Avatar of Rabbitconfusion


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15 days ago
Current My beloved Nikola who is (HEIGHT) tall
15 days ago
Me watching my editing friend add commas to my writing: wow this is some wizard stuff right here
23 days ago
President of the chronic page refreshers club
1 mo ago
Similar to clueless dm I think being an unreliable narrator dm would be fun.
1 mo ago
Playing clueless characters in DND works great for me because I often miss lots of information and don't know what's going on. It's method acting.


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Old player returning after a few years.

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I might be interested in joining!
I have a Pokémon trainer oc I’d love to drop in.

Just want to check if a gym leader character (ex. Misty, Clement, Brock, Cilan, etc). Totes cool if not I can just put this as earlier in their life (may still do it anyway idk).
Gwyn closed her eyes with relief as the pain and exhaustion left her body and she felt the sun on her face.


The sun?

She opened her eyes and she was surrounded by purple water. A lot of it. An ocean she supposed. If it wasn’t for the strong sense of calm the endless nothing surely would have put her into a panic. There was a low rumble and she looked up to see a giant serpent. It dove down and landed in front of her on top of the water. She looked at it stand on the water and put her hand on top of the surface of the water. “Huh”, she pulled herself out of the water and sat on it cross legged. The serpent was blurry and squinting made nothing clearer.

Hello little one.

She learned her head and torso forward in a small bow. “Hello”
Being in the presence of such an ancient and powerful being was comforting for Gwyn rather than intimidating.

You have come from rather far away… And proven yourself of great interest since the moment you entered the room. My child has taken great interest in you… and for that, I will grant you a gift. A prophecy. It may be about anything you wish… though, if you would prefer, I could simply tell you of your future.

Gwyn sat in silent thought. She had questions she wanted to ask the dragon unrelated to prophecy. Her mind drifted back to her home and working with her mother. She wanted to return to that. This adventure was a step in returning home. She wanted to know if she would return home to serve her community when this was all over. She opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. She was terrified of the answer. If it was no…
She didn’t know how she would live with that. It would drain all life from her. A tear ran down her face.
Gwynn stood there with her hands clasped behind her back maintaining eye contact with Dula.


Gwynn had just enough time to react to her minds warning though the reaction was hardly a decision of her own as a memory of her grandmother gently whacking young Gwyn with a cane and a reminder of "your composure young lady!" swept through hef mind. Gwyn clenched her hands tightly behind her back and sent all focus to keeping that tension. The pain hit her and she clenched her teeth. The pain doubled but no reaction was visible on Gwyn's face to give Dula the satisfaction she was almost certainly hoping for.

”You’re surprisingly honest. Very well. You may present yourself to the eggs.”
Her eyes fell to the table and her face broke into a smile with a small laugh. The pain that had been inflicted upon Gwyn was largely Dula checking Gwyn for honesty, some of it though was just Dula being upset. It was childish. Anyway enough of messing with this woman. Now there were things to do of actual importance. Her legs were wobbly, her bad knee was only complaining louder, she was exhausted, and she was hungry. She was being held up by strength that was not hers and she was grateful for it. She reached into her bag, undid the clasp that held her cane folded up, and pulled it out. Her face became respectful and reverent and she walked up the stage to kneel in front of the eggs. She paused a moment to listen to the eggs and spoke in her native language, "I believe one of you has seen interest in me yes?"
Very short response lol
She was glad to be bothering Dula.

“Yes” She answered simply and honestly. She wasn’t interested in explaining further. She had a duty to her people that she has always fully accepted. Of course dying was not something she planned on doing.
When mother Dula flattened her expression Gwynn did the same.

“This stone is imbued with magic. It is rather weak, but it is capable of showing when one is telling the truth.” The priestess scooped up the blade and looked it over. ”This blade is laced with black-adder venom. It will kill you in an instant if it so much as breaks your skin. Now tell me… do you sense any aggressive intent?”

It took much more concentration than Gwynn was used to, but she could sense Mother Dula’s meaning. As if Gwynn was slipping into the cracks of Mother Dula’s psyche. The priestess had lied. The stone was not enchanted. It was hardly more than green quartz. There was something more though, hidden behind those sharp, emerald eyes. It was impossible to make out until a wave of energy rushed through Gwynn. She could see it, just beyond a crack in Mother Dula’s visage.

Gwynn tossed the rock behind her hitting the assailant in the chest knocking the wind out of them.

“No but I am sensing a stick up your ass. You should probably get that checked out”she said in an expressionless tone.

“One, if you’ve only heard good things about my host family then you must not be very good at reading the news you do get. Two, that’s not how black adder venom works”

She wondered if she ought to tell Dula she already knew a couple individuals who had already begun to bond with dragons. She decided instead to smile at Dula brattily and knowingly. “So” she yawned “what happens next
Gwyn watched the shuffling of tables with amusement.

“Who has drawn the first slip?”

She didn’t even get a chance to raise her hand before Dula make eye contact with her and smirked. Gwynn recognized this smirk as the polite equivalent of grabbing a snack to watch somebody make a fool of themselves. Gwyn flashed her eyebrows at Dula acknowledging her gaze with a similar amusement thinking to herself *I know something you dooonnt*. One of them was going to end up being wrong and the other would very much enjoy it.

Dula gestured and more funny table shuffling ensued. The fact that no objects had fallen off of these tables yet was almost more impressive than the dragon eggs.

“Come. Introduce yourself.”

She walked up to the table and faced Dula.
“I am Lady Gwynn-Theophania Saven of the house of Cairnrel. Daughter of Theophania-Morgan Saven”. She had recited it often to various nobles.

She looked down at the table and sarcastically muttered to herself in her native tongue, “ah yes! The classic green rock and drippy knife”. It hadn’t occurred to her that Dula might actually recognize the language she spoke in. Her village was among the few that still spoke it however it did see continued usage when performing magic. This meant that there was a good chance Dula could recognize it, but only understood the phrases and words used in rituals. It was incredibly unlikely she would understand the full language, and impossible that she knew the village specific dialect and accent that Gwynn spoke in.
I'd be interested in chief medical officer.

@amorphical You and I have the same mind lol. I love random engineer characters.
Before Gwynn had a chance to think about what to do next her wrist was grabbed and she was being pulled off by someone far shorter than her. She stumbled in surprise for a moment and barely avoided falling over. Mary led her to a table that almost certainly was not meant for either of them.

I’m sorry for that Lady Gwynn, and for not recognising you sooner, you have grown much since I last saw you. But what are you doing here? Did they hurt you? Are you okay?”

She stood there for a moment dazed, still slightly bent over as Mary hadn’t yet let go of her wrist. “Um uhhh” she shook her head like a wet dog “right yes um I’ll be honest I don’t know exactly what I’m doing here…. I suppose same as everybody else.” She paused and gently shook her wrist out of Mary’s grasp so she could stand up straight. “I’m doing about as okay as anybody else here given the situation” she looked down at her piece of paper again. “And it looks like I’m up first” she sighed.
Gwynn found Dula to be impressively annoying. She couldn’t imagine calling this woman “mother”. Despite her dislike she listened attentively. Now was not the time to miss any information. A lot was being told to her. So much had gone on the past hour that didn’t have much ability to process it. That would have to be a task for later.

She shuffled up with everybody else and drew a piece of paper. First place. No chance to observe others and learn what to expect from them. She didn’t even have a clue as to what this “test” would look like.
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