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How the hell do you slice someone in half with a knife? Did he take multiple swings until he got all the way through?

He's both that strong and skilled to do that, it's not an exaggeration when lots of heroes (And sometimes villains) pulls their punches on normal people. Korbl in this case didn't and ended up outright just cutting a man in half.
Editted, waiting for GM approval.
@Master Crim

I see, cause I was thinking of makimg a neutral character, so I was wondering in between large collab events, I would be crafting my own story that would eitger build into the next main story or expand my own characters story?

Or would you occasionally guide or put an update for these sidestories?

So just to check, we're free to make our own stories exploring the cities/underground so long it within reason during the downtime (Which I suppose also builds into the main story)?
Crap, was a little late in my posting. Sorry.

Skarsneek of the Red Hill

Its worked? Great Demon Lord, it worked. Skarsneek continued to held up high the helmet, even waving and shouting threateningly at the remaining Varjan that quickly turned tail.

He’ll loved to pursue them but as it is, securing the place was far more important. The stragglers will have to be moped up as bandits in the far future.

Hearing Ayu talked them up had him smiling despite the exhaustion and urge to just lay down as the headache grew.

Though his ears picked up the consequences of the monsters did jerked him up a bit as he considered it.

“Yea, but think on this, morale is low and they’ll need every bit of it.” Skarsneek pointed out to Shizuka quietly, “Also makes it easier to operate since they’re more likely to trust us.”

“I'm surprised they even kept him alive, Varjans aren't usually known for mercies. This is downright lenient compared to what they often” He replied to the topic though he had a few suspicion. "They must be trying to get him to turn by treating him well, or torturing him for information."

"Anyways, yea, let's head back," Skarsneek said to everyone. The raid turned out better than expected.

They might run into someone in the way back, but that'll depends on the task force. For Skarsneek, he was heading straight back.


Gringor of the Ironhide Tribe

Gringor raised his axe sideway with a smile, this one had a spine!

Also like that idiotic sneaky and annoying Gobbo, adjusting his swing, he utilized the far-reaching length for a sharp horizontal strike. Aimed for the wrist since it felt suspicious to Gringor. He'll then follow it up with another flurry of strikes. Taking a slightly cautious approach to this fight.

After all, he also wanted to appreciate this fight for a bit longer too. The camp fight was way too fast for his liking.

Besides, he also has yet to show this person his own funny joke.
[ARC 2]


The dark clouds rolled in, and throughout the town, Haku kept to the quiet areas as he looked through the place.

Once he spotted his quarry, he quickly approached the man quietly before flinging his arms once from out of sight.

Ryu Burnet, wherever he was, would soon receive a letter. One that flew towards him and stuck into a table, attached to an iron needle that would’ve easily be used for knitting rather than sewing.

Reading it, a simple message stated its intention and location.

Will be helping for the night but stay alert sir.

-H. Marine of the Kirin

In the dark depths of the forest, a blurred figure flitted past the trees almost like a wight as they blurred from one tree to another.

Haku eyes looked around as the storm was now beginning to pick up and winds interfered with his ears, barely able to pick up finer details as the entire forest shuddered.

Patrolling around the area outside of the village and expected zones, Haku landed in one of the shorter trees. Stout but wide enough for him to hide amongst it, and in this dark, he might as well be invisible.

Studying the path, it felt odd, they’ve should’ve been traces of something if the pirates planned to do something.

Then he noticed something, a fruit, alone a fallen tree log. It wouldn’t have barred a second look but Haku mind wondered idly as he looked around the forest.

Why is there a fruit out of nowhere, one that was far away from its trees?

Suspicion came and he moved closer with a leap, observing the area from above before his keen eyes noticed something.

There were a lot of tracks, and odder, it was the imprint of a person's lower body.

Someone was trapped here.

Using the branch as a foothold, he wrapped his legs and hung upside down like a bat sleeping as he took a closer gander.

He looked at the fallen log and to a set of lighter tracks, which came from the direction of the village.

Another one came.

This was where a third set of footprints came, with none of them going back to the village direction and instead headed in the opposite direction.

That struck his suspicion immensely as he trailed the tracks quickly. The rain would’ve erased everything so forgoing perfect stealth, he opted for speed instead.

Minutes passed as his surroundings blurred, his immense focus tunnel vision on the tracks as it felt like hours before he reached what looked to be a small harbor, an area that he had missed due to time constraint.

In the ever-darkening skies and light, it took a moment to recognized the tracks leads further and it didn’t take him long to realize what was going.

Moving to a higher ground, he finally caught sight of a familiar shape against the water. Being hidden almost perfectly in the dark, it would’ve missed his notice if Cadog hadn’t drilled him sufficiently.


His thoughts slowed as he took multiple deep breaths to steady himself for a moment of clarity. Only, then did he made his plan as he looked at the surroundings and back to the suspected area.

If there was a village that was kidnapped, then it’ll be imperative that he rescue them first.

But if he does that, then the pirates will no doubt range forward to the town for easy pickings and there’s a chance others might get hurt.

A choice came, and time was of the essence.

Haku steeled himself as he quickly moved away from the high ground

Using his outdoor skills, he quickly moved around and crafted simple traps. Logs and trees that stood normally but small vines at a level just above the feet, leading to people that simply walked into it having a rude surprise.

Small little holes that are meant more to suck people’s foot in, delaying them. Haku contemplated adding little wooden spikes into for further damage but that wasn’t his intention. It was a delaying action.

Just in time too, as the rain now begun to fell harshly. Now those little traps, hard to be seen on a moon light night was now invisible to all but the most competent ones.

Observing the first few pirates moving away as time crept on, Haku decided to make his move.

Cut off their way of escape, rescue the hostage and engage in a hunt.


Skarsneek of the Red Hill

From the blurred vision of his eyes, Skarsneek could only catch the tail end of the fight as Na’kratz finally fell.

Being laid flat on his back and blood oozing in small droplets, Skarsneek took a moment to recover with deep breaths.

Once the world stopped spinning, he sat back up in relief.

“Well, that went better than expected. We’re lucky he chose to be an idiot.” He muttered at the close brush they had, if Na’kratz chose differently, It would’ve been them that’ll be on the ground dead.

Small mercies, he suppose. Skarsneek touched his forehead and flicked the blood away before looking at them. “Everyone alright?”

“I suggest we get ourselves patched up, we’re gonna need to move fast. There’s still a fight to be won.” Skarsneek groggily got up to his feet, moving to the fallen sorcerer and unceremoniously tugging at his helmet.

It took a few tries but once Skarsneek managed to pried it off, he’ll spin it with one finger before catching it.

He’s not gonna cut his head off so a helmet would do.

“Hmm? This? Well, you’ll see.” He smiled cunningly to his comrades, no need for further explanation as he walked outside confidently with Na’Kratz helmet in hand.

Once he does, he’ll raise the helmet theatrically and arms wide open.

“Na’Kratz is dead! He roared loudly and felt his throat burned. “Your leader is dead!"


Gringor of the Ironhide Tribe

Receiving such a noncommittal answer, Gringor only shrugged his shoulders and left things be.

Moments after he turned and left, something slammed his head hard enough from the back that he fell face-first into the ground.

Gringor's mind stopped working, as he tried to reason himself how he ran straight into a wall. Did it snuck up onto him?

Only when he lifted his head from the ground and looked back as his fingers rubbed the back of his head, Gringor noticed the crossbow bolt and come to rest at Keith who had a crossbow in hand.

“Funny joke,” Gringor said with a smile, though there was none of the eagerness nor sincerity in it as he cracked his neck and rolled his shoulder back. He then marched towards Keith, axe in hand instead of shoulder this time. “Here, Gringor has a joke. Dead funny joke.”
[ARC 2]


Sounds of hammering came as the mast of Kirin was finally repaired and made sail-worthy. They’ll have to request for a proper change during their maintenance in East Blue HQ but for now, the patch job their carpenters did will have to do.

Idly, Cadog left eye twitched before quickly heading back inside the captains quarter, where charts and tools laid in the centre.

“Report.” He said, seemingly to no one as he kept his gaze on the map, making and plotting a course mentally.

Then without warning, a shadow landed next to his sides. One knee against the floor as the latter face was covered in a mask.

“Multiple locations have been spotted for an infiltration, so far, none of them have traces of being used.” Haku, cadet Marine and also Cadog’s scout, returned as he briefed the latter on the geography. “One noteworthy place is the ruined city, located deep in Melody island.”

“A ruined city you say?” Cadog looked at the map and adjusted one of the pieces, a block of wood representing the area.

“Indeed. I, however, didn’t manage to fully scout the place but if there’s one sure place to hide, it’ll be there.”

“Hmm.” Cadog shook his head as he opened a flask for a quick sip. “You need to be faster, there are times where you need to read and learn the lay of the land in an instant.”


“We’re not wasting time, you’ll be tasked to defend this place should any of them come as planned. Work with former commodore Ryu Burnet- He’s the bodyguard of the mayor.” Cadog quickly had Haku catch up to speed, smacked his lips at the canteen.

“He’s a marine?”

“Former, and probably the only person worth his salt on this island.”

“The rest of us are to sail to their base of operation. Blasted storm couldn’t picked a better time, I swear-” Cadog rapped the table with the flask, signalling the start and offered Haku before withdrawing it when the latter shook his head.

“Very well, also, Captain, if I may?”

Cadog stopped to listen, inches away from the door.

“There’s a child here looking interested in joining the marine. Peppermint, I believe, Coriander says she has potential and I’ll evaluate her worth.”

“Hmph,” Cadog only grunted in agreement, giving Haku full authority and trusting his judgement on it.

“Thank you, captain.” Haku replied as Cadog left the room and he in turn, disappeared in a flash as he snuck through the small open window port.

From afar, the marines begun their preparation to leave as the ropes were untied, anchors lifted and the sails being unfurled.

Cadog look at the wind before taking a long inhalation of the salted air and bellowed loudly to his crew. “Cast off you mangy dog!”

“You heard the cap, cast off!”

While everyone was focused on the marines departure, one figure moved away and headed deeper into the island. Managing to blend themselves by looking as one of the villagers with none the wiser.

Hmm, former commodore, I wonder why he left the marines? Haku thought as he made his way closer to the mayor’s place.


This is why I hate Varjan sorcerers. He cursed inwardly between each blow, normal sorcerers would’ve been goners at close range but Varjans just had to train theirs in close combat decently.

With no other choice and chances, Skarsneek rolled with the punches instead. Na’kratz hits landed and would’ve noticed something changed if he had his mind, since it felt lighter and less impact than before.

Yet in his maddened state, it just bolstered him to go on the offense.

Skarsneek for his part, had to tighten his belt as he rolled his neck, body and shoulders to absorb, disperse then slide the attack away all at once. He was still taking damage but it allowed a breathing room for him and others to take advantage of the opening.

Then at the corners of his eyes, he had to blink severals times before realizing it was darkened shadowy hands reaching out instead of his vision getting swollen.

Sharply and instead of rolling with the punch, he snapped his head forwards instead towards Na’kratz’s fist.

A loud thump and crack echoed across the room, as the fist met the forehead.

Skarsneek saw stars in his head and legs buckled backward but it was done as he grinned proudly.

Na’Kratz’s wrist was bent, even with the armor, Skarsneek's head had forced his fist at a bad angle and such force, it had added into the damage of the wrist.

The goblin's vision, however, darkened as blood poured from the wounds of his head. Despite being a monster, taking a mailed fist straight on hadn’t been kind to him either.

Yet it was done, the brief stop had allowed time for the Io spell to grasp him in place. Hopefully.

Skarsneek can only hope Shizuka followed up, cause he certainly won’t be able to.



“Yes, Gringor is with taskforce.” He deadpanned but hearing the stranger said he’s with the Varjan but still having privilege to bash them in was odd. Still, it was annoying since he had been promised.

But honoring promises is also important, so Gringor hummed a bit before reaching to an idea. A particularly cunning idea.

“If you can’t fight, then tell me, any fighters on the Varjan side that are strong? Or important?” He asked, better to squeeze some information. Ones that they aren’t aware of at least. "Anything they can do? How many bois they lead? Where are they?"

Honestly, Gringor figured if he can bash in the head of the Warboss, it’ll help a lot. More fun too.

Eitherways, Gringor continued to make his way to the docks afterwards, he wanted to get into the fight as soon as possible.
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