Avatar of Pumpkinbot
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    1. Pumpkinbot 7 yrs ago


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The lizard shook her heads as he counted to two. Then one. Oh, gods, what was he going t--

She found herself suddenly sucked out of the ship and given a helmet. She was saved from having her eyeballs sucked out of her head, but space is pretty fuckin' cold, and the rest of her was still completely unprotected. What's worse, her kind are cold-blooded. She begun even sticking her arms near the jet-stream and enduring the burns just try and stay a little warmer. Her scales will heal, but not freezing to death is pretty important. And that's not even considering what other effects the vacuum of space woud have on her.

Thankfully, she survived the trip, and tumbles onto the ground as the atmosphere returns. She heaves and pants on the ground, struggling to draw in breath, despite the oxygen mask over her head. After a few seconds, she violently tugs the helmet off and tosses it to the ground. In a strange, garbled language, she starts yelling. "{Why in the name of the Maker did you do that?! Aren't you some kind of space explorer? I could have died!}" Her voice seemed hoarse, but it sounded natural to her, as opposed to the effects of any kind of trauma. She still seems very out of breath, though.
Okay, but...*why* shoot the robot?
The lizard's wide set eyes flitted across the spaceman's face is disbelief for a moment. She pointed at the airlock door, the only thing separating her from a cold, lonely death in space, then simply shrugged her shoulders.
Eh, honestly, I'm not too good a teacher. I just kinda do whatever feels right. I've been roleplaying for seven or eight years, and just kinda lesrned over time. :T
Who are we waiting on? Also, is this, like, a normal thing? People shooting others and starting gun fights for no real reason?
@superservo27 At the risk of sounding rude, I was hoping for someone with a bit more to their writing. Your last post was just "He did this. He did that. He did this other thing." Every single line. :T Mind...varying your writing a bit more? I know I fall into this habit occasionally, too, to be fair, but I do what I can to try and spruce things up.
The Xi'qe squinted at the lettering, then nodded emphatically, before banging on the (heavily) reinforced glass window on the airlock, the universal sign for "get me the fuck out of here". After a few more seconds of banging, she stopped, then pointed toward the man tumbling about in space, then mimed a helmet of some kind over her head with her hands, then pointed at herself. While she may not speak English, whatever language she does speak seems close enough to it to make symbols and gestures mostly the same.
A low, steady tone suddenly rung out a few times amongst the blaring distress signal still playing within the airlock. The lizard-woman lifted her head up at the sound, then scrambled over to the window on the airlock door heading to the decompressed and terribly shredded innards of the ship. Most of the equipment was trashed, but a single screen embedded into the front of the ship somehow survived, albeit barely. Through the bleeding lines of colors and twitching frames, she could just barely make out a large "Permission to Dock?" across the top, as well as various specs on the ship in question flashing across the screen, not that she understood a lick of it. She scrambled over to the other window, staring off into space, and peered around for the ship in question.
Miri let out a low growl. "John! Jessie! Whatever your name is! I'm trying to stop the bloodshed! I'd appreciate it if you didn't go in guns blazing like a drunk goblin!" She briefly flicked her eyes over to the mutilated machine, though with her pupil-less eyes, it was hard to tell. "You. You're some kind of high-tech machine, right? Can you contact the authorities? So long as John J. Keeshan over here doesn't complicate things."

Suddenly, the liquor bottles above the blue-haired woman burst and caught fire--was there a gap between her shield and the ceiling? Or perhaps her shield wasn't nearly as strong as she thought. Of course the woman wouldn't stay there and let herself catch fire. Right? (Alright, she was a few elekks short of a stampede...) Anticipating, hoping, praying that the blue-haired woman would bolt out the side of the bar, Miri split her shield into two smaller 3x3 foot squares, each one controlled by either hand. One jumped over to block the woman's retreat out from behind the bar, while the other stood where the larger shield was, trying to stop her from vaulting back over. Of course, with less surface area, one could easily fire around the shields, but they'd at least hold the woman there. The only way to retreat would be the other way, away from the shields.

((I'm imagining the bar being something like this, where there's only one way out of the bar, since the other end just ends at a wall. Buuut I suppose it could also be like this, how it's open on both ends. I'm just overthinking things, go with whatever you guys want. :P ))
Miri recoiled and yelped at the shot, but didn't even wait to check on the strange, metal man before thrusting her hands out and summoning a large six by six foot barrier between Anya and...well, everyone else. She positioned it right above the bar, as if to try and keep her there. "Gah! Metal man, do you mind?! Tone it down and just c--" She huffed. "Ah, the police should easily be able to find this place with that racket you're making..."
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