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3 mos ago
Current sometimes i breathe at a certain angle and the air hits extra crisply. i think i shld sleep. or maybe explode idfk
3 mos ago
i swear i'll upload a pfp when i make half decent art of an oc. until then i'll have no bio and be cool and mysterious.
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Reply is up ~ I know I said I’d draw him like 3 days ago but I was busy lol. I might have time to draw him today? Who knows,,
He looks at the open doorway to the faculty room, noticing the footsteps despite being deep in conversation. In walks Watanabe-sensei and the newcomer. He knows that the former had leased a floor of his family’s building to the latter but he didn’t expect them to come in together, but the surprise is on him, he supposes, for doing so despite knowing the old man’s nature.

The teachers gathered by the water boiler pause in conversation to greet the two.

“Morning, Watanabe-sensei! And what’s this, fresh meat, eh?”

“Good morning, you two.”

“So you finally made it, Daizo! And with the new hire in tow. What’s his name again? Suzuki?”

He’s grateful to old man Kobayashi for bringing up his name.

“Good morning, Watanabe-sensei, Suzuki-san.” He bows to both of them, bending noticeably deeper than the others to the older Watanabe.

Watanabe ushers the newcomer, Suzuki, into the group to make introductions and he studies him. The first thing catching his eye is the suit, almost comically out of place among the rest of the teachers who are in more casual wear. Gym teacher Nakamura is even in slacks. It’s cute how hard he’s trying— it reminds him of his first teaching job in Sapporo, when he was just as fresh-faced though not as optimistic. His hair is messy and his skin tanned; the former is in noticeable juxtaposition with the black and graying heads of his coworkers. And yet Sugiyama’s still paler than him. It’s as if Suzuki’s vitality matches that of his hometown even more than he. There’s a mole under his left eye.

He lets these superficial details distract from the equally superficial conversation, half-listening only for an opening where he will inevitably have to interject.

Hopefully the BBCode here works the same as on FR

Hello, it's qiao
Finally here with an IC even though I made this account a month ago.

What do I see...?


About me.

  • Tentative to minor interaction. I'd rather not talk to a 14 year old (not that I expect any to be on here anyway)
  • NSFW is very rare from me. Not looking for it. If it happens it's usually because that's where the story went and usually after a long time, when I'm comfortable with you
  • Replies range from every few hours to every few days. I will usually be able to communicate daily even if I don't reply just to let you know what's up.
  • Usually writes 3-4 paragraphs per post. Occasional one-liners for sustained dialogue.
  • Am alright with most mature topics.
  • I communicate.

A stranger, looking at me

I've been expecting you. Please

  • Reply in the same range. I probably won't be able to reply as fast as you'd like if you write a response every 30 minutes and I'll assume you dropped the rp if you dip for a week.
  • Communicate. I want some decent OOC interaction just so we're both clear on what we (don't) want to see, where you want our characters to be, etc. Talk things through before you make a major decision regarding characters not your own.
  • Shoulder the same responsibility. I'm not looking for Tolstoy but please give me more than consistent one-liners so I don't carry the story. Also, if there are more, lesser characters, I expect you to make/play as much as I.
  • Don’t use real people for face claims. I’m completely fine with not having art of your character.

What I like

fandoms, genres
How I like it

Plots, vibes, dynamics, etc.

I don't really like doing in-world roleplays, these are moreso an exploration of the kinds of themes I like as reflected in media.
  • Yuki Midorikawa works, notably Natsume Yuujinchou
  • Studio Ghibli films, notably Howl's Moving Castle, Nausicaa, Princess Mononoke
  • Black Butler, Moriarty the Patriot
  • Noragami


All of these can be added on top of each other
  • action; I like violence, whether cartoonish or realistic
  • fantasy; I usually do low fantasy but high is okay. I don’t do well with lots of characters though
  • horror; never tried it but it seems interesting
  • romance; (read: yearning) I mostly play male or non-gendered characters just because they’re more familiar. I can play a female one upon request but they might just sound like a guy in a woman’s body ngl
  • the supernatural; not really a genre but I like ghosts and spirits and gods and shit

  • A game of cat and mouse; Muse A is on the hunt for Muse B in some shape or form. Muse B enjoys being prey and sometimes turning the tables…
  • Office politics; doesn’t have to be in a corporate office. Muse A and Muse B are both scrabbling to make it up the ladder and there can only be one at the top.
  • Gods and monsters; a family of plots regarding gods and spirits
    • Muse A is a god brought to its knees by Muse B, either through force or longing. Muse B may or may not be aware of the power they hold.
    • Muse A is a guardian spirit that has protected Muse B’s household for generations. Now they’re in trouble and Muse B must return the favor.
    • Muse A can see the unseen. They’re the only one who knows Muse B isn’t human(or whatever the norm is)
    • Muse A has been replaced by something. Muse B notices they’re acting strange.
    • Muse A, an outcast, befriends Muse B, a spirit or god of some kind.
  • Waking up; a family of plots regarding sleep and dreams
    • Muse A is an ancient being that has woken up in Muse B’s times.
    • Muse A has sudden episodes of narcolepsy. Muse B cares for them, whether Muse A knows it or not.
    • Muse A and Muse B are strangers. However, every time they sleep there is a shared dream where they meet.
    • Muse A is a great presence of ineffable power. Muse B is desperately trying to keep them from waking lest they destroy the world, for it is but Muse A’s dream.
  • Follower; Muse A stalks Muse B, whether as a supernatural entity, over-enthusiastic devotee, or criminal. Muse B must either fight or run, though they can’t run forever.
  • Alone together; Muse A and Muse B are forced into proximity in an isolating environment.
  • Mobsters and money; Muse A is a gangster(ranging anywhere from a small time gangbanger to the head of an international criminal organization), Muse B is rich and wants to either take the elusive A down or convince them to join them, whether through moral or immoral means.

If you are interested, do reply. I'm subscribed so no need to ping.
@savvy Delete your post, this thread is full. Also it’s very rude posting on the IC
Spring in Hokkaido.

Flowers crown the trees on the edges of the farms he pedals past. As the wheels on his bike whir they kick up dust, obscuring like the sun in his eyes; a hand doubles its duty to wipe off sweat before resting on his forehead. The farmers were up earlier than he— there they were, men rolling on in fancy American tractors spilling the seeds of the summer harvest.

He takes his attention off the bare fields, the shimmering lakes and the mountains in the distance and turns it to the new teacher. That’s right, there’s a new teacher that’ll be starting at the beginning of this term, fresh out of college and straight from Tokyo. What kind of person could that be, to go to a place considered career suicide before his career even started? Well. He will be finding out soon enough, he supposes. It’s best not to feel pre-emptive pity for people; it’s just another negative assumption.

And like that he rolls onto the main street with all the businesses, all the pavement. Today will be the first day he comes in for work.

He slows the bike in front of the small building. It is two unnecessary stories tall and much newer than the other buildings, and even then its white walls have been grayed by the soot and weathering of life. A dirty sneaker takes its place on the concrete; the bike’s wheels slow and then come to a stop. He walks it up the stairs like a reluctant mastiff and it is stored in the bike room.
@cyberhead Do you want to start it off? If not, I want to.

Also we never discussed where in rural Japan this takes place so I just assumed Hokkaido when I made my char.
He's finally up! Now to draw him. A photo will be up tomorrow probably.

Sugiyama Chizuo 杉山 千鶴夫

Nicknamed Tsuru-sensei for the crane kanji in his name and also his demeanor.

A man in between youth and middle age, where wear lines are starting to creep onto his once-handsome features. He still looks good, certainly much better than the other teachers who are nearing their fifties and sixties, but it's clear that the days where he was objectively attractive are past. Has upturned, deep brown eyes and particularly deep-set crow's feet, carved in by years of joy and sorrow. Slightly taller than average and slight. Has the wisps of a mustache on his upper lip and a neat side part. His voice is plaintive and serene, like every word is an elegy for an enemy. Wears western styles.

A gentle, quiet, but aloof teacher who teaches both English and Japanese. While he does reserve some resentment for the rowdy kids and the little scraps of funding he has to work with, he ultimately he values his job. Studied abroad in England before returning to Japan to teach but found little full-time work and thus had to come back to his home town. Beleaguered by the pressure placed onto him by parents and the rest of the understaffed school, so very hard to reach when he's finally released from his duties.

Advisor of the culture club.

Has few friends as most of them have moved out from the tiny farming village for greener pastures. Still old-fashioned and doesn't have a cell phone. Rarely talks to his friends on his sister's landline. More often writes them. Otherwise a very lonely person. The elders see him standing on the shore, staring at the water some mornings. It seems his hobby is thinking, or nothing at all.

A nice singing voice and a particularly unbroken falsetto are wasted on him.

Lives in his childhood home in a guest room with his younger sister and her family. They've accepted that he's probably never going to start one of his own and will remain as Uncle Chizuo until he dies. His quarters are surprisingly messy despite how neat his area in the faculty room is. Rides his sister's tandem bike to work every day.
I did not know there was a characters tab

Also how in the fuck do I delete a post

accidentally posted char sheet here lmao
Wsp!! I'm qiao, similar age and roleplaying experience as you.

I'm interested in your teacher x teacher idea first and foremost, but I can totally see fitting some of your other ideas in there. For example, an enthusiastic, optimistic new hire is introduced to an older, disillusioned mentor. This can take place in the late 90's, a time where the prevalent feelings are hope for the new century but also fear for what the future will bring, creating a direct parallel with the characters' personalities. There can also be a bit of drama regarding the social taboo of being gay in such a setting and I think it'd be interesting to see how our characters navigate that. If you want to discuss further into this, do reach out.

As for what I have to offer just so you're more convinced, I
- have been roleplaying for nearly a decade (whether I am good at it or not remains to be seen)
- can do faceclaims for my characters, but they'll all be shitty scans of sketchbook drawings until I get my tablet fixed
- am alright with most mature themes (only exception I can think of is if you get off to like. snuff, that's kinda weird,)
- can communicate daily even if I don't update daily. I try to update from every few hours- 3 days at most and will let you know if life gets in the way.
- am open to criticism (including rewrites if you don't know what I'm saying lol)

And lastly, what I want:
- good communication from you too; lmk what you're uncomfortable with if it comes up, what you'd like to see, etc.
- a wholesome story? I don't mean that nothing serious or bad happens to these characters, just that they experience genuine growth and have heartwarming moments with each other regardless of the outcome of the story itself
- understands basic english (will not be incomprehensible) (good news I understood your post so you pass this with flying colors !!)
- general vibes of silliness and whimsy (I am half joking here; you don't have to be a clown but also don't take yourself too seriously you know)

Anyway I mentioned this before but hmu if you think we're a good fit! Looking forward to it.
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