when you are finished." She flashed her smile again, this time smaller, filled slightly with concern. She knew he was busy, but with everything happening something felt off. If it was serious, she wanted Robin to know before addressing it with anyone else.

She worked to put the pieces together in her mind. Pulse's concern of a temporal anomaly, Soleil's impromptu appearance. Maybe it was just a coincidence, and Starfire wanted to give Soleil the benefit of the doubt, but Robin needed to know of Starfire's suspicion - if Soleil wanted to cause harm, she was already inside and could very easily do so. Their defenses were down. But then, why would Alrick let her in if she wasn't his cousin? What was Alrick up to. Her eyes narrowed, lost in suspicious thought.
Starfire watched Alrick and his cousin enter the elevator and disappear behind the elevator doors. She turned to Pulse. "I wonder if that is where Robin is." She pondered. If there was a temporal anomaly, and he knew about it, he'd most certainly be looking into it. "If he picked up on it, he would most certainly be looking into it." She told Pulse.

Starfire wondered about Alrick's cousin showing up around the same time as an anomaly being reported at S.T.A.R labs, but put that thought aside. If there was something going on, she wanted to talk to Robin about it first before talking to Pulse about it. Soleil seemed familiar to her and she couldn't place why.

》* 。 β€’ ˚ ˚ Λ› * 。° 。 β€’ ˚ * 。 β€’ ˚ ˚ Λ› * 。° 。 β€’ ˚ * 。 β€’ ˚ ˚ Λ› * 。° 。 β€’ ˚ * 。 β€’ ˚ ˚ Λ› * 。° 。 β€’ ˚ * 。 β€’ ˚ ˚ Λ› * 。° 。 β€’ ˚ * 。 β€’ ˚ ˚ Λ› * 。° 。 β€’ ˚ * 。 β€’ ˚ ˚ Λ› * 。° 。 β€’ ˚ γ€Š

Soleil's eyes widened when Pulse mentioned the temporal anomaly. That was her. Luckily, Alrick ushered them to the elevator and down to the basement. Just as Alrick was telling her about not knowing where the light switch was, a voice greeted them in the dark and the light turned on, revealing that Raven had been down here, likely meditating. "My name is Soleil, I'm his cousin from Seattle. I surprised him with a visit, and he's showing me around. I think he brought me down here to show me where his medical stash is in case I should need anything while I'm visiting." She looked to Alrick to confirm. So far their story *seemed* to be working - Starfire bought it at least. "You must be the famous Raven I have heard so much about. It is wonderful to meet you." She flashed her Star-like smile at Raven.
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