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Those aren't laces. Those are my toe nails.
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I spit like awogarpa and I ain't afraid to step up to the plate. You'll see what happens next, Guillermo. You'll see.
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I wanna be a cowboy, baby
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Hi Sausage Pat


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Olivia’s expression wavered from Charlotte to the memory. She wasn’t sure what was real, and for a moment, she saw the five men unconscious in the alleyway. The next, she saw Charlotte in front of her. Charlotte’s voice, mixed with Asher’s sinister expression and howl of anger when she’d sedated the dogs flashed through her mind. What was happening? Music, laughter, drunken conversations; yells, screams and dogs barking. She clutched her head as pain exploded inside of it. Alleyway. Ballroom. Alleyway, ballroom, tough tavern, ballroom… The scenes kept flashing through her mind and she gritted her teeth and closed her eyes in agony.

”Olivia….” …. ”Persephone..?” … Who was speaking to her…? She focused on it harder. The words echoed again and she struggled to pinpoint the speaker. ”Olivia….” …. ”Persephone..?”

”.....” She was silent as she decided to focus on the ballroom. The struggle dissipated, and she looked at her friend with tears in her eyes. Briefly, her memory lapsed, but she held onto reality. ”.....Olivia.” She confirmed quietly, and then looked at her. ”...Sorry... He’s very dangerous and we need to keep away from him at all costs. Okay?” Her voice trembled as the memories continued trying to pour through but she ignored them.

Charlotte frowned and picked up her head to look around the ballroom. “Who is he…?” She began to ask.

We need to leave.” She glanced around and then gripped her friend’s arm gently, and hugged Charlotte tightly. ”Where one is, the rest will follow…” She shook her head and the headache dulled to a rumbling. ”Do you need to do anything else or are we okay to leave?” She craned her neck and noticed Count Fritz approaching. “Let’s get Fritz and go.” Urgency filled her voice and her voice choked up briefly, until she regained control, and let go of Charlotte.

“I need to talk to him privately for a moment, then I have something I must do… But I promise, we can leave as soon as possible. Do you want to stand outside and wait or maybe accompany us?”

Olivia listened to her friend intently and nodded. ”That’s fine…I’ll wait outside of it. Charlotte… What are you doing after?” Her expression wavered and her eyes widened with concern.

She gave her a guilty smile, “ Honestly… It’s for the best I tell you afterwards.”

CHARLOTTE.” She snarled. Her voice became uncharacteristically waspish and her expression darkened like an oncoming thunderstorm. Her eyes briefly flashed a reddish-purple hue. This wasn’t a game. What was her friend doing? What would Calbert do to Charlotte? What if she lost Charlotte? Her stomach squirmed uncomfortably and a chill unrelated to the evening fell over her.

She recoiled, her gaze fixed in stunned silence for a prolonged moment before she mustered a response. “ … Very well… If you must know… I am certain that Count Damien is planning something. I think I have a way to figure it out. It’ll all be done swiftly and I promise I’ll be okay.”

Olivia remained silent, and studied her friend’s demeanor. Guilt for accidentally scaring her crept in, and she took her hand gently. ”....Sorry. I didn’t mean to snap…” She bit her lip and then fidget uncomfortably on her feet. ”Am I able to come along and hide invisibly? So I can protect you if I need to?” She paused and her vision swam with tears she blinked away forcefully. God, could she stop crying? ”...I don’t want to lose you to this snake infested jungle.”

Charlotte smiled tentatively. It seemed that somehow she had that effect on the people in her life lately. Her mind wandered to Lorenzo, a fleeting sadness overcoming her eyes briefly. “... It’s alright. The reason I am going to insist you do not join me is because I am almost certain that he wants me alive. The Count is fixated on controlling Duke Lorenzo, and by extension me. If he is angry with me, he will not harm me. Trust me… But as for you or Kazumin or anyone else…” Her expression softened, “Does that make sense?”

Olivia listened to her friend’s explanation. Charlotte’s sadness wasn’t lost on her, and she wanted to console her friend however the topic changed. In the back of her mind, she decided to treat Charlotte at her home instead. Calbert’s obsession with both the Vikenas puzzled her; why was he hung up on them? Why did he want them alive? The questions raced through her mind like a cat chasing a laser toy. This man was insane and unhinged, that much was certain. She nodded and smiled consoling at Charlotte. ”Yes it does and I won’t. Scout’s promise,” she teased, and saluted her friend. She paused and then giggled.

Charlotte giggled as well and saluted her back. “Ay, ay, captain.”

”For now, let’s not lose each other in this dismal crowd.” She remarked quietly as she watched the crowd thicken.

“I see Fritz coming toward us actually.“ Charlotte told her. She waved him over, trying to catch his gaze.

Even from a distance, Ryn could tell Ms. Persephone was not doing well. Whether it was due to sickness, magic, or mind altering substances, he could not tell. But he did what he always did when he saw Wayra in that state. “Excuse me,” He stopped a server, “may I have a cup water and a damp towel?” The staff did not ask questions, they simply nodded and disappeared into the crowd.

While Ryn waited at the spot, he cast a concerned gaze toward Lady Vikena and Ms. Persephone. He was worried for their wellbeing, of course, but there was also a question that had been floating in his head since he saw them attending the party. Why were either of them here, at Damien Estate, after what happened?

The “A glass of water and a damp towel, sir,” turned Ryn’s attention away from the question and to the servant. After thanking them, he accepted the items and walked over to the women. “I hope I’m not intruding on anything.” Ryn glanced at Ms. Persephone, “You look a little under the weather, ‘Ms. Mary.’ Would you like some water?” He offered the cup and damp towel in her direction.

Olivia watched as Count Fritz approached and smiled broadly at him. That is, until she noticed he was not empty handed; she raised an eyebrow. She didn’t have time to inquire as to why; he spoke quickly after he approached. His words caused her to flush with embarrassment despite a smile plastered on her face.

”No, no intrusion, we were waiting for you.” She replied. ”Oh.. Do I?” She accepted both items and sipped the water, while her mind churned with humiliation and fear. Would Calbert notice? She had to be tougher and laughed gently.

”No, I’m all right. Thank you.” She swallowed and glanced at Charlotte and him. ”....We were talking about leaving soon. Would you be interested in joining us?” Doubt filled her mind with the notion, however she would offer despite any rejection. Fritz had been there for her and she felt as though she owed him.

A nagging thought trailed in her mind as she considered him. She studied Count Fritz inconspicuously. What had Peter and he been discussing? What heist was coming up? Was Charlotte involved…? Concern gnawed at her, and she sipped her water again in order to keep it together at least on the outside.

Charlotte squeezed Olivia’s hand subtly. “ Yes, I wanted to speak with you, Count Fritz, for a moment as we had planned… I have something I must take care of, then Olivia and I are going to go home. You are always welcome. I will be passing the memo to Lord Leo as well of course when I can as it seems we are in poor company tonight.”

Olivia returned the gesture to Charlotte’s hand and took deep breaths. She had to trust her friend.

“Oh, why thank you for asking. Yes, I would like to accompany you both when you leave. But…” Ryn’s head inclined in a quizzical tilt. “Considering the risk to come here, I assumed you two had a specific purpose in mind. Was it successful?” Though Peter might be enamored with Ms. Persephone, Ryn could not imagine him forcing her to attend the party. If he did, well then, there would be more than a few words Ryn would have to exchange with the naughty boy.

Olivia smiled when Fritz commented that he’d like to accompany them both when they left. The next sentence caught her off guard and the encounter with Peter entered her mind. She glanced at Charlotte then back to Fritz. Her tone became quieter, and was nearly impossible to hear over the ballroom noise.

”I didn’t want to leave Charlotte alone nor did I think he would recognize or approach me.” She admitted quietly. ”Not after everything she’s done and is risking.” Olivia’s voice became light and teasing. ”Besides, a ginger thief temporarily took my shoes. I got them back though, almost like Cinderella.” Her gaze met Fritz and a smirk flashed across her expression.

Instead of returning the smile, however, Ryn looked back at her with a shocked expression. “Someone tried to rob you? Thank goodness you’re alright…” Ryn rubbed his chin. “I thought Lord Smithwood’s missing pocket watch may have been a prank of sorts, but if people are getting mugged, then the situation may be more serious. I’d suggest reporting it to the authorities, but…” He trailed off, letting the obvious unsaid. “Maybe I should do it instead?”

Fritz’s shocked expression caused Olivia to blink. She had been kidding. Those two were familiar with each other. Had he not caught on? Liv tilted her head to the side and folded her arms lightly. ”No, I was kidding. That won’t be necessary.” Maybe there was something she didn’t understand. Where was Peter, anyway? She glanced around but could not see him. Nerves gnawed at her stomach and she bounced her leg as she waited for the next move from her friends.

“Actually, Fritz, I was hoping we could have our discussion now if that’s alright with you,” Charlotte gestured to the entrance to the foyer.

”I’ll wait outside it.” Olivia replied promptly, and nodded as she stepped backward to grab a few drinks randomly from a passing waiter. She took a few snacks, downed a couple shots, and then grabbed another. If she were to wait here, she’d make sure to look preoccupied.

Time: Night
Location: The edge of Lover's Lake
Attire:Dress, A crown of various flowers
Interaction: @Lava Alckon Farim @Helo Callum
Mention: @Tae Mina/Torvi @ReusableSword Roman @Infinite Cosmos Munir

"Mhm. Violet is Count Damien's daughter. She's well known here. Calbert Damien makes a name for himself in this country, trust me." Anastasia had explained to Farim. Her gaze then shifted to watch the entire situation escalate from zero to a hundred in no time flat. Her brows lifted in shock as Roman, who she had always seen as a sweet teddy-bear of a man, was charging at the guards like a ferocious beast. "What the—!" she exclaimed, her disbelief evident in her wide-eyed expression.

Then, of course, Callum threw himself in the middle. Fearful that he'd get hurt, she charged to his side without a second thought. While she struggled to comprehend Callum's rationale, she didn't want to see Roman hurt or in trouble... and it was adorable watching her little brother act so official! There was no way she wasn't going to support him. As he concluded his speech, Anastasia lightly placed a hand on his shoulder. Leaning in, she whispered softly, "You sounded really cool just now."

Emboldened by Callum's stance, Anastasia decided to add her own voice to the chorus of defiance. She declared, "Go on and get, guards! We're too high for your shit!"

But the chaos was far from over. A random woman speaking demon-tongue emerged from the shadows, seizing Lady Mina Blackwood with blade in hand. As Munir sprinted after them, Anastasia rubbed her eyes in confusion, wondering if she was hallucinating everything happening before her.
The Ceremony for the Summer Solstice

Sorian Guards

Time: Night
Location: Edge of Lover's Lake
Interactions: @ReusableSword Roman @Lava Alckon Farim @Tpartywithzombi Ariella, @Helo Callum @Infinite Cosmos Munir @Tae Mina

The city guard, undeterred by Erik's attempts to dismiss them, maintained their stance with an air of authority.

"We understand your concerns, Erik," the guard replied, their tone firm. "But we have a missing person's report for a high-ranking noblewoman, Lady Violet Damien. We must locate her, especially given the circumstances."

As they spoke, the other guards fanned out into the crowd, their eyes scanning the faces of the partygoers in search of any sign of Violet. "It is our responsibility to prioritize the safety and well-being of all individuals within the city."

However, then they actually noticed Lord Ravenwood bounding toward them. A sense of urgency swept over the city guards as they realized he was going to attack them. Their instincts told them to flee as the sight of the incoming bear of a man sent shivers down their backs. Yet, duty bound them to stand their ground.

With hearts pounding and hands trembling, the guards braced themselves,. The sound of steel scraping against leather pierced the air as the guards swiftly drew their weapons.
In Avalia 3 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

The day after Zora died, a palpable shift rippled through the air of Avalia. A dead human had been delivered to King Zanithel's court, triggering a tightening of reigns.

In a chilling declaration to his subjects, King Zanithel proclaimed the arrival of humans as a dire threat to Avalia. With a flick of his finger, tendrils of darkness ensnared the corpse, lifting it for all to see. Through a cast sphere, King Zanithel broadcasted his message, branding humans as terrorists and offering rewards for their capture or demise. The kingdom was put on high alert, with authorities tasked to eliminate the perceived threat at any cost.

The next twenty four hours were marked by a reign of terror characterized by public floggings, stringent curfews, and invasive searches. Those suspected of rebellion faced swift and brutal public executions, casting a dark shadow over the land.

Amidst chants of "ALL HAIL KING ZANITHEL," the once vibrant kingdom of Avalia now stood on the precipice of darkness, its future veiled in uncertainty.

  • Zora is dead
  • Public floggings, whippings, arrests, and executions are more prevalent.
  • Increased guards in large cities.
  • Humans are considered national terrorists and have bounties on them.
  • Enstille and Malachi are called to work closely with Vaeril upon rising tensions
  • Zion and Jun are relocated to the pirate ship with Tanithil, Amisra, Arlen, Sirena, and Ismael.
  • A replacement water human has been summoned to join Aurora and Barrock named Vasco.
  • After leaving to assist Mari and Thraash, Scathael's village is attacked. He no longer has anything to return to.
  • Extermination of known rebel settlements and groups has begun.
  • Propaganda has been showing up for and against humans in many of the larger cities.

Location: Calbert's Estate
Interaction: @Potter Olivia
Attire: Mask, Dress/Wings

As Olivia's voice faltered, and she instinctively reached out toward her friend, but the throng of guests between them hindered her efforts, drowning out their connection with a cacophony of chatter. She disappeared from view completely, leaving Charlotte with a pang of unease as she searched the room for her friend's familiar face. "Olivia!" she called out, her voice tinged with urgency, as she navigated through the sea of bodies with rushed apologies.

Suddenly, a collision jolted her, and she stumbled backward, a pout forming on her face instinctively. Before she could regain her footing, a gloved hand reached out, capturing her own in a firm grasp. Startled, Charlotte looked up, her breath hitching as she found herself locking eyes with a stranger. His penetrating gaze sent a shiver down her spine. She withdrew her hand instinctively as he suddenly pressed his lips to the back of her hand. For a fleeting moment, their gazes held, and Charlotte felt as if she were peering into the abyss itself. Then, as swiftly as he had appeared, he vanished into the crowd, leaving her staring after the figure in confusion.

Then Olivia grasped her arm, and her gaze snapped to her. Relief filled her expression and she followed as she began to lead her off the dance floor. However, her relief quickly gave way to concern as Olivia's urgent questions pierced the air, her eyes brimming with tears.

But as she listened, her expression changed and empathy radiated from her gentle gaze. “Come here sweetie,” She murmured and pulled Olivia into an comforting embrace. “He bumped into me, apologized. Then he kissed my hand and left…But there was something... off about him…” Charlotte told her softly as she stroked Olivia's hair, her touch gentle against her friend's trembling form.

Furrowing her brows determinedly, Charlotte added firmly with resolve, “ I don’t know who that man is, but I won’t let him bother you.” When she received no response, Charlotte’s frown deepened.

"Olivia..." she pressed. Charlotte anxiously tapped her foot and took a scope of their surroundings before she leaned in closer and whispered, "Persephone?"
Welcome! I also chock on dirt and sand.

Time: Night
Location: The edge of Lover's Lake
Attire:Dress, A crown of various flowers
Interaction: @Lava Alckon Farim @Infinite Cosmos Munir

Anastasia's enthusiasm bubbled over as she enthusiastically agreed, "Yes! My hands are soft!" Her infectious energy only amplified as they approached Munir.

"Lady Anastasia... I see you have taken a liking to my dear cousin... I hope that means I would get to see you around, and perhaps one day in Alidasht. Your presence is always a welcoming sight. "

Munir had then said to Farim before she could reply, "Cousin. Yes. I saw her. She was here. She spoke to me... I...I miss her..."

"Hi Munir!" She chirped and gave him a brief hug before addressing his earlier words "Yeah your cousin's freakin awesome. Adore him! And I'd love to visit you boys in the Alidasht any time."

Anastasia wondered if that meant Munir had also hallucinated a dead person. Curiosity piqued, she scanned the surroundings, half-expecting to catch a glimpse of ethereal apparitions. But then, she noticed the kaleidoscope of colors around her as she waved her head back and forth in tune with the drums. A stupid smile crossed her face that didn't dissipate until the stern voice of a guard cutting through the ambient filled the air. She looked over with interest as he announced Lady Violet Damien was missing.

"Oh noooo... What if the people who attacked Calbert's house took Lady Violet?" she wondered aloud, her voice carrying her concern.
In Avalia 3 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location::Village on the outskirts of Roshmi
Interaction: @Apex Sunburn Scathael, @FunnyGuy Thraash
Equipment: Repeating crossbow, a bag, sword, two daggers, 3 small red potions, 1 large red potion, 1 large blue potion, hoverboard, portable solar box, eye protectors, fire starter kit, channeling gloves that turn her light magic orange, makeup, perfume, a skull she wears as a mask and a disguise ring

Mari trailed behind Thraash, her amusement evident in the mischievous glint in her eyes. "A tiny baby arm would be perfect for FIVE, Thraash!" she teased, barely able to contain her laughter as they approached the gate. With a dismissive wave of her hand, she added, "Nah I heard this guy is good. This'll be easy as pie for him..."

As Mari came to a halt before Scathael, she offered a casual wave, "Hey there! I'm Mari, and this big lug here is Thraash." Her tone was friendly but direct, wasting no time in getting to the point.

"We do indeedy do have work for you," she continued with a grin, "We've got a warforged with a fucked-up arm. Think if we lead you to him, you can work your magic and fix it up?"

The Ceremony for the Summer Solstice

Sorian Guards

Time: Night
Location: Edge of Lover's Lake
Interactions: @ReusableSword Roman @Lava Alckon Farim @Tpartywithzombi Ariella, @Helo Callum @Infinite Cosmos Munir @Tae Mina

As the rhythmic beat of the drums filled the air, the serene ambiance of the woodland ceremony was suddenly disrupted by the arrival of city guards. Heads turned slowly, curiosity mingled with apprehension as the armed guards began to fill the area, their heads turning to and fro.

A hush fell over the crowd as one of the guards stepped forward. With a deliberate clearing of his throat, he ascended a nearby stump, commanding attention with his authoritative demeanor. With a respectful nod, he began to address the gathering.

"Good folk," he spoke, his voice cutting through the remaining noise, "I apologize for the interruption to your event. But it is with urgency that I must inform you that we are searching for Lady Violet Damien." Whispers spread like wildfire as people began to pass rumors back and forth. The guard proceeded to describe Lady Violet, " She is a short female, with black hair and is most likely dressed in dark attire. Additionally, she bears a distinctive scar upon her face."

He paused, his gaze sweeping over the crowd, "If anyone among you has seen Lady Violet or has any information regarding her whereabouts, I implore you to come forward. And if, by chance, Lady Violet is present among us, my lady, please step forward."

Time: Night
Location: The edge of Lover's Lake
Attire:Dress, A crown of various flowers
Interaction: @Lava Alckon Farim @Infinite Cosmos Munir

As Anastasia and Farim had been swaying under the moonlight, the princess had taken notice of a subtle shift in the music and environment. She glanced over toward Roman as he had prepared the next section of the ritual, however, as the music intensified, so did the world around her. The fire now blazed with an intensity that seemed to reach toward the very sky itself. Colors danced and swirled around the area as people moved about, merging with the rhythm of the song to create a symphony of light and sound.

Everything felt and seemed intensified around them and it was impossible for Anastasia not to notice that the current song had taken a tone she found creepy and unsettling, especially combined with the overstimulating sights. She found it strange as if the song was having some sort of an effect on her. Though her grip on Farim's shoulders tightened, she slowed her movements and met his eyes.

"I don't know what's going on. It's weird yet kinda beautiful...I love Roman and I love what's going on, but those Varians are totally into some wilder shit than me. I kinda love it. "

Her eyes then fixated over his shoulder as Munir took shape in her vision. "...Your cousin seems ..." A frown graced her features and she shifted a step backward, her hands sliding down his shoulders to his hands. "Come," She took his hands and directed him forward, moving along the outskirt so as to not interrupt the mystique of what was happening around them. Finally, they reached Munir's side.

"Hey, you doing okay over here?"
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