Avatar of Pandolin


Recent Statuses

3 mos ago
Current Heckers! Imma just realizing the implications behind Wreck it Ralph!
1 yr ago
It's clear I like my status's more than other people do.
3 yrs ago
Sorcerers have pianists fingers.
3 yrs ago
Well I told him it would happen, and now look at that wart!
3 yrs ago
Look'n for a big 'ol green giant


NTK and FYI stuffers

Random fact about me: I'm a crazy weirdo person.
Something I like: Ranch dressing, even though it looks like... you know.
What you should know: I think scratching an itch in the ear is one of the best feelings ever.
A more appropriate fact: I love writing. RPing is the jam. Not like toe jam, though. Toe jam is gross.

thanks for reading

Most Recent Posts

Hooey hooey!
Heyo hunnie mist! Imma glad ya noticed HAHAHA!
Heyo! Juuuuuust in case any of you sweet hunnies be ask'n the question, I know it be nighttime and raining in Somerset at the Lock and Key, and all my Pebble posts have been happening during a fine sunny day! Yep, Pebble ain't sharing the same time with the group atm 😉
Pebble Cliffside

. . . . . ╰──╮ ╭──╯ . . . . .

Pebble sure was happy toddling along, singing her songs, knocking critters dead, making travelers sick, flipping her shiny gold coin as she went along. That was until she came to an intersection in the road, giving her a whole new three directions to choose from. Pebble didn’t at all like making decisions, especially when there be more than two options to choose from. Had there only been two options, she could have gone ahead and flipped her shiny new coin to make her decision for her. But by all manner of avalanche, that just wasn’t the case!

The little dwarf human stopped her lovely singing and stepped on up to the big old road sign to have a read of her options, but not before an opossum fell dead from a tree. According to the sign, if Pebble continued on ahead, she’d wind up in the town of Somerset. That was actually the direction she was meant to be headed. But if she made a turn to the right, she’d end up in a small village, which wasn’t as far a journey as Somerset was, and she really did want to buy herself a pie or something. Better yet, Rock Candy! Her favorite candy ever! Then there was Pebble’s third option, by heckers, to turn left down the road that led through the woods where the ancient battle between the Hiemaquas Dragonian’s and the armies of the First Emperor took place.

Pebble really did figure that finding her ma and pa was possibly important, and for that reason, getting to Somerset would have to be a thing to do sooner or later. But her stomach was rumbling like an active volcano, and she really could have done with a quick detour to the village for a snack before recommencing her way to Somerset. However! Pebble really did fancy the idea of checking out the old woods and the sites of the ancient battles as well. There were rumors of all sorts of ruins in them woods that she felt herself a hankering to explore. Who knows what she could dig up in old ruins like that? It was glorious as ore to think about!

The more Pebble thought about her options, the harder it was to make a decision. So, she just went ahead and stopped thinking. She plunked her cute butt down under that big old road sign and ate a bug. And "Heckers" that bug was tasty.

. . . . . ╰──╮ ╭──╯ . . . . .
Imma go on ahead and start writing a Pebble post! As you all probably know, Pebble isn't part of the group just yet, so it don't matter if any of you want to go ahead and post before I do. I only wanna let you all know I'm workn on a post because I be all excited about this RP HAHAHAHA!

I sure am glad this show is still on the road! Heckers, I can't wait to be reading all your posts! <3
HAHA! Heckers, I best be doing another bump!
Banned for being a blind bird for a long time! Watch out for trees. 😊
Hi guys!

This is not an interest check for a specific RP I'm starting (I might do that later!), I'm just putting a bit about myself here in case anyone with an actual RP in mind wants to hit me up for some fun! We can discuss the details then.

Here ya go:

So, if you have an idea to share, if you wanna have some 1X1 fun, or if maybe you wanna invite me to a group you’re in, then hit me up in a DM! (If you are a little skeptical about my abilities, then yeah you should be! Nah, not really, hahaha – but yeeeeah, this isn’t my first rodeo!)

Looking forward to hearing from ya!

thanks for reading
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