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7 mos ago
Current @The Irish Tree - What game? I just finished Armored Core 6 and need something new to play~
8 mos ago
My shifts are night shifts!
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8 mos ago
I work long shifts so I have long weekends. Just jam a bunch of posts in that time off~
10 mos ago
I have this week off. No work for seven days~
11 mos ago
You guys feel confident in your posts? Unreal~


If you're here taking a peek might as well have something to look at. Here are some samples.

Most Recent Posts

Rune Berg

Vacantly, Rune's eyes blinked twice at Hoshiko's response to his questioning. It was difficult to overestimate how literal she was. Slowly he just smiled, tickled by her humor. Intentional or not, it worked on him. Shaking his head, it made another attempt at the slipper noodles.

Mistakenly he had thought the udon would somehow be easier to eat with chopsticks—rookie mistake. Finally getting a good hold on a few more noodles, he looked triumphant right as Rose arrived, crashing down at their table. Focus failed as he flinched from her abrupt arrival. The noodles took a plunge back to their dark broth.

Squeezing the chopsticks with enough force, they creaked in protest rune sighed. Rose was tenacious. Her personality and frame were why Rune considered Frames to reflect the pilot. Her aggressive nature somehow slipped by being abrasive. He enjoyed her company even if they weren't much alike. They had both served in their country during the outbreak, so he felt a soldier's comradery; he wasn't sure she shared it with him.

"Ohayō," he responded, welcoming her to the table with a slight bow of his head.

Elise placing her chopsticks down caught his attention. Eyes met hers as she silently addressed each of them. Setting his chopsticks down in solidarity, not at all because he was frustrated. He gave her his full attention as she shared what she'd heard.

He stared at the table as he considered what she had heard. It was a bit concerning.

"Hmmm," he basically growled, the inflection of thought sounding more like a grumble in his chest.

Jennifer made an interesting point.

"Could be a rotating schedule so we won't all have to fight every day." he offered in agreement with Jennifer. There was, however, a layer to this that he hoped was wrong. They currently didn't fight every day, so that could mean there would be much tougher times ahead.

"Seems more likely related to reclaiming Saitama. Right Elise? May be bigger than initially thought..." he drifted off thinking.

He considered who they would pair him with. Hoshiko and Jennifer could fly, giving them ground and air control. Rose and him were a force on the ground, the good old sword, and shield. Elise would be good in any configuration. He wished she had heard more so they could strategize. All things considered, though, any of them would be a good pair or trio. He was confident in their abilities.
Rune Berg

"Itadakimasu~" Echoed the fellow pilot as he arrived just behind the others at the table.

With practiced dexterity, he slid the tray in his only hand onto the table before sitting beside Jennifer and across from Elise. Though his tray was similarly piled with food, it was far from Hoshiko's. A far more reserved bowl of udon, a large salad, two cookies, and a banana.

Pulling the chair back to have a bit more legroom, Rune, the veritable giant, sat. he always enjoyed sitting next to Jennifer, giving the broad height contrast between them. He was confident that standing, she was barely above eye-level with his navel.

Taking in the three, he started with the pilot across from him. Elise looked pensive and in thought. He had a feeling he knew what was on her mind; he hoped to chat with her about the coming mission. She was the most reserved from his perspective, and appreciated for her consistency. He gave her a kind smile as he settled into his seat. They trained and worked a lot on the airship. He didn't want to bring it up while they relaxed and ate, leaving it for her to bring up. If she wanted to, or he would wait until later.

The little one beside him understandably chimed up about Hoshiko's eating. Rune felt he could always tell how her memory was treating her by how much she reacted to his height. He related to her, though. They were all injured somehow, but Jennifer and his were easier to see on the surface. She was sweet, so he did his best not to let her forgetfulness bother him.

"Hoshiko," he said with a mild emphasis as not to directly correct Jennifer. "I still can't believe you'll eat all of that. Where does it go?!" he said with a chuckle and a shake of the head. "I'm twice your size, and I don't think I could finish one of your meals..." his voice was low and husky. Resonating deep in his chest, giving a bassy hum to his words.

Futaba Hoshiko was a ray of sunshine. What wasn't there to like? They hadn't had all the time in the world to get close, but she had magnetic energy. He wanted to reach out and ruffle her hair for being so charming, but he held himself to better standards than that.

He tucked into his meal, still getting used to chopsticks; the udon was slow going. Determined, though, he pressed on, trying to find his coordination. There never had been a point that he showed any frustration with only having one arm. Even when learning new things with his non-dominant hand, Rune always approached the challenge with resolve and determination.

Oh! I assumed japanese was the common language. Easy fix. ^^

Room for one more?
@SaltSightAwesome. Glad you're interested. What caught your eye?

The setting and themes are some of my favorite. Dystopian cyberpunk with gangs mixed in is a winning recipe for me. I'm torn between E Street or Black Maria!
This looks fun, count me in~
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