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4 yrs ago
Current Space: The final frontier. The womb: The first frontier. Somewhere between those two: the ocean.
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4 yrs ago
Lost? Confused? Lacking direction? Need to find a purpose in your life?
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<Snipped quote by Sanity43217>

I know @Crimson Flame may have some plans for the symbiote of this universe. DM him before get too deep just so everything's fine and in alignment.

Yeah, it’s either that or a more mystical spiderman.
I’m working on a semi venomised OC. Essentially before he was bitten he was getting treated with suspicious biomatter to try and cure a genetic ailment he had growing up. Essentially the spider bite awakens part of the Symbiote DNA that was injected in him and fused it with his own.
"Well you have been making sense, and acting pretty confident, which is more than the rest of us can say, so kind of."

“That my dear friend…” He did finger guns towards Albert. “Is called acting.” Ryder said with a smirk. It was easy to say things and sound confident. Plus if you say anything confidently with enough confidence people will believe it.
Ryder looked at the others then to Lucian with a confused expression. “Why does everyone assume I know what’s going on?” He turned to the others who were displaced in time with him. “Do I look like I know what’s going on?” He said gesturing to himself.
“If the rifts follow us, the least we can do is get them to follow us into an unpopulated area.” Ryder said. “If the rifts are destined to happen where they are, and we escape.” Ryder considered his options. Summoning Ebony and Ivory. “I suppose there’s only one way to tell, and it would help get civilians out of here.” He paused. “Does anyone remember an active shooter situation before everything kicked off?” He said before firing his gun into the roof a couple times.
"What caused all those rifts in the first place? I assume it was tied to the sore loser in the black robes?" after a short pause to think he adds "If it is time travel then things should play out the same until one of us changes something, I think? Unless that guy also remembers what happened?"

“Or we already have…” Rhyder chimed in. “What if time is predetermined. Set in stone. He came back in time because we were always going to, because we already had.” With the existence of time travel now very much confirmed, it didn’t help to think in linear time. “These beings with the power to send us through time might not even perceive time as linear like us. All of this could have already happened, and we were sent back so we would survive. We can’t change what has already happened. Maybe we are just meant to run.”
“Time travel.” Rhyder said rather matter of factly. Oddly enough an hour ago he didn’t even believe any of this was real, but now he could feel a wealth of experience that wasn’t his and had witnessed some pretty wild things. “Which probably doesn’t bode well for us.” He was trying to take stock of the situation. “So now he have a time limit, because we still don’t know how to stop those rifts from exploding, if we even can.” He took his sunglasses off. “We don’t even know how this time travel will affect things? Will things still turn out the same because this had already happened?”
“Demons.” Something deep within Ryder was amused at how simple it would be. A third of him was a professional demon Hunter and another third was a professional monster Hunter before becoming a vampire. The remaining third was a soldier for hell.
As a red eyed figured lunged at Ryder he gracefully side stepped and placed Ivory on the being’s forehead before blowing its brains out. The bullet infused with demonic magic to prevent it from reforming. He levelled Ebony at another red eyed individual. Painting the room behind it with its brains. “Is this it?” Something within Ryder wanted to flex its muscles.
Shaking the sleep off, a green glow emanated from with Rhyder as his bones cracked into place. “You put me through hell, you better be ready for the consequences.” Rhyder yelled out as he fired a single bullet at the dark wizard as he stormed up to the stage.
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